
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs



Ray, Bryan and Ash materialized out of thin air, finding themselves sprawled face down on the ground, the sudden displacement leaving them disoriented.


"My fucking ass hurts!" Ash rubbed his aching butt as he pulled himself up from the rough ground, "Couldn't you have brought us somewhere safe and gentle?"

Ray shook his head from the dizziness and gave him a blank stare, "Oh man, my bad. I forgot I could decide where we could teleport to…"

"Heh!" Bryan chuckled at his sarcasm.

"Anyways, where the fuck are we?" Ray and the other two looked around, clueless as to where they were teleported to.

Ray groaned, pushing himself up with a bewildered expression. He brushed off the dirt from his clothes, his eyes darting around to take in their new surroundings.

They noticed that they were in a small enclosure nestled amidst a breathtaking display of cascading waterfalls. The enclosure seemed like a hidden oasis, shielded from the outside world by towering cliffs adorned with lush vegetation.

Waterfalls, numbering in the dozens, surrounded the trio from all sides. The enclosure itself gave off a sense of tranquillity, carrying with it the invigorating aroma of damp earth and the delicate fragrance of the wild flowers.

"Intentionally or unintentionally, but wherever we go, we seem to come across the most beautiful places we've ever seen." Ash spoke with eyes filled with wonder, taking in the mesmerizing scene.

Bryan slightly nodded but reminded him, "You're right, but don't forget we almost got fucked by that delusional bitch."

Hearing this, Ash immediately frowned with a cold glint flashing across his eyes. He had never expected someone from their powerful sect and someone they had good impressions of to go after their lives.

"Well, at least, we escaped." Ray said as he paced about the ground they were on.

"Makes me wonder if anyone else like her is in the sect." Bryan tapped his chin.

Ash stretched his body with a comforting groan and responded, "I hope not 'cuz that was honestly heart-pounding. She was infinitely stronger than us and we would have been sucked dry of our lifeforce if not for Ray."

"We should thank the system for giving me the amulet in the first place." Ray rubbed his hand reflexively, as the air was chilly.


[You're welcome.]

Ray smiled as Ash continued, "Makes me wanna cultivate to the Shattering Sea Realm as soon as possible to see what rewards we would get from the mission."

"In due time, Ash."

As they were observing the enclosure they were in, Bryan's sharp gaze caught sight of something unusual.

"Guys, look." He pointed towards four obscure-looking swirling portals, each positioned beneath a different waterfall, aligned with the cardinal directions, "Do you see those…portals under the waterfalls?"

Ray and Ash turned their gaze towards where Bryan had pointed at, their curiosity piqued by the harmless portals.

"So…where the actual fuck are we?" Ash's voice echoed with confusion, his brows furrowed in bewilderment at the unexpected sightings of the portals.

Ray examined the portals intently, his eyes scanning for any clues, "These portals don't seem to be powered by any known means," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity, "There are no visible runes, formations and the likes. It's as if they were formed naturally."

"Where do you think these portals lead to?" Ash pondered aloud, his eyes narrowed and fixed on the mysterious gateways, "And they seem to be positioned in a familiar way…"

Bryan chimed in, his expression thoughtful, "It almost seems like a compass, with each portal representing a particular direction. Of course, I don't think we know which one is which."

Ash looked at Ray with expectant eyes, silently urging him to provide some insight. Ray, however, simply shook his head and said, "I'm not an all-knowing dude. If I had the answers, I would've told you guys by now."

Ash shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, "Worth a try."

The towering cliffs surrounding them seemed insurmountable, a daunting challenge that would require immense effort and time to conquer. Ray contemplated the options, weighing the possibilities.

"Well, we could try and attempt to scale these cliffs, but that would be a daunting and a painful task." Ray suggested, his eyes scanning the massive rock formations, "Alternatively, we can embrace the unknown and jump through one of these portals."

"Easy, we take one of the portals!"

"Portal!" Bryan and Ash immediately chose the portals, for their interests were piqued by the initial sightings of the portals.

Ray nodded and asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of caution and intrigue, "Now, which portal do we jump into?"

"Pft!" Ash scoffed dismissively, a glimmer of recklessness in his eyes, "Why bother thinking too much? Be like me and jump into a random one. Let luck herself be our guide to the unknown."


Before Ray or Bryan could respond, Ash launched himself into the air, propelled by his daring spirit, and dived headfirst into the portal aligned with the North direction. His figure disappeared in an instant, swallowed by a surge of pulsating energy.

"This top-grade dumbass!" Ray couldn't help but facepalm, his exasperation tinged with amusement. Not wanting to waste any time, he followed suit, leaping into the same portal Ash had jumped into, closely followed by Bryan, who anticipated Ash's unpredictable antics.



With a resounding twinkle, the portal engulfed each of them, transporting them to destinations unknown.

As they disappeared into the portal, a sense of weightlessness engulfed them. Their bodies were instantly enveloped in a swirling torrent of energy, and they found themselves hurtling through a tunnel of vibrant colours and ethereal lights.

The vortex tunnel seemed to stretch into infinity, its ever-shifting hues captivating their senses. Brilliant shades of cerulean blue merged seamlessly with pulsating streaks of magenta, while ribbons of golden light weaved through the mesmerizing tapestry of colours.

Their surroundings appeared to warp and twist, distorting the very fabric of reality. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting, as if they were being transported through the backend of a higher being.

