
The Taste Of Maple

While joining the traveler on their quest around the world of Tyvat, Kazuha, and Razor begin to make a strong connection together, but things get complicated when unfamiliar feelings start coming in between them

AquaticKuri · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs

Chapter.3 The first bite

Kazuha kind, smiles all the time, cooks yummy fish, always make pretty noise with leaf…but Kazuha also strong, don't need to protect...but I protect anyway, because Kazuha lupical.

Kazuha….smell good, make lots of wind, Razor like wind... Razor like smell too... make stomach ache and tickle...tickle feel good...mm...but make Razor hungry, food not enough...Kazuha smell make Razor hungrier…

Razor continued to gaze out the room window, feeling the cool air chill his face.

Razor was currently sharing a room with Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Aether at the Wangshu inn...but Aether had stepped out for a moment to get a snack...but he hasn't come back yet. Xingqiu and Kazuha however, already had an idea as to what or rather who, must be keeping their golden haired friend occupied.

It must be none other than the vigilant Yaksha, Xiao.

Everyone knew the two of them were dating, but Razor was the only one who was still confused. Aether and Xiao were both males and Razor had never seen this behavior before when he lived amongst the wolves, and what made it more confusing was that they were together despite not having the abilities to make puppies to grow their pack.

Razor looked over to see Xingqiu sleeping on one of the beds with a book in hand, and then he looked at Kazuha's empty bed. The young Rurouni had only moments ago stepped out for a bit to get some fresh air. Razor originally wanted to go with him, but the young Guhua boy had told him to give Kazuha some space...but since he was asleep, Razor thought maybe now it would be okay.

Closing the window, Razor quietly stepped out of the room and made his way through the halls of Wangshu, but he paused in his tracks when he heard the traveler's voice behind one of the doors.

"X-Xiao…!" Razor had never heard Aether sound so needy, so...in heat before, and for some reason, Razor couldn't help but wonder...if Kazuha could sound like that too.

Continuing through the halls, Razor took the stairs all the way down until he was finally outside the building. It was much chillier than before but it was almost nice and that crisp wind was so refreshing…

"Kazuha…" He could smell the swordsman's scent wandering through the cold breeze; following it, he tracked the young samurai all the way to a small hilltop with an old tree stump.

There he sat with the moonlight shining down on him like a diamond, sparkling in the light...Razor tried to think of the few words he knew until he remembered hearing the word "beautiful". He often heard the word whenever that blonde fellow from inazuma talked about the lord of the Kamisato clan. Razor always struggled with remembering their names…

Kazuha look...beautiful.

Noticing the wolf boy's presence, Kazuha looked down from where he sat and smiled, gesturing for Razor to come sit beside him. Heading up the small hill, Razor took a seat beside Kazuha, shaking his head a bit to let his hood fall behind his head, and rest on his back.

"Tonight is quite beautiful," Kazuha said, looking up at the stars. Razor nodded in agreement before a harsh wind blew. Razor didn't mind too much, but he worried Kazuha might get cold again, as the last thing he wanted was for Kazuha to get sick.

"Kazuha...cold?" Razor asked with concern, closely observing the young samurai.

Quick to respond. "No, I'm quite alright thank you" Kazuha's cheeks lit up into a soft pink, worried Razor would try to hug him again like last time. Kazuha was still convinced he was having a hormonal issue, so it was best to keep physical contact to a minimum with his friends...Razor especially.

"Mm…" Razor nodded, not seeing any signs of shivering on the young swordsman, so he decided not to worry, and at least it wouldn't be as bad since they weren't soaking wet this time.

Now that the two of them were alone together once more, Kazuha couldn't help but worry about his problem, making it hard to enjoy their time together like usual… then a thought ran across his mind. "Razor is about 17, already of age amongst the wolves to - " Not wanting to finish that thought, Kazuha reminded himself that despite feeling like a wolf, Razor was still aware that he was different...but in the eyes of an animal, it wasn't about appearance, it was about the heart, so if a female wolf had been interested in Razor to - "Stop." He wouldn't think of it any further.

"Aether and X...Sh…." Razor knitted his brows. "Aether and mask man are mates." Razor finally finished, a bit frustrated as he still struggled with how anyone was supposed to say Xiao's name. It was such a weird sound that he wasn't used to.

"Yes, Aether and Xiao are lovers" Kazuha confirmed, taking extra care to sound out the Yaksha's name, letting the other boy test it out for a moment. "X….ao….Xi-ao…?" Razor was only starting to get the hang of Kazuha's name, but Xiao and Xingqiu were still a struggle.

