
The Thrown Out Prince

Life is unpredictable, anything can happen anytime. Wang Lie is from a noble family. Everything is almost perfect. But Life doesn't go as we wish. Same for Wang Lie, in a day his life changes to something he never dreamed about. what happened to him. is it conspiracy? Did he accept loss/defeat? He is going to prove his worth. From being thrown out and taking step by step to once again reaching the top. continues to read...

DhinakaranRanga · perkotaan
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3 Chs

Wanglie Who is he? Did he jump from the sky?

The procession went smoothly and everyone said their goodbyes and came outside to the parking area.

Many youngsters were waiting for Wang Lie and which vehicle will he use when he returns?

The top families returned to the parking area and had some conversations with top business magnets, bureaucrats, and important families.

Wang Lie came out slowly till now he didn't speak to anyone. He just watched everything silently like a monk. There was no expression in his face, there is no happiness, no frown, no sadness, and it's just serene like the sea at night with moon above with gentle breeze flowing and the sounds of the tides just hides in the background.

The people who came with him got on their Maybach car leaving him behind. People were wondering how he will go now. The people from big families just gave him a glace and continued their work but their youngsters looked at him once in a while.

He just looked around for a second and took his mobile and called someone. His action caught many attention. They looked at him, Wang Lie just took his mobile near his ear and his mouthed once, that's it he cut the call and kept his mobile in his pocket.

Someone said "isn't it too much? Why is he acting mysterious? Did he think he is better than other young masters here and looking down on us?"

Another guy said "Don't think too much. I think he just called his ride to return"

The first one said "Ohh… aren't there many cars of the Jin family gone now? Why didn't he get into one? Is he waiting for the richest car to come back? Isn't he too arrogant or is he showing off too much?"

Second one said "We poor people don't know what does the rich thinks. Let's just wait and see what's going to happen."

Suddenly the is a Wroom.. Sound at the gate of the entrance and everyone turned their heads.

There is a sports bike coming with a biker full covered in black, black coat, black helmet, black leather pant, black shoes.

Except youth who are crazy about bikes no one buys sports bike or rich kids just to show off, seeing sports bike in normal roads or in these kinds of occasion is rare. To keep modesty and show off they all came in costly cars. Those who can afford big branded cars can buy sports bike since the cost of bikes are comparatively low when compared to cars.

One of the youngster said "it's Kwasaki Ninja H2R the fastest sport bike in the world". Many rich youngsters has one of it he continued. Just half million us dollar lol.

One youngsters eyes shown he said "it's a girl riding it"

Everyone ears perked up and looked carefully. From the bikers suite it's difficult to differentiate the gender but if you looked carefully there will be delicate difference. But it still the face or physique is difficult to see.

The bike picked up speed after crossing the gate and raced inwards and once it came near Wang Lie it drifted in a semi-circle and landed beside him.

Many youngsters shown with stars seeing the skill displayed by the girl biker.

One youngster from a second rated big family named Tang Tu came near the biker girl and said "Young miss do you go on a date with me"

One youth said "the playboy of the town can wait to woo the girl in the bike. Don't know how many girls got caught in his hand"

Tang Tu said "Girl if it's in past Jin maybe stronger but now they are declining, they are out of business for more than 20 years. I guess you get what I say it's better to switch to a greener branch than a dead one"

The biker girl didn't seem to hear what he said. She just throw a helmet towards Wang Lie.

Wang Lie caught the helmet, before putting the helmet he just gave a glance to Tang Tu and put on the helmet without saying anything and got on the bike.

Then there is wroom… The biker girl didn't even glance at Tang Tu and accelerated to the exit leaving all the people behind them.

Tang Tu said "oh… a fierce one, I like the fierce type the most. Do you think you can get away from my hands hehehe… "

Tang Tu maybe a playboy and good for nothing but he got many contact with many first tier family youngsters. The first tier family youngsters can't tarnish their family name so if they want to do some bad things they will use tang tu name so that they can say it's Tang Tu who did the bad things and we are clean so that they can escape their family elders.

Tang family head Tang Wen and Tang Tu father came to him and said "Why do you want to provoke the Jin boy. Not many may know you enjoy fooling around but you are not dumb. If you want that girl there are many ways and different occasion to get her. Jin may be absent for two decades but still you can't underestimate them."

He just smiled and said "Father a good dog should know when to bark or bike without asking their owners. It makes them happy you know. I am just testing the water for other families. This way we will get many benefits."

His father just astonished. Their family has declined but because of their son contact they got many contracts from many first tier family and now they are one of the top second tier family.

Before leaving he just laughed and said "Father many families will not let the Jins to get to the top again. So it's better stand at the front to get a big piece of meat"

Tang Wen asked "You should not underestimate the Jins?"

Tang Tu said "Without risk there is no reward. Instead of worrying about one family we should stand with all other family"

Every other families left one after the other slowly. Many spectacular cars moved away from the parking.

The heads of various families reached their home and called on for a meeting with important family members.

Zhong family patriarch Zhong Gao asked his butler, "Did you find anything about the Jin kid"

The butler replied "That kid Jin Wang Lie just arrived 3 days ago from US nothing other than that. Our Immigration office told its a fresh passport just landed in our country.

We are working on foreign investigation agencies. It may take some time"

Zhong Gao "Nothing did the boy jump from the sky three days ago. Watch the Jin family movement carefully. They are up to something. They have been dormant for a long time and we should not let them rise again. Other family will also work against them we will join with the others and we will put the Jin in a box 6 feet beneath our feet."

Che family patriarch Che Min said to his subordinates "Stabilize our business and accelerate the undergoing projects and don't start anything major now. I don't want our family to get caught in the storm. Its better to prepare and brace for the storm"

Yu family madam Yu Jing in her house with many family members surrounding her "HeHeHe Interesting with the Jin surfacing again many thing will change. we will watch from the side-lines and be a fisherman with others fighting with the Jins. Try to push Meir marriage with the Chens."

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