
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

City of Tibia

The outside was dark, amidst the starry sky. Pips and squeaks would occasionally echo from the distant trees.

A gentle breeze and the rustling leaves left a lasting impression in the otherwise ironic world.

Ray and Ash dragged Bryan to the cave's entrance for a simple reason and heartwarming reason. To enjoy the beautiful night sky, illuminated by the sea of stars.

It was not everyday that they could appreciate this kind of beauty back on Earth. Humans strive to make their lives easier but often tend to forget their natural roots.

From arriving on to this world, activating the system, meeting the Ancient Elder, joining a powerful sect, cultivating, meeting new people, fighting beasts and people alike and finally, killing.

So much has happened in the past few weeks and Ray found it odd that they had adapted to the world so quick and found it easy-going for now.

It was like, they were meant to do this.

Slowly, thoughts of not returning back to Earth creeped up into his mind but he quickly shunned it away.

"So beautiful…" Ash's voice drew him away from his distracting thoughts and he gazed back at the starry sky.

"Yeah, it is." Ray said with a creeping smile.

"I wonder if there are different alien races out there." Bryan spoke up.

"Why? So, you can attempt to sleep with them?" Ash chuckled.

Bryan smirked, "You know me…"

"Why don't you first focus on Supreme Elder Annabel?" Ray dowsed his head with cold water, figuratively.

"…" Bryan zipped his mouth.

At this point, a bright dot lit up in the sky amongst the stars. This gained the attention of the three as they watched it appear out of nowhere.

The bright dot shone with vigor as it flickered wildly for a whole minute. The dot was larger and brighter than all the other stars that embellished the sky.

Bryan's eyes were glued to the dot as a fiery silhouette danced in his eyes.

Eventually, the shiny dot faded away from their sight, leaving behind the tranquil night sky.

"Was that a meteor?" Ash asked.

"I don't know." Ray shrugged.

Ash scratched his chin and assumed, "Maybe, it was a powerful cultivator?"



Seeing the two were speechless, Ash dryly chuckled, "It's a long stretch, I know."



"We have to talk about something." Ash said.


"How do you feel after killing someone?" Ash carefully asked.


Ray and Ash had patience and waited for Bryan to take his time to talk about it.

"To be honest? Nothing." Bryan replied and his gaze was crystal clear, devoid of turbulent emotions.

"Nothing?" Ray questioned back.

"Yeah. It's more that it somehow felt natural in a way. Initially, I had thoughts that I'd be down the drain and puking my guts off after burning someone's heart but I actually feel nothing." Bryan explained his emotions.

"Hmm…" Ray didn't say much after that.


Ash sighed in relief and smiled, "Well, that's good to hear."

"It's not like I was alone in the scene. I'm sure you two witnessed it as well and right now, you two seem to be doing fine just like me." Bryan chuckled.

Ash faked a disgusted reaction and said, "I mean, we were focused on your transformation but yeah, you're right. We didn't feel disgusted nor did I feel like what I was 'supposed' to feel according to the articles back on Earth."

"It's odd for us to be completely okay with killing someone." Ray frowned.

Bryan shook his head in pain and said, "It's not a bad thing. It proves our mindset is changing and we're adapting to this world at a faster pace than I had imagined."

"If it means we'll be safe after we kill someone, then I'll gladly oblige."

"Nobody and I mean, nobody can come after us without being unscathed."

Ash laughed a bit and said, "Damn, Bryan. You've thought it through."

"You both should too." Bryan reminded the two, where they nodded in response.

After several minutes of star gazing, thoughts of killing and such were removed from their minds as they continued enjoying the magical scene.

"According to my calculations, it'll take us about a week or so to reach the Chaotic Forest." Ray informed them.

"I'm going to rest." Bryan responded as he shut his eyes for some sleep.

-The next day-

If it weren't for his Divine Physique, Bryan would not be up and running in tip-top shape the next morning. The natural recovery provided by the Divine Physique is something to drool upon.

"Ah, I feel so good." Bryan did some stretches and moaned in relaxation.

"Please don't moan like that." Ash scrunched his face.

"Since everyone's up, let's get going." Ray said.

With that, they left the cave and set out to the next city in their destination, Kavuul City.

They had to go through three cities in order to reach the Chaotic Forest. The Kavuul City, Jorge City and then finally, the City of Tibia.

In the next four days, with their otherwise astonishing speed, they visited and left the two cities prior to the City of Tibia.

Kavuul City and Jorge City were just like Styro City, nothing to particularly note and there wasn't anything interesting for them to experience.

Just the following day, they could see a huge and festive city right ahead of them. This meant one thing, they were close to the Chaotic Forest.

The City of Tibia, was noted to be a famous city, particularly because of its close proximity with the Chaotic Forest.

All kinds of cultivators be it mercenaries, adventurers, rogue cultivators etc. stop at the City of Tibia where hidden tigers and dragons lay. It is also a frequent spot for disciples from various sects and clans. So, the popularity of the city thrives on its relation to the Chaotic Forest.

There was a massive gate at the entrance of the city, guarded by two powerful cultivators. There was an entrance fee collector who had a rather disgusting smile on his face.

The cultivators in line didn't care or rather they were scared to provoke the guards, so they paid the entrance fee in quick succession.

