
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs


His heart raced, and a cold sweat formed on his brow. How could this entity know his name? The realization that it had some knowledge of his identity and where he came from sent shivers down his spine.


"I kknoww everythingg aaboutt youu~"

The shadow's wicked grin widening further as if relishing in Ash's growing unease. It seemed to revel in the power it held over him, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Ash's mind raced, searching for any semblance of understanding amidst the surreal encounter. From the strange phenomena he has encountered before, this encounter felt deeply personal, as if it targeted his very essence.

The darkness around the shadow seemed to swell and engulf the surroundings. An unsettling sense of familiarity grew within his mind.

"Youu thinnkk you're strongg~?" The shadow's voice dripped with malice, each world laced with a venomous taunt, "Deep downn, you're nothinggg."

The words hit Ash like a dagger to the heart, piercing through his defenses and resonating with his deepest doubts. A torrent of emotions surged within him, battling against the taunts and trying to maintain his composure.

"…Not real. Not real. Not real. Not real!" The words escaped his lips in a fervent whisper, each repetition being a constant distraction to the shadow's jarring voice.

"No matterr how hardd you tryy, youu will alwayssss…fall short!" The formless figure seemed to writhe with dark energy, its voice dripping with disdain.

Ash felt a pang of pain shoo through his chest as the taunts hit their mark. He gritted his teeth, his hands tightly clenched with a mixture of anger and vulnerability.

The shadow's words brought to the surface the bitter longing he had carried for so long, the longing for a loving family that seemed forever out of reach.

A heavy weight settled upon his chest, squeezing the air out of his lungs. His throat constricted, making it difficult to swallow past the lump of pent-up emotions. The area around him felt suffocating, the air thick with unspoken sadness.

Ash's eyes glistened with unshed tears, shimmering with a mixture of longing and pain. He could feel the ache in his heart, the yearning for the warmth of a family's embrace and love.

As he stood there, a sense of emptiness washed over him, the realization of the void that had formed in his life. His parents' divorce had left an unsettling point on his soul, tearing apart the very fabric of his childhood.

And his sister, once a confidante, had become a distant figure, lost in her own world of indifference.

The shadow's words seared into his mind, intensifying the feeling of inadequacy that gnawed at his core. Envy coursed through his veins, bitter and consuming, as his best friends revelled in the love and support of their families.

"Why…why me…" His voice trembled, a tinge of sorrow seeping through his words. His face bore a despondent expression, etched with the weight of his sadness.

A single tear escaped from the corner of his eye, tracing a path down his cheek, as he confronted his deepest emotion, the yearning for a loving family.

In the depths of his eyes, one could glimpse the shards of shattered dreams, the remnants of a childhood tainted by the absence of familial love. The shadow on his face served as a constant reminder of the void that had seeped into his soul, leaving behind an indelible mark of longing.


"Youu have no one, not evenn your friendsss!" The shadow's taunting voice echoed in the winds.

As if a spark ignited within the depths of his heart, a flood of memories washed over Ash's mind. Scenes of laughter, shared adventures, and moments of unyielding support danced before his eyes.

In the kaleidoscope of memories, he saw the smiles that adorned the faces of his best friends, their eyes brimming with warmth and acceptance. The bonds they had forged through countless situations and triumphs became a lifeline, a source of comfort in the face of his longing for familial love.

He recalled the late-night conversations filled with heartfelt confessions and glorious dreams, the unwavering presence of the two during his darkest hours, and the unspoken understanding that transcended blood ties.

These fragments of his memories with Ray and Bryan painted a portrait of a chosen family, woven together by the threads of loyalty and unconditional love.

With each memory that flickered in his mind, Ash's faith in himself grew stronger. He should have realized sooner, that his friends had become his pillars of strength, his guiding light in the midst of life's uncertainties.

In those moments of reflection, Ash found solace in the realization that family was not solely defined by blood relations. It was the bond shared with kindred spirits, the chosen family that stood by his side through thick and thin, supporting him with unwavering devotion.

With newfound clarity, a smile tugged at the corners of Ash's lips, chasing away the shadows of doubt that had plagued his heart. He understood that in the presence of true friendship, he had found a home, a sanctuary where his heart could find solace and his spirit could thrive.

"Haha!" A hearty chuckle escaped his lips, as he recalled a fond memory of him and his best friends.