"What about it Razor? Are you still trying to understand it?" Kazuha asked, completely understanding Razor's confusion.

Razor shook his head "I Happy if Aether happy but...I heard Aether mating with Xi-ao. How? Not the same as mating with female" Kazuha's cheeks flushed a soft pink color at this question...He cleared his throat before finally thinking of a way to explain how oral sex worked.

"Well, when two males mate, the one acting as the female has to have their...rear stretched out from the inside before the other can put their…" He trailed off, looking down at Razor's groin before pointing at it. Razor's eyes followed and looked down.

"T-Their, you know….Thing, into the other male's rear hole" Kazuha finished, still a little worried he didn't explain well enough. But what was he to do? He wasn't sure how to word some of it because he didn't know what Razor knew it as, and he wanted to avoid as much confusion as possible in order to give the wolf boy a clear explanation, and thankfully, Razor seemed like he understood.

"mm...You mate with male before?" Razor asked, looking back up at the young swordsman. Kazuha almost frowned at this question.

"No, no I haven't…" Could he have at one point if he confessed his feelings? If he had told Tomo just how far his feelings went, would he have returned the same feeling…? Then again, Tomo could have turned him down...possibly putting distance between them…

Setting aside his feelings and thoughts about Tomo, now was a good chance for Kazuha to find out if Razor ever made love with any of the female wolves.

"What about you Razor? You're of age...Have you met a female wolf to have puppies with?" He asked the wolven boy, letting his usual smile weave onto his face.

Razor shook his head. "Thank the winds of nature," Kazuha thought, mentally sighing with relief.

Razor just kept watching the young samurai, thinking back to when he heard Aether calling out Xiao's name...He tried to imagine Kazuha calling out for him like that, but it was hard...he had never heard Kazuha make mating calls, he'd never even seen him hot and bothered before. Kazuha was always calm with his iconic smile.

He had seen Aether become embarrassed over Xiao, he had seen Xingqiu blush with Chongyun, he had seen Jean blush around Diluc, even Thoma when he talks about Ayato, or even Sucrose when she admires Albedo...but never Kazuha, and for some reason... it bothered him...He knitted his brows and reached for him.

"Razor, what are you-" Without any warning or answer, Razor had pushed Kazuha over and climbed on top of him, remembering something similar to what Xiao did to Aether.

Two pairs of crimson met, while messy locks of silver draped down...blocking the moon's view, his hands rested on either side of Kazuha's head, his knees by his hips.

"R...Razor?" Kazuha looked a bit more surprised than anything else but his cheeks...they were a soft red color that contrasted his porcelain skin. Razor, feeling somewhat accomplished, was about to get up...but then that scent intruded his nostrils, slowly frying his brain… "Hungry…"

"Razor" raising his voice a bit, he grabbed the silver haired boy's shoulders tightly, trying to push him away, but it was too late, Razor had already dug his face into Kazuha's neck. He gasped, feeling Razor's nose and lips brush against his skin. Tightening his grip on the wolven boy, his cheeks lit up into a darker shade of red, biting down on his lower lip to trap any sounds.

Driven by the young swordsman's scent, Razor couldn't help but begin licking Kazuha's soft, tender neck, unaware of Kazuha's flustered face, unaware of the moans that are desperate to escape his lips.

He continued his licking, indulging in that sweet scent that Kazuha was just oozing with, but his hunger was growing and he could feel a strange heat begin to pull in his groin…

"Hungry…!" Kazuha's ears had no time to catch Razor's words as his eyes widened to the sudden pair of teeth sinking into his skin. His bruised bitten lips finally broke apart "Razor…!!" Kazuha couldn't stop the moan as he called out the wolf boy's name.

With no hesitation, Razor's eyes widened like he had been impaled before he lifted his head back up, only to see a flustered Kazuha beneath him… Razor's cheeks lit up.

Kazuha put a hand over his bitten lip before he shoved Razor off of him, quickly standing to his feet before he started making his way back to the Wangshu inn.

"We should return before the others worry" Kazuha spoke in his usual tone, albeit there was a hint of annoyance in it.

Razor took a moment to register what Kazuha had said before getting up and following, unable to stop thinking about that flustered expression on Kazuha's face. It looked so desperate, confused...and his cheeks were so red; it all made that heat pull into his groin again.

Meanwhile, Kazuha did his best to hide his face the whole way back inside, holding a hand to his neck the whole time...Razor had, sure enough, left a mark.