
4 Гh€ ГIm€ €Her¥Гhing Go€s ₩rong (The time everything goes wrong)

Nate and Lilly went out and followed a tracker on the chestplate to find 6 more aliens which Mate used the suit to block the incoming bullets and to punch the aliens when they got to close and the punch was like 10x the force of a normal one stunning or killing the alien with one hit. While Lilly was using Greg to shoot the aliens that were to far away. They took down the 6 and proceeds to find 7 others along their path. They dominated them using the same tactic which they later called The Juggernaught Primo. They used this same tactic while they killed even more aliens, they had killed 57 aliens now. They weren't sure why there were so many of them so they decided they would ask greg after they killed these last two aliens. The first alien there turned into a octopus and sprayed ink at Lilly but Nate stepped in front of her and stood while he watched the ink turn into a toxic gas Which smelled hideous and when they started coughing they went out of their formation which the other alien turned into a giant rat ran up at went to bite Nate but bit his armor and the bottom half of the mouses face turned to ash and fell off the alien ran back and the alien took skin from the stomach and moved it to it's face and repaired it Lilly was grabbed by the squid and squezzed by the tentacles as she resisted she fired the gun around 50 times hitting the squid only once as the tentacles got a better grip on her neck and started to choke her. Nate ran up and punched the squids tentacle stunning the squid and making it drop Lily. Lily then shot the squid to death and then turned and shot at the giant rat as it ran at them it got to them without bienge shot and bit at Nate and lost it's lower part of his face again and the Lily held in the trigger shooting it in the head over 20 times. It fell and layed dead, Lily and Nate quickly got out of there before the smell got any worse they had killed 59 aliens now but that was the first time they had broke their formation like they did today they decided to call it a day. It was exactly a month since their friend had died and they had to take over his job of stoping the aliens. "Hey greg, How many aliens are left?" Nate asked while looking at greg in Lily's hand. "There is only 1 left that they could have sent do to it blowing out cause they stole it from us and they don't know how to stop the self destruct trigger that triggerds after the 60'th person is sent back to the past. Expect him to be stronger than the rest." Greg said casually. Lily and Nate high fived and said "Let's go." They asked greg "Where is the last alien?" Greg said "He hasn't been sent back yet. They must be getting the strongest they can find because their even losing the battle in the past. I'm guessing he'll show up soon." "Ok." Lily said, "We'll wait for him to come and in that peiod we'll train after school to be able to defeat him." Lily and Nate went to brush their teeth and then they went to bed. Like normal they took the squares to school and it was a normal day after they got out of school they walked the same way to their house when Greg abruptly interupted their conversation and said " He's here thirty feet to your right get out of there he has a cloaking device you won't be able to see him!" "Got it." Nate said whiling putting on the boots and picked up his sister and started to run to their house but got stopped at the park by their house because Nate was knocked down by an invisible force he jumped up threw on his chestplate and LIly grabbed her gun and she shot in each direction till her gun said" Quickly move he's above you with a hovering device!" Lily jumped out of the way as a giant slam came down where she was she shot at that position hitting something metal and the aliens cloak got released. Lily had broke the cloaking device.The alien kicked her as she shot and hit the alien in the head twice. He healed from it and turned into a eagle and flew away dodging the bullets that was coming from Lily's gun. She jumped up and saw that her brother had been stun somehow through out the fight."He has left our time." Greg said.