-The Gods' Ruin-

Exactly four months ago, a momentous event unfolded as the major sects and powers united, their collective efforts aimed at unlocking the entrance to the Forbidden Land known as the Gods' Ruin.

Only a select few were chosen and deemed fortunate enough to step foot into the mythical realm. Once the entrance had been sealed shut, they would be trapped inside until the portal opened were once again opened from the outside.

For the young generation, this presented a trial of unprecedented magnitude. Within the confines of the Gods' Ruin, an unforgiving crucible awaited, where ambition and greed reigned supreme.

Treasures of unimaginable worth lay hidden, waiting to be claimed by those daring enough to face the perils that lurked in every shadow.

Encounters with formidable foes were not only expected but inevitable, each confrontation a dance on the precipice of life and death.

Far away in the Gods' Ruin, under the scorching sun, a desolate desert stretched endlessly before a group of five individuals. Sand dunes rose and fell like waves frozen in time, painting a monotonous landscape of golden hues.

Their black robes, bearing a distinctive yellow stripe down the centre, fluttered in the hot breeze

One of the girls with a dark tanned complexion, named Alia Sands, spoke up with a hint of exhaustion, "How much longer, Labin?"

Labin Dream, the young man leading the group, maintained a determined stride, his light-skinned face etched with calm façade. He turned his head slightly to address Alia, his voice filled with reassurance, "Stay strong, Alia. We're only a few days away from reaching the Holy Land."

Vela Sands, Alia's twin sister, wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed, her voice laced with weariness, "This desert seems unbearable, and I've traversed many deserts in my spare time."

"What did you expect, Vela? We're in the Gods' Ruin, after all." A mischievous grin spread across the face of Hal Sands, the twins' elder brother, as he chimed in. His features mirrored those of his sisters, and he relished in their shared hardships.

Labin nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the vast expanse of the desert, "Indeed, be like Zara."

Zara Dream, the youngest member of the group and Labin's sister, chuckled softly. "Well, don't listen to him, sisters. We're all feeling the same discomfort out here."

"And that's why we love you, Zara." A playful glint danced in Alia's eyes as she winked at Zara.

As they ventured through the scorching desert, their footsteps leaving faint imprints in the shifting sands. Alia, her complexion glistening with perspiration, sensed an unsettling disturbance. Her ears caught the faint rumble of a growl, a low and sinister sound that sent shivers down her spine.

Alia's eyes widened with alarm, and she swiftly alerted her companions. "Everyone, did you hear that? Something's not right!"

Labin instinctively halted in his tracks, his gaze sweeping the vast expanse of the desert. His hand reflexively reached for the hilt of his sword, a glimmer of steel amidst the shimmering sands.

"Stay alert, everyone. We may have unwelcome company!" He cautioned, his voice carrying a stern tone of authority.

Vela, beads of sweat clinging to her brow, tightened her grip on the yellow staff she wielded. She positioned herself beside Alia, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"What do you think it could be, Labin?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Labin's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the surroundings, his senses honed to detect any signs of danger as he replied, "I'm not sure, Vela, but we can't afford to let our guard down. Be prepared for anything."

Hal moved to the other side of Labin, his muscles taut with anticipation. He reminded them, his voice carrying an undercurrent of reassurance, "Keep your wits about you, everyone. We're stronger together."

Zara, positioned herself at the rear of the group, her nimble fingers instinctively tracing the jagged edges etched on the hilt of her dagger.

As the group tightened their formation, their bodies interweaving like a well-practiced dance, the desert seemed to stir.

The sands shifted and writhed from a distance, and from the depths emerged a horde of massive lizard-like creatures. These creatures, dark brown scales glistening under the relentless sun, possessed a fearsome presence.

Each stood at least the size of a full-grown lion, their bodies adorned with sharp stubs that bristled menacingly.

Labin's grip tightened around his sword, and his eyes locked onto the approaching creatures, "Be ready, everyone!"

With a swift nod of understanding, Alia steadied her stance, her eyes gleaming with steely resolve, "Let's show these ghastly creatures what the Requiem Clan is made of!"

As the group of five prepared for the impending clash with the lizard-like creatures, their senses heightened and hearts pounding, a sudden disturbance from above shattered the tension-laden atmosphere.


A low, resounding boom reverberated through the sky, causing the group and the lizard-like creatures to stop in their tracks, as they instinctively tilted their heads upwards to the sky.

Their attention was quickly drawn to the source of the commotion as their eyes widened in disbelief. High above, three figures plummeted through the air, hurtling towards the vast empty space that separated the group from the encroaching creatures.


Their screams echoing in the wind, were caught in a terrifying freefall, their bodies twisting and turning in a desperate bid to regain control.

The group hailing from the Requiem Clan, watched on with astonishment as the trio's descent grew ever close. The vivid blue of the sky provided a striking backdrop to the chaotic scene unfolding before them.

Time seemed to slow as Ray, his expression a mix of exhilaration and sheer shock, reached out his arms in a futile attempt to steady himself. Bryan's face contorted with a mixture of composure and determination, his hair billowing wildly behind him like a fiery comet. Meanwhile, Ash's wide-eyed expression reflected equal parts thrill and sheer panic as he flailed through the air.

Alia's eyes widened in utter disbelief, as she incoherently muttered, "Huh…?"

Possible friendos?

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