
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

An Encounter

As the message echoed in Ash's mind, he felt a sense of exhilaration. It was as if the weapon was tailor-made for him and him only.

The Eternal Frozen Scythe, a name that resonated with the power and mystery of the weapon he now possessed. It was a defining moment for the present and the future.

'System, display my status!' Ash inwardly asked the system.

[Name: Ash

Age: 17

Race: Human

Title: None

Cultivation Realm: Natal Realm (Apex Points - 18)

Energy Points: 1914/2100

Bloodline: None

Physique: Heavenly Frost Physique

Element Affinities: None

Weapon: Eternal Frozen Scythe (???) (Sealed)

Passive Skills: Heavenly Ice Body (1st Level), Heavenly Hailstorm (1st Level), Heavenly Frost Veins, Heavenly Ice Laws (Locked)

Skills: Hail Strike, Mirage Flow (1st Stage)]

There was now an additional information in his status page mentioning the weapon in his hands. Ash saw the 'Sealed' status of his weapon and inquired the system for further clarification.

[Eternal Frozen Scythe (???) (Sealed): The true power and abilities of the scythe has been sealed because of the host's low cultivation realm. When the host successfully reaches the Elemental Fusion Realm, the Eternal Frozen Scythe will unlock a portion of its power. Until then, I recommend the host to familiarize himself with the scythe.]

'Aw man! I guess I just have to quickly cultivate to the Elemental Fusion Realm!' Ash was a bit disappointed. But with the scythe firmly in his grasp, Ash's entire being felt invigorated as he let out a cheery smile.

The icy coldness that coursed through him, empowered him with an unprecedented surge of energy. He could feel the scythe's ancient power intertwining with his own, as if they were two halves of a greater whole.

"Mmmm!" Ash hummed in content.

'Ahh, I love my physique!'

Emerging from the depth of the stream, Ash swam toward the surface, his movements swift and elegant. As he broke through the water's surface, Bryan and Ray, who had been anxiously waiting, immediately rushed towards him with relieved expressions.

"Are you okay?!" Ray asked with concern.

"Look at him smiling. Of course, he's okay." Bryan smiled and asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity, "So, what happened down there?"

Ash climbed out of the water, his clothes clinging onto his body. He couldn't help wear a wide smile as held up the Eternal Frozen Scythe for his friends to see.

"I found something beyond magical…"

Bryan and Ray were stunned and exchanged astonished glances. They observed the white scythe and immediately felt a profound change between it and Ash. It felt like no ordinary weapon as they sensed a formidable and ancient energy emanating from it.

"So, all that stuff you were experiencing before was because of this?" Ray pointed at the scythe.

Ash nodded and explained, "Yeah, I don't know why but it called out to me. When I first touched it, I could feel a part of me felt whole and it was the right thing to do. It's going to be my weapon now!"

Bryan asked, "What's the name of the scythe?"

"The Eternal Frozen Scythe!" Ash answered.

The scythe vibrated in response as a low hum echoed outward into the cave.

"It is definitely special to say the least." Ray commented.

"So, do you have any clue what's so special about the scythe?" Bryan inquired.

Ash took a moment to collect his thoughts, and replied, "I'm not entirely sure yet, but I can feel its power coursing through me like a conduit. Anyways, the system told me to reach the Elemental Fusion Realm to uncover its true power."

"The Elemental Fusion Realm? That will take a while." Bryan frowned while Ash nodded in agreement.

As the trio stood at the bank of the stream, their eyes turned towards the magnificent section of the cave before them. The beauty of the surroundings now paled in comparison to the scythe that Ash held in his hands.

"By luck or fate, it seems we've made a right choice of going on an adventure." Ray said, genuinely happy for Ash.

"I believe the scythe will help us a lot in our journey." Ash declared, his voice strong and filled with determination.

Ray nodded and said, "Alright, we should get going. We can't be stuck here forever."

"Let's go onwards!"

Ash twirled the Eternal Frozen Scythe in his hands and he couldn't help but marvel at its elegance and power. The weight of the weapon felt strangely comforting, as if it had always belonged in his grasp. He decided against storing the scythe in the system inventory for now, preferring to keep it close at hand.

With each twirl, Ash grew more accustomed to the scythe's unique balance and the way it responded to his movements.

"Be careful with it, alright?" Bryan warned, his fixed on the scythe's blade, "I don't want you accidentally chopping us in half."

Ash flashed a confident smile, "Don't worry, Bryan. I can feel the scythe somehow guiding me through my every move. I'll be careful, I promise."

As they ventured into the depths of the cave, they encountered a few insectoid monsters. The battles against the low-tier creatures who haven't even reached Rank 2 became mere trivialities. Ash, Ray and Bryan moved in near-perfect synchrony as they quickly dealt with the insects.

"Easy peasy!"

The initial optimism they gained after acquiring the Eternal Frozen Scythe began to wane as they continued to navigate through the cave without finding any sign of an exit. The treacherous terrain seemed to stretch endlessly, with winding paths, narrow crevices and multiple dead ends.

Frustration started to creep into their minds, but they didn't allow it to hinder their search for the exit.

"For fucks sake! It's been an hour and there are still no signs of any dogshit exit!" Ash complained with slumped shoulders.

Bryan chuckled and assured him, "Relax! There is always an exit."

