
The Things That Lurk Around These Woods

After her parents mysterious death, 14 year-old Daisy is sent to live with her aunt in Oregon where supernatural beings flourish. Will she be enough to save her town, and possibly the world from the uprising? __________________________________ No I didnt copy someone. Yes, I did have complications with my book cover. Yes, I am a new writer.

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Chapter 3: Lover Boy

I eventually found where my aunt was after searching for about 3 hours, and plopped down on my bed.

"I know its hard" My aunt said, patting my back, " But everybody dies eventually".

I was confused, but went with it.

I thought about what Dan said. I was a...gaurdian? What was a gaurdian? I've heard of many creatures but I've never heard of that one before.

Was it because of my pin?

She patted my back a last few times and walked out of my room, closing the door.

I woke up to realise that I had fell asleep, and it was now 7:36 PM. I yawned and got up to stretch.

Then, pulled my blinds up. It was pretty dark outside for it to be so early here.

Then, I noticed the stars showing. I absolutely loved stargazing. Excitedly, I got up and made my way outside to the front yard with my blanket.

I sat it down and laid on my back with my arms crossed behind my head. This was the first time I had felt peace in a while. I slowly shut my eyes.

"Hey Daisy, what did I tell you about being outside" I jumped up and opened my eyes to find Dan standing over top of me, with his emerald green eyes looking down at me, and his hands behind his back.

I grabbed my pin from my hair and shifted it into a machete.

"Hey, hey. I'm not here to hurt you. See?" He pulled his hands from his back to reveal there was nothing in them, "I'm just trying to tell you it's not safe out here"

"Says the one who just tried to kill me" I murmured.

"Honey." He said, crossing his arms back behind his back, " You are special".

I flinched as he drew closer to me. He squatted down in front of me to meet me at eye-level.

"You could join us. We could rule- OUGH" I interrupted him by kicking him in the stomach with my shoe, him falling backwards, his glasses falling off.

He propped his self up with his arms and gritted his teeth.

I watched as his canine teeth turned razor sharp.

I slowly scoot back, trying to create distance between us. He saw what I was doing and quickly grabbed onto what he could see of my foot.

"DAN!" I screamed, staring him in the eyes.

I learned that saying someone's name while talking to them made them feel more empathy. In a situation like this, it was empathy or my life.

He let go of my foot and sighed, lightly rubbing between his eyes.

"If I could see you, you'd be dead" He murmured, angrily.

I forced myself up off the ground, dusting off my clothes, while Dan just sat there, arms wrapped around his knees that was pulled to his chest.

I actually felt bad for him, but atleast I knew his weakness. "These yours?" I teased, picking his glasses up off the ground.

"WHERE?!" He bursted out.

He felt all the ground around him and didnt find them. How bad was his vision?

I placed them back on his face and he adjusted them.

"Thanks" He replied, looking away embarrassed.

I gave him a smirk and ran off. He eventually got up and walked away to goodness-knows-where, straight into the dark forest.

Wait? Shouldn't he be registered into the government database? Does his parents know what he is?

Hm. This should be interesting.

I also had noticed his scar was missing. That was why he dissapeared under the water earlier. To heal.