

The door opened up into a grand arena. The dimness from before was gone. Torches, probably fueled by magic, lined the walls and the brightness of it all forced me to wince. The room itself was even bigger than the Hall of the Wyrm. The walls were plated in gold and the ceiling looked to be the outdoor sky. It was covered in stars and even a moon. Was it an illusion or a professional grade paint job? It could have even been a proper window using magic. It felt real, though. It all felt so real.

In the middle of the room, lying curled up like a dog in winter, was the main event. It was draconic in look with black scales marring its form. Its head was the size of a minivan alone and the protruding teeth were bigger than my entire body. It was quadrupedal but each one of its limbs had claws over 10 meters in length. The beast's tail had to be as long as the entire Royal Arms Academy…

It was an Elder Nature Dragon.

The door closed behind me and sealed itself shut. I think I was beginning to be able to sense the mana around me after using it so much in a short amount of time. I could feel the mana links that were holding the entryway closed.

[-New Skill Acquired-

Journeyman Class Skill: Passive Detect Mana]

Oh. I really was sensing the mana around me, then.

The Elder Dragon stirred. Even a simple motion of its body caused the ground to shake. Then its eyes opened, revealing yellow snake-like slits. Even with -Combat State- active I could feel fear permeating through my form.

I had fought Elder Nature Dragons two times during my career on SHO. I knew their weak spots, and I didn't fear them. Among boss monsters they were more common and less troublesome than most... But that was in the game world. Right now, staring down a very real dragon, I could feel my heart pounding like it was trying to break my ribcage.

The beast seemed to grin a bit as its eyes focused on me. It opened its mouth and then let loose a roar that could shake the very heavens.

My body was frozen. -Combat State- was in overdrive, but it was at this moment that I finally understood just how reckless I had been. Lily would surely have Endyrion protecting her. I surely could have waited a few hours to get to full strength before tackling the boss…

A terrible nagging feeling hit my gut. I don't know why, but I felt like I was forgetting something important… And that's why I couldn't wait here any longer. I couldn't delay. My friend needed me, and this damned dragon wasn't going to hold me back.

I returned the beast's roar with a bellow of my own, albeit mine was slightly less intimidating. With Belial's blade at my side, I started running.

The monster raised one of its massive forelimbs and smashed it down towards me. I dove and rolled forward, making certain I didn't stab myself in the process.

[-New Skill Acquired-

Adept Class Skill: Armed Combat Roll]

The ground crumbled under the Dragon's strike. Fissures and cracks spread out like the stone was made of glass. I popped up from my roll and stabbed my blade straight up into the beast's soft underbelly, but I didn't have time to do more than that.

I activated -Midnight Steps-, the Expert Class Skill I had accidentally learned while saving Lily from Devil Hounds, and my body jumped out from underneath the dragon just in time as it slammed its stomach down, hoping to crush me beneath it.

I was exhausted, but my smile at that moment belied the way I felt. The Elder Nature Dragon was just like its game counterpart. The attack patterns were the same. It was slow but strong. This demoness body, being pure speed and high attack, was its natural counter! I could do this. I could win. Hope flooded me and, from the pit of my stomach, I felt joy.

I began slowly whittling away at the beast's health bar. My originally bottomless mana pool was starting to near its end, and I was wondering why the Dragon hadn't fallen. Its underside was riddled with slash marks and scars that I personally carved into it.

"Why wont you die!" I screamed as I moved past the beast's strike and laid my blade into it for about the thousandth time. The beast was about to drop again, and I was nearing my wits end. Surely I should have damaged the monster enough to at least activate its low health attack pattern?

I escaped the monster's bodyslam yet again and hunched over to catch my breath. I met the monster's eyes then, and I could tell that my assault was working. Its once yellow slits were now filled with crimson. I could see the rage in its visage.

The beast roared and I knew I had finally managed to activate its second assault. I straightened my back with my hands on my hips and looked up at my handiwork.

Every scale on the beast started to stand on end. Through -Passive Detect Mana- I could see the flow of magical power from the air through the monster's now exposed skin and to its opened mouth.

Energy, much like a charging laser from an anime, began to accrue. I could hear the meme 'IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZA!' ring in my head as the beast let loose its attack.

I was already moving as the beam of energy razed the stone wall and ground behind me. The sound of stone superheating and exploding deafened me, but I wore a triumphant smile.

