
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasi
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144 Chs

Chapter 35 Yes! I didn't know, that happen ;

" Mom., why did you go? please mom come back,

please mom come back. I am your son Vin called you to come back! "Vin screamed,

" Son Vin, take care of yourself; everything will be fine. do not cry. If Loria went then what's happened? Son, I'll reck of you, Quinn and Sya. Son from now I am. your mom, don't cry. Vin don't cry! " Adia was consolded, Vin,

Vin huge Adia while he was weeping.

" Adia aunt, why did it all occur to my parent?

Why did those peoples kill my parent? I wouldn't leave them! I'll give them such chastisement that their 'souls will shrink! " Vin snapped,

" Yes son, you must give them chastisement! you are not alone, I am with you, And from now I am your real mom, you will call me mom. " Adia supported Vin,

"Yes, Mom! " Vin said,

" Now plan worked! Vin is in my grasp and these all Ronald's company also will in mine grasp. " Adia thought in mind,

" Adia aunt, do I also call mom? "Quinn asked,

" Yes ! my son, why not. from now in your mom, and also a guardian. "Adia spoke.

( Place mysterious forest )

" Samantha! where are you? where are you?

Samantha! Samantha! it's all my fault, if I did not leave you alone then you didn't beat hazard! If something is wrong with Samantha then I'll not condone myself. "Aric cried imploringly.

Aric tried so much to find Samantha, but he didn't find her! With a dead heart, he increased his feet witch's house.

" Samantha! where are you? please forgive me! I posted you, if something befalls you then I would not condone myself. " Aric yelled,

He reached the witch's house.

"Samantha! you are here? " Aric surprised,

"Samantha fell unconscious on the floor, after seeing her look that she is sleeping with comfort.

" Samantha! Samantha! get up, Samantha! get up, what's happened to you? why didn't you get up? "Aric hollered,

Aric carried her into her room, he threw some water on Samantha's face.

" Aric! "Samantha yelled,

" Aric! where did you go? I searched you each place, but you didn't found! you don't that how did I

have the jitters! "Samantha asked,

" Samantha, why did you go out to find me? "Aric Que.,

" Aric! you were shouting and I heard you that's why I went for your help. I thought that I lost you forever! "Samantha and.,

" How did you come here? "Aric Que.,

" I was unconscious, and I didn't know that how did I reach here! Aric, I didn't know. " Samantha told,

" Did you not know that what was happen? "Aric asked,

" Yes! I didn't learn ."Samantha and.

( Ronald Mansion)

" Vin son, come down to eat food. "Adia said,

" Mom! you were not like Vin? In these two days what occur that you are concerning for Vin? " Kai


Adia didn't reply kai and she went into's room.

She opened the door,

" Adia mom! I am not hungry, I bethink of Loria mom. " Vin and. ,

"Vin! if you deemed me your mom then go down without saying anything. " Adia said.

Vin obeyed Adia's stick and he went down to eat food.

Quiescence was on the dining table, none were talking.

"Let's eat food!" Adia said,

Adia switched on T. V,

" Cases of murders are increasing day by day, OneCare's big and serious is 101 M.

Yes, that mean murders of 101 families! " T. V ' s new.

Vin heard it, he turned his eyes toward T. V waxily.

" Yes! murders of 101 families, it case in which lots people lost the lives of 101 families. According to clues cop and CBI, a link of cases is matched to in each case of 101 M, and that is pregnant of women, you heard right!

Criminals targeted those people in which at least a woman was pregnant in each family. CBI is gathering to find culprits but still, they didn't find any culprit, because the dead body of most victims is missing, so this matter is now more complicated."T. V news,

Vin was looking at T. V without bling his eyebrows!

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