
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasi
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144 Chs

Chapter 29 Loria & Garie Are Lost

The third guy punched Vin, whereby Vin fall behind

" Leave him, your animus is with me so you don't harm him"the first guy requests,

Vin became anger but then he said again "you all guys think one more time if you this time touch me then it'll not gonna good for you! "

"Our younger, you are blustering us back, now certainly is imported to teach you a strong lesson!"

the fourth guy blustered,

Then that fourth guy strong fold his finger and raise his hand at Vin and he attacked Vin ' stomach. But his hand twisted back and he fall back far and away aloof himself. All guys in shocked!

That fourth guy by a modest punch Of Vin's fall aloof! else guys escaped.

Vin carry off and removed dust from his hand, and said: " waisted! my hand are badly dusted; you get up, you still fall! "

Vin give his hand to that first guy to help for stand

up, that guy stand up and greeted "You helped me, so thanks "

"Only in so much! "Vin asked in shock,

" And what do you want? if you want to take my all pocket money and also candies then okay, I'll give you. " said that guy,

Haan. Hann. Hann... Vin laughed.

" But I want some more than it! "Vin told,

" What do you want? else if I have my toys, will you snatched my all toys? "the guy asked,

" No! No! tell me your name? "Vin que.

" Manik! my name is Manik. " guy and.,

" So.. Manik! shall you want to be my friend? "Vin offered,

"Are you want to be my friend? " Manik asked surprisingly.

"Why, can I not make your friend or make your friend? "Vin said,

" No, No, I mean yes: yes, that means yes or not?

l want to say that I want to be your friend, but shall you not feel ashamed? because I am weak! " Manik Que.,

" No, never. " Vin and.,

Vin raised their hand of friendships to Manik, when Manik saw it all he felt glad. He also shake hands with Vin, And now they were as friends.

" You are injured too much! let's go I'll meet you to my mom, when she banded on the wound then I don't feel pain. My mom is so good and she helps loves to help people, you let's go with me. "Vin requested,

Vin searches his mom with Manik, saw to and fro in places but here not Loria and also Garie.

" I don't know, where did mom go? Manik, you should go home, we'll meet later because mom is not here, I'll introduce you later. "Vin suggested,

" Okey, my friend Bye! "Manik said,

" I have to find mom, I have to take help of someone. Yes! I must ask Adia aunt, but where's she? "Vin decided,

Adia was talking with her friend, Vin saw her and went to her.

" Adia aunt, did you see my mom? "Vin asked,

" No son, I didn't see her! "Adia replied,

" Where would I search her? I do not understand Perhaps she went home?

But how could it be possible? Mom went home without informing me! oh, is she staying in the restroom possible, I should know! " Vin decided.

Vin searched for his mom - dad but he didn't get any information about them.

"Where is the place their Mom went?

I should take Adia aunt's help. " Vin thought,

" Adia aunt, pls. help me, mom and dad are not anywhere, pls call him. Vin requests,

Adia called Loria but none picked up the call.

" You go with me home, please I am worried about mom- dad, " Vin said,

" Okey, let's go. " Adia replied.

Vin and Adia both sit in the car then went home.

Sometime later they reached home.

" Don't fear Vin ! nothing will happen! see mom must have in her room. " Vin consoled himself,

Vin and Adia both entered home, but! there were darkness, only darkness; the whole house was silent.

" Damm! now, what's shit, why is light no here? ,

I have to check. Vin, you will stay here and I'll come in 2 min. " Adia said,

Adia went into the basement, Adia impinged something, and she fell forward.

" Damn it all! now, who's put things here? first I can't see anything due to time darkness and second it is. "Adia hollered.

She stood up by the helf of her hands, she got injured in her knee, it gave pain to her; Adia went to the genrator to switch on the light.

" Alas! let's go light came, " Adia took a breath of piece. Then she turned her neck, all things were sparsely hither and thither.

" What... what's this all? who did it? " Adia hollered.

She set the pace and she saw then her eyes remained shaky. A line of fear was on her head, clouds of pain came on her face.

For some time she erected on the floor in dead state,

her hands shuddered and then she yowled.

Her yowl was an echo in the house. She fall to the floor and started weeping.

" I can't believe in my eyes, how could it be possible?"

Adia deplored.

Harry's dead body was on the floor, someone killed him. That cruel person was stabbed in his stomach, and his intestines were spread around.

the dead body was in deadly condition.

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