I had been waiting for this.

With the beast's scales standing, it's entire body was finally exposed. I had just enough mana to activate one last skill, the skill I was saving for this moment: The Master Class Skill -True Strikes-.

Belial's Blade began to thrum with Godlike energy. I zigzagged across the floor, avoiding the monster's blasts like an unswattable fly. When I was close enough I leapt into the air, rotating my body as I moved.

"It's the end!" I cried as I swung the sword down on the beast's neck, cutting through it like butter.

Its head fell first. Then, as if all the slack was let out, its body collapsed after. I hit the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood. My mana was dangerously low. I had never been this exhausted before.

I could see the door to the final room opening opposite the entrance. I tried to stand, but my legs were unsteady. I could hardly move, but I still managed to make my way forward. I even used Belial's Blade as a crutch for a bit. If the people of this world knew just how I was using this sacred Deity Class Item, they'd probably have a heart attack.

I opened the door and entered the 1000th floor. The final room was small and had only a single chest in it. I limped my way to it and popped both hinges on it. Inside there was an assortment of gold coins, a few potions, a Journeyman ranked sword, and the Escape Crystal.

I had expected more, but I didn't have time to be disappointed at RNG.

I immediately downed the mana recovery potion, it tasted like cherry cough medicine, and I felt a solid third of my MP refill. I had hoped it would restore it all, but I guess real life isn't as convenient as the game world was. I stored everything else in my Spacefold Item Pack except the Escape Crystal.

Back in SHO an option would pop up asking the player if they wanted to escape the Dungeon and bring their party with them. Was it strange that I had expected the Escape Crystal to act the same?

I poured mana into the Crystal but nothing happened. I was growing perplexed and a bit frustrated. Why wasn't it activating? What was I doing wrong?

I tried again and again to activate the Escape Crystal, but every time nothing happened.

-Combat State- was beginning to end its effects and I could feel my frustrations building once again. I needed to get out of this damned dungeon. I had climbed 500 levels and fought a damned Elder Nature Dragon solo all for this Crystal… So why wasn't it working?!

Every time I failed to activate the Crystal I felt my heart shake. Lily was waiting for me. She needed me right now!

I began to panic.

"Fucking work!" I screamed as I smashed mana into the sponge of a Crystal, but once again nothing happened.

"Why won't you work!"

I hit the crystal with all of my strength, but I didn't even chip it. I needed it to work. I needed to get out of here. I wasn't even sure how far from the Capital of Gransus this dungeon was. I still had a long way to go, and I didn't have time for this bullshit!

At a loss for what to do, I sat down on the empty treasure chest to think.

"I don't know what to do," I mused aloud with a voice void of emotion.

Then an idea came to me. RED would know. I just needed to wake him up from Low Power Mode. He'd know why the crystal wasn't working. I tried calling out to him in my mind.

RED please, I need your help!

There was no response. I could feel rage flooding me. I was angry. I was angry at RED for ignoring my plea for help, but I was also angry at myself for throwing him away in the first place.

Soon, the anger was replaced with melancholy. I started to sob as despair took over. It would probably take me months to climb up out of this damn dungeon due to the labyrinth in the upper levels, and it was all my own damned fault. Everything was my own damned fault. I didn't have anyone to blame but myself.

Visions of Lily and James passed through my head and I could only sob harder. Lily was in danger and I couldn't help her. I couldn't be there for her in her hour of need. I never had many friends in my past life. I never spent time with other people, but I knew what friendship was. In both of my lives, Lily was my first real friend… And I felt like I was never going to see her again.

I thought of James next. The rude farm boy from Eastrock Village. He had never called me his friend, but I don't think those words needed to be spoken aloud. He didn't even try to make me feel guilty about destroying his home. In fact he seemed happy… Well, he probably was happy. I don't think he liked living in Eastrock.

Would James forgive me if I let something happen to Lily?

Then, I thought of RED again. He had only tried to help me. He had been selflessly teaching me about this world and, even though I don't want to admit it, his actions were right. I was too naive and I gave in to my juvenile emotions. I couldn't even imagine what it was like for him, being stuck watching the world through my eyes.

"RED," I said between sobs... "I'm sorry."

[Solution: Low Power Mode Deactivated. Would the user like this guide to assist them in escaping from the Calico Labyrinth Dungeon?]