
The Theater Ships Fanfictions!

The Fanfic shipping of the cafe

MettaLord · Fantasi
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2 Chs

The Chad Drago-kun Part 1

In a world of Swords and Magic, there lives a band of people who perform and act in front of audiences, creating fun, exhilarating, and magical plays that could only be describe as masterpieces.

Those band of People are known as 'The Theater'.

People who wish to be entertained will always go and watch The Theater's next play for their stories were and are still the best of the best in the world. Countless Kings and Queens even fall in love with the The Theater's play that they would even step down their positions in order to join The Theater.

The Theater's play we're so amazing that not even the Gods and Goddesses would dare to interrupt them, instead... some of them even joined them.

The actors of their play were so amazing that Men and Women would praise them unendingly for their spectacular perfomance. When they are supposed to be brave then they become the personification of Bravery itself, and if they were supposed to be cowardly then they will also become the personification of Cowardice.

Men and Women all around the world even propose to them for they were all so charming that even the Gods envy them and want them for themselves.

However, every single proposals given by every Fans, Kings, Emperors, and even Gods were rejected.

One may say that it is Blasphemy to object a proposal from the gods themselves and you may be right, However there is a reason why they all chose to object these proposals...

That was.... all of them.... already have ... their own lovers.

And in this chapter, We will explore the love life of a Fierce and Powerful Dragonoid, A Reaper, and a Mysterious Human!

On the stage, the actors are practicing for their next play, sweat raining down from their skin as they move and talk. The story of their next play, The Rose Knight. Written by Champyo, The story is about a Knight of a faraway kingdom searching for a magical rose that could cure the Kingdom's princess' illness.

The protagonist that is the knight, is going to be played by Osmos the Dragonoid whilst the princess will be played by Rina The Reaper.

"Foul wizard! Your magic will not stop me from finding the Heaven's Rose!" Osmos said as he swing the prop sword on his hand at Sero who is playing as the evil wizard, the main antagonist of the story.

"AAAGHHH!! Im..pos...sible.." He cried out as imaginary blood sprays out of his cut open chest, letting go his staff, and falls to the ground with a loud thud.

"From this day forth! The Foul Wizard has been vanquished!" Osmos' hurrahs in valor and vigor as he thrusts the sword into the sky above.

Osmos then walks pass the wizard and onto the patch of land where a red rose can be seen brimming with warm red light, blooming under the magical night sky. Osmos picks the rose and put it gently in a glass jar.

"Knight... I am.... no foul.... you are...." Sero said in his dying breath trying to grasp the glass jar hanging on osmos' hips. "May human greed.... punish us all...." He finally said before he took his last breath and flop to to the ground dead.

"May you rest in peace, wizard" Osmos' said as before he mounts his white horse to begin his journey of exiting the forest and returning to the kingdom.

The scene then switches to that of Osmos' serving the mixture of the rose in a golden goblet infront of the sick princess who's barely able to sit on her throne.

"For you my princess" He held out his hand presenting the goblet infront her with honor and respect.

The princess with the help of the palace maids stands up and slowly picks up the goblet. She hesitates before drinking it due to her not trusting the legend of the rose but she instantly gulps it all down for there isn't any other choice.

With magic, Trickster, The Theater's Magician creates a beam of red light glow around Rina's body making her look like she's being enchanted by the Rose's power. Her pale skin becomes brighter, softer, and her voice becomes more soothing with each passing second.

Trickster then turns Osmos' Silver armor into Rose red with rose crest embedded to its chest plate, however... that's not all.

Trickster then creates a fade but echoing sound coming from Osmos' mind as he recalls Sero's last words before his death.

"Aaaand... CUT! that's it for today's practice!" Said a Woman wearing a purple gown.

The room is then instantly filled with cheers as everyone cheers at the practice perfomance.

Osmo stands up and takes of his helmet as he grasps for air after taking it off, revealing his face full of sweat.

"Well that was fun...*pant*...and pretty hot...*pant*..." Osmos' exclaims while still panting from the heat.

"It really was..." Rina said as he walks over to Osmos who is showered in sweat and is giving off a smelly stench.

"Really? the only thing you did was just sitting, sleeping, and talking" Sero said as he stands up and while taking off his fake beard, revealing sweat covering his neck.

"Uh! You both are so smelly! but... I guess its nice..." Rina said with her face slowly turning red.

"What do you mean by ni-" Just before Osmos manages to finish his sentence he suddenly gets drag backwards by Sero into the back of the stage behind the curtains.

"Osmos, I need.... a favor..." Red as curtains, his shy face was so adorable yet charming with his blue ocean eyes panicking.

"Can you... set me up with Rina?" He asks, realizing what he just said just now his face instantly erupts and covers his face with his hands embarrassed.

"Oh don't be so dramatic with your expressions... I know a fake embarrassed face when I see one" Osmos said we his eyes looking sharp at Sero.

"Oh? have I been exposed by the mighty and wise dragon? Oh no~!"

"Ok knock it off or I won't do it"

"Alright... alright~"


After cleaning up the stage, sweeping the floor and moping it too everyone pack their things and leaves the stage room, all of them going back inside their rooms in the building.

However... there was one person who won't go to her room just yet.

Sneaking in the building's corridors, Rina, is following a trail of stench left by Osmos going back to his room. Since Rina is a Reaper, she's the type of girl who will never let go of a person's soul once she lays her eyes on them, and that person now is Osmos.

Rina continues to follow the trail of stench left

by Osmos with so much focused that she can't smell, hear, or notice anything other than the smell that's guiding her to her beloved Osmos.

'Huuaaa... this smell... its terrible yet.. why does it feel so good as it enters my lungs...'

In deep focus, she didn't even realize that she's entering Osmos' room without permission and is continuing forwards into his bathroom where Osmos' can be seen showering his naked, scaly, and sweatful body.

She snaps back into reality as she sees Osmos naked and showering infront of her making her jump and accidentally slip on the floor bathroom's wet floor, making a loud racked.

and of course... Osmos notices her.

He looks behind him to see Rina on the floor with her clothes wet from touching the wet floor. Her wet black hair glimmers, her eyes shocked with her face starting to go red, and her underwear can faintly be see through her wet white clothes.

Silence occurred between the two of them for a few seconds before Osmos finally notices that his sword is exposed for her to see. Using his draconic powers he instantly grabs a towel and makes sure to cover up all of his private parts and dries Rina's clothes with his warm breath and places her out of his room in the span of 1,5 second.

'W-w-what was she doing in my room!?-no what was she doing in my bathroom!!?' He panics.

His face painted with the pure red of embarrassment and his eyes blinking rapidly with the sweat he just washed up now coming back out of his body. He calms himself down, making his rapid heartbeat go back to normal, take a deep breathe and slowly releases it back out.

He was beginning to calm, his thinking became more rational and his reddened face slowly goes back to normal... until he looks down at his erected sword that's as hard as a brick right now and then.

"U-uwaa-aa" He suddenly hears a female voice coming from his left shoulder making him nervous and back to panic mode. He slowly looks to his left to see Rina's head passing through the door looking down at his sword. Her face was hot red, her eyes were spinning, and her mouth is shaking while letting out cute whispers of panting.

"Aw-awa-wawawaaa~Drago-Kun..." Her beautiful green eyes slowly glows red and her face is slowly becoming more and more sinister with each passing second, However its not the sinister of wanting to kill.... rather it's the sinister of wanting to mate.

A pattern of hearts soon appears on her glowing red eyes and the drool of her saliva is melting out of her mouth down onto Osmos' left shoulder.

"oh shit"

Rina launches herself at Osmos' pushing him down to the floor against his will and holds him down with both of her hand's pressed against his wet chest, She sits down on top of him with her face slowly coming closer towards his.

