
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs


Oddly enough, a newfound sense of unity settled amongst the group. They were no longer strangers but allies, united by their shared affiliation with the Celestial Nirvana Sect and Requiem Clan.

"Apart from us, can you tell us about the other groups that have entered the Gods' Ruin?" Ray asked Labin, as they walked side by side, leading the group behind them. The burning sun beat down upon them, casting their shadows long and distorted on the shifting sands.

Labin nodded and answered with a serious expression, "Yes, the three major sects and the seven major clans each have their own representative group in the Gods' Ruin. So, there may be a chance you might meet a fellow disciple from your sect."

Ray's interests were piqued. Meeting fellow disciples from his own sect could provide valuable connections and information that the Requiem Clan didn't have.

"Alongside the major powers, there are also numerous minor clans, minor sects and solitary cultivators that have been granted access to Gods' Ruin. While they may not possess the same level of influence as the major powers, some of these individuals are incredibly powerful and should not be underestimated."

Ray frowned and raised a question, seeking clarification, "But I thought only the ten major powers were granted access to the mythical realm. How is it possible for others to enter?"

Labin shook his head and replied, "While the major powers hold the primary control over the entrance to the Gods' Ruin, they do allow others to enter in exchange for substantial resources. There are plenty of individuals and other minor powers that are willing to offer significant contributions to gain an opportunity to explore the realm and reap its rewards."

"I see." Ray absorbed this information, realizing that the Gods' Ruin was not solely reserved for the elite powers. The realm housed a diverse array of cultivators, each seeking their own path to growth and discovery.

"Alia, where exactly are we heading off to?" Ash walked alongside Alia, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Alia turned to him, a glint of excitement in her eyes as she answered with a hint of anticipation in her voice, "We are making our way towards the Holy Land of the Gods' Ruin.

Ash repeated, a note of curiosity in his tone, "The Holy Land?"

Alia nodded, her voice filled with reverence. "Yes, the Holy Lands are special places within the Gods' Ruin that manifest at unpredictable intervals. These places hold untold treasures and secrets, hidden away for those who are worthy."

"Hm, let me guess. If we are heading there, then I'm pretty sure everyone else in the realm is going there too." Ash mused with a smile.

"Haha!" Alia chuckled and nodded, "You've hit the mark, Ash. The Holy Land is indeed a highly sought-after destination. It is a trial of strength and talent, where only the most capable and determined individuals are able to participate and compete for the valuable treasures within."

"Oo, so there's a trial huh!" Ash's eyes ignited with a competitive fire. The prospect of testing his skills against formidable opponents in pursuit of priceless treasures was exhilarating.

"Mhm!" Alia nodded, acknowledging his excitement, "It's a priceless opportunity. Speaking of which, what cultivation realms are you three currently at?"

Ash looked at her and shrugged, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to share. We're currently at the Natal Realm, but just a step away from breaking through to the Shattering Sea Realm."

Alia couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, and spoke with a voice as sweet as honey, "Oh, is that so? In that case, as fellow cultivators at the Shattering Sea Realm, you should address me as a senior. Although, Labin is already in the early stages of the Elemental Fusion Realm."

"Impossible." Ash raised an eyebrow and denied without a single hesitation. He countered with a voice laced with a tone of defiance, "I wouldn't be so quick to assume. I may just be stronger than most of you."

"Oh, you think you can defeat us?" Alia replied with a hint of intrigue.

"Sister, you forget that he's a Prime Disciple." Vela gently reminded her.

Alia harrumphed and said with a mischievous voice, "I know. But how cool would it have been if Ash, a Prime Disciple, addressed me as a senior."

Ash shook his head and patted her shoulder, "One day, Alia, someone will call you a senior but that won't be me."

"Tch!" Alia stuck her tongue out.

"Hahahaha!" Ash and Vela laughed at her childish display.

"So, Bryan, do you have a family?" Hal asked out of nowhere, catching Bryan off guard.

Bryan replied, "Yes."

Hal's eyes lit up and continued speaking, "They must be proud of you for being chosen as a Prime Disciple. It's an incredible achievement."

Bryan looked at him and said, "They are also Prime Disciples."

This time, Hal was genuinely confused, "Huh…"

Zara butted in, "Your family are Prime Disciples too?"

Bryan's gaze shifted towards Ash and Ray, his expression unchanged as he uttered, "They are, and they're right in front of you."