"The guards are in the Natal Realm." Ray informed the other two.

Ash was surprised and said, "They have Natal Realm cultivators positioned as guards?"

Soon, it was their turn to pay the entrance fee.

"Three of you? 30 Bronze Crescents!" The collector haughtily stretched out his hand. He was this arrogant purely due to the power backing him up.

Ray fished out 30 Bronze Crescents from the pouch and handed it to the collector.

The collector jiggled his hand and motioned for the trio to enter the city.

The three entered the city and were assaulted with a busy crowd of young cultivators and street peddlers and shopkeepers. It was like a rowdy fish market but in the ancient times.

Most of the cultivators were young with the aim of gaining real-world experience.

Ray didn't believe there was a proper structure to the city considering how chaotic the city was. Not to mention, what was going on behind the scenes.

"Hey, did you hear?"


"Members of the Crimson Clan, Azure Clan, and the Storm Clan have gathered at the end of the city, with the intention of going to the Chaotic Forest."

"But, why would they go together?"

"It's because of an herb."

"An herb?"

"It was rumored that a Mercurial Herb was sighted in the outskirts of the Chaotic Forest."

"WAIT! The Mercurial Herb?"

The trio listened to the crowd as to gain some information and what they heard gained their interest. Apparently, the three clans are leading a group of people into the Chaotic Forest in search of the Mercurial Herb.

Since, there was a sighting of only one Mercurial Herb, one can imagine how brutal it was going to be once they enter the Chaotic Forest.

The three eventually made their way to where the three clans were gathering about.

There were three young cultivators leading the three clans.

Leading the Crimson Clan was a dark-skinned young man with a tribal tattoo etched onto his face named Nathe Pelke. He had a hefty and a muscular build. His whole presence was radiating with pure unbridled force. The Crimson Clan were identified by their half-red and half-black robes.

At the forefront of the Azure Clan was a slender yet handsome young man donning an obvious azure-coloured robe along with his other clansmen. There was nothing to nit-pick apart from his thin eyes that seemed to exhibit the quality of a snake. His name was Yorak Vilnius, 4th son of the current Azure Clan Leader.

The last and final group were the Storm Clan, led by a beautiful young valiant woman with a shade of dazzling of white hair. The young woman exuded a cold presence and gave an unapproachable vibe. Her name was Villie Storm, the youngest daughter and child of the Storm Clan Leader.

There were all kinds of mercenaries and rogue cultivators in the vicinity of the three groups.

The three clans didn't care since they knew were stronger than the wandering cultivators.

"How about we keep our distance but use them as a guide to enter the Chaotic Forest?" Ray suggested a plan.


"Let's do that."

Bryan and Ash nodded in agreement. So, they sat back and waited for the three clans to depart the city.

Ash suddenly complained, "We didn't even have enough time to explore the city."

"But that also means we arrived at the right time." Ray smiled.

"Leave it to you to find a reasonable explanation." Ash chuckled in annoyance.

The surrounding crowd became restless when the trio saw the three young leaders of their clan were currently discussing something.

"They're probably discussing on how they can get rid of us." Bryan spoke up.

"Maybe. We are but a small obstacle for them so I don't think they would be discussing in such fervor because of that." Ray said while keenly observing their meeting.

Maybe he was staring a bit too hard but it seemed like Villie Storm noticed something and quickly turned her head towards Ray.

Ray didn't expect that and they were now staring at each other. Ray could feel her cold gaze sizing him up, trying to knock him down a punch.

Ray obviously didn't give a single fuck and stared back with an unabashed gaze.

Villie was slightly surprised and turned away. Wait, she was the first one to shift her gaze away from someone's stare?

"Something wrong, Miss Villie?" Nathe asked in a rough voice.


She regained her usual coldness and replied, "Nothing of anyone's concern."

Yorak squinted his eyes in interest and spoke up, "What do we think of the plan?"

Nathe nodded and said, "I agree."

Yorak smiled and turned to Villie, "What about you, Miss Villie?"

Villie contemplated for a bit and asked, "How confident are you?"

"Haha!" Yorak chuckled and said, "You know me, I'm always 100% confident with my plans."

This seemed to reason with Villie and she agreed to the plan.

"Wonderful!" Yorak clapped with joy and then they went back to their respective groups.

Villie occasionally glanced at Ray's group and kept a mental note of them. To be fearless and clear, they were worthy and a hidden danger to their plan.

Such foresight and cautiousness would have shocked Ray if he had come to know about this.



"Were you having a face-off?" Ash squinted his eyes with a probing tone.


"That silence speaks volumes." Bryan chuckled.

-The Celestial Nirvana Sect-

The Ethereal Fairy was meditating in an unknown cave in silence. A flurry of footsteps echoed from the entrance and a young maid knelt before the Prime Disciple.

"Speak." The Ethereal Fairy ordered with her eyes closed.

"R-Reporting to the Fairy! The three disciples you have ordered us to keep an eye on have disappeared from the sect a week ago." The maid said between breaths.

The Ethereal Fairy opened her eyes and unlike her usual gentle expression, she exuded a sharp and cold aura.

The young maid trembled and continued, "Just now, we've received news that the targets were spotted in the City of Tibia!"

A light flashed across her pair of eyes as the Ethereal Fairy smiled.

Danger? DANGER!!!

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts