
Experiment 3 - Love and Science

Here's an edited version of your chapter:


The day of the College Night has arrived! Adam has practiced a lot to not let down Rose at the college night. At the same time, he is tensed up about his research work, as they were warned of being pulled out of the project if they were unable to show some promising results. The situation is tense, but the air is filled with sweet scents as the couples are passing by towards the college hall.

Adam wears his formal dress and puts in his pocket the gift which he had brought for Rose. Adam has rented a car and drives it to Rose's house. Adam rings the bell, and Rose's father opens the door.

Adam: "Good evening, Rose's father!" (Brings forth his hand for a handshake)

Jack: "You must be Adam!"

Adam: "Yes, sir!"

Jack: "Don't you know that before taking girls to a night out, you must take her father's permission!" (Gives an angry look)

Adam: "I am sorry, Sir! I didn't know that!"

Jack: "Get going back to your shell, or you won't be able to walk!"

Adam in a low voice: "Alright, sir!"

Julie: "Jack, stop your prank and let him in!"

Jack begins to laugh.

Julie: "Adam, come inside! Rose is ready, just 5 mins more!"

Adam: "Ah, okay, Ma'am."

Jack holds Adam by his shoulders and brings him inside.

Jack: "You have changed from the last time I saw you!"

Adam: "Last year, I was not here."

Jack: "Really! Uff! This generation really doesn't know how to keep boyfriends. Huh, poor generation."

Rose: "Dad, stop it! He isn't my boyfriend! He is just a friend from work!"

Jack: "Huh! See! This generation is always confused!"

Rose: "If you are done, can we leave?"

Jack: "Just a minute."

Jack hugs Adam and says in his ear.

Jack: "Don't you dare do anything stupid with my daughter! If her heart breaks or if she comes home crying, then you are a dead man! And moreover, don't try to cross your limits..." (Rose interrupts)

Rose: "Are you done hugging each other?"

Jack: "Yeah!"

Adam and Rose leave.

Julie: "Enjoy! Have a great time!"

Jack: "They will! College night is always fun! Hahahaha....!"

Adam and Rose drive to the college hall, during which Adam receives a call.

Adam: "Hello?"

Ryan: "Say that you aren't going with Rose tonight!"

Adam: "Ryan!"

Ryan: "Answer me! Fool!"

Adam: "Yes, I am!"

Ryan: "Drop her in front of the college hall and leave, so that I spare you!"

Adam: "Sorry!"

Ryan: "Good boy! Hahahaha!"

Adam: "Sorry, I won't do that!"

Ryan: "How dare you?"

Adam: "It has happened. And we will talk about it tomorrow if you want. And please don't disturb us tonight."

Adam cuts the phone.

Rose: "Who was it?"

Adam: "Just an old friend."

Rose: "I didn't know Ryan was your friend."

Adam: "Hehehe... nice one!"

Rose: "Really!" (Smiles)

Adam: "So your whole family lives here together!"

Rose: "Nah, he just came yesterday."

Adam: "I see. He is really a full-of-life guy!"

Rose: "Really! I don't hear that much from others! And last time when Ryan met him, Ryan went almost mad. Hahahaha."

Adam: "When you look carefully, you can see that he is very positive! He has experienced life! Although he considers himself not fit for this generation, he wants us to learn from him how to be happy in life!"

Rose: "You really know how to impress a girl! Don't tell me that this is your first time with a girl!"

Adam: "Well, there are many things I would like to tell you!"

Rose: "Say it, Adam!"

They reach the college hall!

Adam: "I wish the road was a bit more lengthy."

Rose chuckles.

Adam parks the car, and they head towards the hall. They enter and are amazed by the decoration. There are many people inside.

Rose: "So that's what we have!"

Adam: "Kind of!"

Rose: "Don't you dare be nervous."

Adam: "You are freaking me out!"

Rose holds Adam's hands, and they walk in.

Bolt meets them at the entrance.

Bolt: "What a beautiful pair!"

Adam: "Man, it's only because of you!"

Bolt: "Don't give me any credit! You two are made for each other!"

Both of them blush.

They stand inside and await the music to begin. But strangely, the music isn't being played.

Rose: "What happened to the music?"

Bolt: "I will go and check!"

Adam: "Alright! I am coming with you."

They go and find out that the male singer won't come. The DJ decides to play a recorded song, but as soon as they play it, the audience protests and demands a live singer!

Rose nears the DJ stage. Adam tells Rose what had happened, and this upsets Rose.

Rose: "I was really looking forward to this day! And when I chose you for today, it was really heartwarming. But it seems destiny wants to say no to our relation. Huh. I am a big fan of the living legend Airbeet, and I really wanted to dance in front of him on his song! Huh! Anyway! Just drop me back home!"

Adam: "What? No, wait!"

Rose starts walking away! Adam tells Bolt to hold her off for some time while he tries to figure out something!

Adam: "Bolt! Please hold her up! I mean, don't let her leave the hall! I will figure something out!"

Bolt goes and tries to talk and stop her from going.

Adam: "What should I do? What should I do? Airbeet is not gonna come, so I need someone to replace him... But who! Wait a minute! How does he sing!!! From his heart, and slowly!! Yeah!!! Here it goes!!!"

Adam tells the musicians to give a slow tune at first, and he starts to sing on the mic. Soon, the musicians join him.

Rose: "Is that song...?"

Bolt: "Yup, it is!"

Adam beautifully sings the song, and the whole audience is mesmerized by it.

After that, the female singer sings a solo on which Adam and Rose dance.

While dancing -

Rose: "I am sorry! I shouldn't have said that!"

Adam: "It's no big deal!"

Rose: "You were amazing!"

Adam: "Thanks for the compliment!"

Rose: "I didn't know that you were such a good singer!"

Adam: "And I didn't expect you to stop for me!"

Rose: "You have really something special in you."

Adam: "I have something special, but it's not inside me."

Rose: "Then?"

Adam: "It's in front of me!"

Rose chuckles as they dance and feel the new found love in Adam. As they dance, Adam has a thought that drives him crazy. He starts telling Rose:

Adam: "Rose, maybe we are doing it all wrong, or we are not looking at something we should have seen!"

Rose: "What do you mean, Adam?"

Adam: "Maybe the new element doesn't emit any radiation, or we are not able to look at the right radiation!"

Rose: "You mean that the new element has a new form of radiation!"

Adam: "Yeah! We need to change our way of finding radiation; then, it will surely work!"

Rose: "Even if we can't find the new radiation, we will still be pioneers of a new type of radiation! Yay!"

Adam: "Today is the best day!"

Rose: "Yes."

Later, Adam drops Rose at her home.

Rose: "Thanks, Adam, for everything!"

Adam: "Thanks to you, Rose! If you don't mind, can I ask you something?"

Rose: "Yes?"

Adam: "Will you always stay with me? Will you be with me even after college is over?"

Rose: "Yes, why not?"

Adam: "Thanks! I will take your leave. Bye!"

Rose: "Bye!"

Adam leaves. He returns the car and walks back home. On the way, he is stopped by a car. A man gets out of the car with a gun in his hand, pointing towards Adam!

What will happen next?

Who is this man?

What is his intention?

Read the next chapter, "Near End," to find out.