

Cecilia had been pretty sure that things with her son and Loyd would not go well. The next morning as she began getting ready the only thing she could think of for a while was that Xan would have to meet face to face with the man that had tried to kill his lover. She hoped he would be able to restrain himself, kill him in secret if he really had to because the palace was already a mess, she couldn't handle another diplomatic disaster. 

She caught her hair up, a strict ponytail falling straight and when she was done she turned around, looking at the man who was sleeping in her bed. A sigh escaped her painted red lips as she walked away, she wasn't going to wake him up, for some reason he liked his peaceful expression as he slept, the way his lose hair framed his handsome face, it was an image she recalled often to calm her mind, seeing it live had some power over her, calming her.