"Oh!" Zara and Hal understood what he was implying.

Hal shook his head, and asked, "No, no, that's not what I meant, Bryan. I was referring to your parents."

Bryan's calm voice filled the air, "We three are orphans."

Silence fell between them for a second. Hal, sensing the weight of his words, offered a sincere empathetic apology, "I'm truly sorry for bringing them up."

"It's alright." Bryan shook his head with a composed expression and thought, 'It's not like they're actually gone.'

The trio have decided to stick with their orphan story if anyone asked them about their parents and such. It was a convenient excuse and it saved them the trouble of concocting elaborate lies if anyone probed further.

Zara's curious and perceptive eyes observed Bryan as she remarked, "You're a man of few words, Bryan."

Bryan's gaze met hers momentarily, and he responded with his usual brevity, "That, I am."

Zara's curiosity was piqued, and she pressed on, "It makes me wonder what lies beneath that calm exterior and what makes you tick?"

Bryan briefly gave her a side glance as he slowly replied with a faint smile, "You wouldn't want to know."

Zara's intrigue deepened and wanted to fish out more information but she knew it was impolite to do so. With a nod, they continued following the group as they continued their journey.

Under the scorching sun, the group of eight persevered through the unforgiving desert. Beads of sweat trickled down their faces, leaving trails of glistening moisture on their sun-kissed skin.

Despite embarking on the path of cultivation and having powers beyond the realms of mortality, they still suffered under the scorching sun like normal humans.

Hours stretched on, as they made light conversations and slowly became familiar with each other. Yet, to their surprise, the encounters with the menacing lizard-like creatures had been a mere blip in their journey.

No other creatures lurked in the vast desert, and no strange phenomena disrupted their path. It was an unexpected respite amidst the treacherous terrain, and they silently thanked their luck for the smooth journey.

Labin looked ahead and addressed the group, "We're almost out of here."

""YES! FINALLY!!"" Both Ash and Alia yelled with excitement and slight tears of joy in their eyes.

Finally, as the desert landscape gradually transformed, the group emerged from the shifting dunes and found themselves standing at the precipice of a breathtaking sight.


Before them stretched an expansive grassland, a vibrant carpet of green that offered a stark contrast to the arid desert they had just traversed through. The grass swayed gently in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing undulation that seemed to ripple across the horizon.

The clear blue sky stretched endlessly above, adorned with fluffy white clouds that added depth and beauty to the picturesque scene. The air, now free from the stifling heat of the desert, carried a refreshing coolness that rejuvenated their tired bodies. It was a welcome change, a testament to the diverse wonders within the realm of the Gods' Ruin.

The group paused, taking in the breathtaking panorama before them. Their gazes traversed the vast expanse of the grasslands, drinking in the serene beauty that lay spread out like a living tapestry.

"Oh, man! So cool!" Ash closed his eyes and relished the cold breeze.

"I'm with you, Ash." Alia nodded with her eyes closed.

Hal looked at them and whispered to the others, "Is it me or are they literally alike in everything?"

"It's not just you, Hal. They're definitely cut from the same cloth." Ray said with a small smile.

Bryan looked on with slightly annoyed eyes, "I hope she hasn't been rubbed by his irritating personality."

"Oh…" Zara smirked with gleaming eyes.

"Look, I see other groups way far ahead of the grasslands." Labin suddenly spoke out loud. They noticed a multitude of groups in the distance.

Quite a few distance away on the grassland, there were numerous groups that were speeding through the grassy terrain.

Strangely enough, despite the proximity and the potential for conflict, an unspoken agreement seemed to exist amongst the groups. They navigated the grasslands with a silent understanding, refraining from engaging in skirmishes or unnecessary disputes.

The Holy Land was located just after the vast grasslands, separated by a majestic bridge. Even from where the group of eight were, they could see glimpses of the bridge separating the grassland and the Holy Land.

Its magnificent structure stood as a testament to the significance of the forthcoming trials and treasures that awaited them.

"Well, what are waiting for? Time waits for no man and woman." Ash couldn't contain his excitement and took the lead, charging forward with boundless energy.


"HAHAHAHA! I agree" Hal cracked his knuckles in anticipation and followed suit.

The rest of the group exchanged knowing glances, and just like that, the group inconspicuously sped through the grassy terrain, converging with the other groups with a single and common destination on their minds, the Holy Land.