She closes her eyes opens her lips and kisses Osmos' whose face is now more redder than mars. Her tongue enters his mouth and begins to lick and slurp down on his saliva as it dances around, dominating Osmos' mouth

She releases Osmos' from her dominating kiss however there was still a line of saliva connecting them from mouth to mouth, like a white string of love.

"Why... would you..." Osmos' faintly said barely able to stay conscious from Rina's kiss.

Due to Reapers having life absorbing nature, They tend to suck the life of other creatures whenever they get excited or go berserk. Because of this, Reapers are thought to be the 7th most dangerous living entities then roams the world. And although their Life absorbing nature is powerfull itself, they are not quite effective on creatures that have a blood of a Dragon flowing within their bloodstream.

Which means that Drago right now is merely unconscious from shock and not dead by Rina's Life draining nature!

"Drago-kuu~un, I want your... big strong sword" She said as her finger slowly slithers down from his chest like a snake feeling the magnificent bumps of the muscles on Osmos' chest all the way down to his hard Dark red Sword below. She grabs his sword which and pulls it up only to realize that its size is nearly as big as her forearm, shocked, she unconsciously squeezes it with her fingers however not even a sliver of its wet flesh manage to get squeezed in.

"A-awaw-wawa, i-its... s-so hard... and warm..."

She stutterly exclaims.

She pulls it closer to her face and and the sword's shadow looms over face. Drool begins to leak out of the edges of her lips as she look at the sword in its glory, she then remember seeing a rejected Sword Saint doing something to an Armored Beastman in an alley as she was going home. The Sword Saint's hand was going up and down when toucing the Beastman's hard sword, although it looked like it hurt, apparently the sword was covered in something wet and slimy, making the move of the Sword Saint's hand move fast and pleasure full to the Beastman as her hands moves up and down

Not knowing what the wet slimy thing was she decided to compensate it by using her spit, which also has Life Absorbing affects. She spits at his sword, making exactly wet and as slimy as what she remembered the Rejected Sword Saint used. Her hand which is holding his sword, begins to slide up and down, from the tip all the way to the bottom and all the way back to the top. She feels the warm of the sword as she moves her hand up and down... as it touch its veins everytime, stopping her hand from ever feeling the cold of Osmos' bathwater.

Soon after she felt something building up slowly from the bottom and all the way up from within. A white creamed water splurts out from the tip and onto her face.

"Its sticky but... smells... good..." She whispered as she flex her right hand. She then remembered the Sword Saint eating the sword of the Beastman.

'or was she sucking it?' she thought.

She pulls the sword closer to her face, she hesitates at first, however she eventually bites it down on it.... waking up the unconscious Osmos'.

Startled by this, her hand accidentally slips and hits Osmos' Wonder nuts, causing him dull pain and lost of consciousness. His eyes that were surprised from Rina's bite, has now turned into spirals as he fall back to being unconscious.

'Maybe it was sucking then...' She thought as she stops biting his sword and begins to lick it with her mouth. The mouth she had used to slurp down on Osmos' saliva is now being use as a vacuum to suck on his Sword.

Her tongue spirals around his sword as she moves her mouth up and down, licking and everything to the brim and not leaving any thing behind the sword's scales behind.

As she continues, she suddenly feel something building up from the sword's bottom all the way up into the tip. The sword bulges within her mouth and sprays out something thick, bitter, and salty liquid into her mouth and down into her throat where she choked on it.

"It... burns..." She mumbled as she feels the thick liquid scorches her throat.

Due to Dragons and Dragonmen being divine entities which have a very powerful affinity to Life and Fire, be it their blood, saliva, milk, or even their seed will burn both mortal and immortal alike even if they have or a very powerfull affinity to life and death.

"It burns... but.. what is this exciting feeling when I accepted it into me?" She asks herself.

She then remembered the Sword Saint letting the Beastman's sword enter her cavern where she then proceed to move her body up and down.

'Maybe I'll understand once I did what she did!' she thought as she tries to take off her wet white cloak, revealing TheReaper's black bra and panties.

'I-I need to know what that feeling means!'

Chad Drago-Kun, Part 1 End.