The shadow's form writhed with anger, its inky tendrils lashing out in frustration as it witnessed Ash rising from the depths of despondency.

A pair of red malevolent eyes appeared on the shadow's formless face, burning with an intensity fuelled by resentment. The shadow was unable to comprehend how Ash could summon the strength to defy its oppressive hold.

In a furious voice that crackled with dark energy, the shadow snarled, "Howw dare youu escape the clutchesss of desspairr? Youu were ssupposed to crumble underr the weight of yourrr ownnn insecuritiess!"

Ash turned his attention towards the shadow in front of him, with a gaze of compassion and understanding. His face softened as a sense of acceptance washed over him. He realized that the shadow was not his enemy, but a reflection of his own doubts and uncertainties.

"I've been running away from my own fears, my own insecurities. It's time to face them, embrace them."

"I accept you!" He said, his voice resolute and steady, "I realized you are a part of me, and I won't let you control me any longer."

The shadow jerked in response, its mouth wide open as it let out another shout, "NOOOOO! YOUU AREE WRONGG!"

"You are a manifestation of my own uncertainties, my own self-doubt. But I won't let you hold me back any longer. I embrace you, shadow, as a part of who I am." He said with a firm but gentle voice.

Ash extended his hand towards the shadow, and a ripple of energy passed between them, a connection forged in the depths of his own mind.


The shadow's form wavered and gone were the shadow's pair of red eyes and the hideous grin. Now, instead of being a formless and unstable figure, the shadow became an exact replica of Ash's figure, as if acknowledging Ash's acceptance.

A profound transformation occurred within Ash. He no longer saw the shadow as an adversary, but as an integral part of his own journey. The doubts and fears that had plagued him for so long began to lose their grip, replaced by a newfound sense of self-acceptance and empowerment.

Ash stepped forward, fully embracing the shadow as it merged with him, becoming one with his being.


"That kinda felt weird." Ash said with the biggest smile on his face.

As Ash merged with his own shadow, a remarkable transformation swept through the illusive realm. The sky, once shrouded in darkness and melancholy, began to undergo a magnificent metamorphosis.

The distant fog looming in the distance disappeared from where it came from. The once vibrant titanic swirling whirlpools appeared once again and merged with the bizarre swirls of darkness, creating an unordinary balance.

The heavy shroud of gloom that had lingered dissolved, giving way to an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. The ground, once dark and gloomy, now embraced him with a soft touch.

In that moment, as the memories of his best friends lingered, Ash's heart bloomed with gratitude and an unshakeable sense of belonging. He embraced the truth that his friends were the family he had long yearned for, and he would cherish their connection with every beat of his resilient heart.




"Shall we go to the white line?"

Ash happily skipped across the vibrant landscape, with the intention of heading towards the white line that was stretched across the land horizontally.

As he approached the white line, he could feel a strange sensation wash over his mind, as if something was going to happen if he crossed it.

Reaching the white, Ash paused for a moment, his eyes tracing its perfect symmetry that stretched across the land. Upon closer look, the white line seemed to glisten with a divine energy, as if it bridged the gap between the known and the unknown.

"After all of that, I'm confident as I ever could be." Ash muttered with a heart-pounding smile.

Without hesitation, he extended his foot and crossed over the white line. The moment he appeared on the other side of the white line, a surge of divine energy revolved around him, tingling his skin with a gentle caress.

The divine energy penetrated his mind, as if a veil had been lifted, revealing partial hidden depths and untapped potential. It coursed through his thoughts, sharpening his focus and expanding his awareness.


With each breath he took, the divine energy grew stronger, empowering his mind with clarity and insight. His thoughts became laser-focused, and Ash felt that he could dissect complex concepts with ease.

With strengthened mental power, Ash's memory became strong and strongly eidetic. Drawing upon a memory with his friends, he could recall even the smallest details, embarrassing as it may be.


Before, he could sense the living and the non-living within a range of 300 metres, but now, the range has increased to a mighty kilometre. The realization that his sensory perception had expanded to an astounding range of one kilometre filled him with an exhilarating sense of empowerment.

A radiant smile spread across Ash's face, illuminating his features with joy and triumph. He couldn't contain his excitement as he reveled in the magnificence of his mental power.

"Wow, now that's what I call a truly rewarding victory!"


ShadexRaycreators' thoughts