"Shush, guys!" Ray urged them to keep quiet as he narrowed his eyes in concentration.

He noticed a subtle shift in the air, signaling the other two to not make a single movement. They stood still, listening quietly. In the distance, a faint sound reached their ears. A soft breeze, carrying with it a potential of an exit.

"Quick! Let's follow the sound!" Ash whispered with an urgent tone.

Following the sound, they pressed on, their footsteps echoing through the cavernous passages. The sound grew louder, gradually guiding them towards a glimmer of light that pierced through the darkness.

As they approached, their eyes widened in amazement. The sight that unfolded before them was nothing short of breathtaking. It proved a formidable comparison to the previous mesmerizing chamber that they had gone through. A colossal underground chamber lay ahead, bathed in an ethereal glow. Stalactites and beautiful iridescent plants adorned the cavern, giving it an otherworldly beauty.

In the center of the passage, a magnificent waterfall cascading down from a towering cliff, filling the air with a refreshed mist. The sound of rushing water and the scent of damp earth permeated the surroundings.

The three felt a surge of relief and renewed energy as they took in the scene before them. They had an inkling that this had to be the way out of the cave, they could feel it in their bones. They approached the waterfall cautiously, their alertness growing with each step.

But as they reached the edge of the cascading water, they saw a solid wall behind the waterfall, seemingly leading them to a dead end.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" Ash groaned with disappointment.

*Sigh* Ray sighed in frustration.

"I guess that means only one thing. We have to go back the other way." Bryan shrugged.

The initial excitement gave way to a saddening disappointment, but nonetheless, they didn't let it overshadow their perseverance. If there is one thing, they were proud of, it was their tenacious determination.

Just as they were about to turn back, Ash's eyes caught a glimmer of something behind the waterfall that attracted his attention. With curiosity filling his mind and nothing to lose, he stepped closer, reaching out his hand, and to his surprise, his hand passed through the wall.

"What the fuck!!" Ash exclaimed and pulled back his hand. Bryan and Ray stopped in their tracks and turned around with confused eyes.

"Don't just stand there. Come here and watch this!" Ash beckoned them to watch him.

Bryan and Ray looked at each other and shrugged with interest. They were immediately shocked as they saw Ash pass his hand through the solid wall.

"What the fuck is going on…" Ray was bewildered beyond belief.

"…" Bryan stared with a gaping mouth.

Ash's eyes were filled with excitement and urged the other two, "Follow me, guys!"

One by one, they walked through the seemingly impenetrable barrier, and to their astonishment, they found themselves in a hidden passage behind the waterfall.

"Holy fuck!" Ash exclaimed, "There's an actual hidden passage here."

Ray smiled, "Very interesting…"

"You would do good in those treasure hunting games, Ash." Bryan complimented him. Ash placed his hands on his hip and gave off a smug smile.

"Alright, alright! Let's get the fuck out of here."

The passage was narrow and winding, but the air carried a gentle breeze that hinted at freedom. Excitement and relief surged through their veins as they hurriedly made their way through the hidden path, the sound of rushing water fading behind them.

And then as if by magic, the dark path opened up before them, revealing a breathtaking sight, the exit of the cave. Sunlight shone through, casting a golden glow on the lush landscape outside.

With a mixture of triumph and satisfaction, the trio emerged from the cave, their bodies rejuvenated by the warm embrace of the blinding daylight. There was nothing else in sight apart from the scenery and trees similar to what they had seen in the Outer Region.

This meant that they were still in the Chaotic Forest but they weren't sure if they had ventured deep into the Inner Region and out of the Outer Region.

Compared to the Outer Region, the air felt heavy and charged with an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant roar of a beast.

They didn't waste any time as they ventured into the towering forest, their senses on high alert. The forest ahead of them felt vast and full of unknown dangers.

Navigating through the dense undergrowth, they moved cautiously, alert for any signs of lurking threats. They had discussed it beforehand that if they had an encounter with a beast, they would immediately escape to avoid a dangerous situation similar to the one they had experienced with the Overlord of the Outer Region.

Finally, after what felt it like an hour, they suddenly came across a clearing enveloped in an otherworldly ambiance. Among the towering trees and twisted vegetation, they found an unexpected discovery.

Two girls, their light blue outfits adorned with a distinct moon emblem, appeared and stood beneath the trees. It seemed like they too had come from the opposite direction and was surprised to meet someone here.

The two girls observed the approaching trio with a mixture of curiosity and caution. There was an unfamiliar energy surrounding them, enhancing the mystique of their presence.

The trio stood their ground and observed the two girls with extreme alertness and caution.

Ray used Behind the Veil on the two girls and was astonished.

Bryan noticed his unusualness and asked, "What's up with you?"

"T-They're both at the Elemental Fusion Realm…"

Both Bryan and Ash were shocked and stared at the two girls with uneasiness.

The two girls noticed their apprehension and carefully approached the trio. The forest grew eerily silent as they drew closer. Ash hitched his breath and held his scythe, ready to retaliate if needed. Bryan narrowed his eyes dangerously and his senses were on the extreme. Ray watched the two girls make their way to them as placed both his hands on Bryan and Ash.

With a few metres between them, the two girls offered warm smiles, which immediately put the trio at ease.

"I'm sorry if we scared you. We mean no harm."




Good girls or bad girls?

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts