
The Targaryen Gamer

Our MC is reincarnated as Jack Snow, otherwise known as Daeron Targaryen, older twin to Jon Snow, Aegon Targaryen. Of course, this would be a boring story if he was normal... so, you've seen it a million times already, he's The Gamer. Have fun reading and be prepared for a shit upload schedule :)

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Son of Fire and Winter.

As the Stark family sits at their high table eating breakfast, Eddard sighs and looks at his youngest bastard son, "Jon, where's your brother this time?", He pinches the bridge of his nose as his other children laugh... Jack's disappearance at breakfast was becoming a common occurrence.

Jon stands up and bows respectfully, "My lord, he's out running... he says it necessary and can't be avoided", the curly-haired boy looks at the ground with a small smile.

This causes Eddard to squint his eyes, "That isn't all he said was it?"

Robb lets out a laugh but quickly stifles it due to his mother's glare. Jon shakes his head, "H-he dares you to try and catch him... he joked that you are too old and grumpy to know what 'Fun' is, even if it slapped you in the face"

A glint enters Eddard's eyes and a grin appears on his face as he gets out of his chair and heads outside causing Robb, Theon, Jon, and a small Sansa to follow him outside.

Catelyn facepalms herself and shakes her head, "Why must you always give in to that boy's provocations?"

Lord Stark stands on the battlements and looks over the grounds of his castle. Seeing Jack stretching his body and talking to Hodor, he signals for the children to stay where they are as he creeps up behind his unsuspecting son.

As Jack laughs along with Hodor over something, his father grabs him by the scruff of his neck, "Would you look at that? I've caught myself a criminal", he begins to drag his son to the Pillory.

"Let me go, you old fart", Jack struggles against his father's grip. He hadn't expected the old man to actually try to get him.

Eddard locks his son's hands and head in the Pillory before asking over to some wet dirt and smothering it over the boy's face, "Who's boring now?"

The boy gives a playful glare, "You know I'll get you back for this!", he laughs as he sees his brothers and sister start to line up with rotten food, "Come on then, let's see who has the best throwing arm!"

-=-=- [Many Hours Later] -=-=-

After wiping himself clean of rotten food, mud pies, and even Lady Catelyn spanking his bottom when he couldn't stop her. He gets into a hot bath with a moan of enjoyment as all the stress vanishes, 'System, activate my notifications'

[Quest Complete: Lighten The Mood]

[Quest Complete: Weekly Workout]

[Level Up!]

He lets his mind drift a little in the relaxation before sitting upright, 'Character Sheet and Stats'


Name: Daeron Targaryen [Alias: Jack Snow]

Age: 10

Level: 7

Unspent Stat Points: 35

Unspent Skill Points: 70

-=-=- [Stats] -=-=-

Strength: 12

Perception: 17

Dexterity: 15

Charisma: 15

Willpower: 13


Closing the screen, he proceeds to wash his body and get dressed in basic fur clothing. Nights in the North are cold as ice, even when winter isn't here, it's dangerous to walk around unclothed.

Luckily with the perk Gamer's Body that he started his new life with, he can fully heal from any injury or ailment as long as he can sleep for 8 hours.

And to help deal with the freezing weather, he gained Cold Resistance after frequently exposing his body to the winds of the North. The perk gives him a 25% Cold Resistance which he more than happily took.

Laying on his bed, he opened his journal and proceeded to write the ongoings of the world and any deviations from the natural timeline that his existence has brought.

How did he do this without anyone reading it? simple, he has an inventory that he keeps his most valuable items in.

Hearing the creaking of the door, he sees Lady Catelyn walking in slowly to see Jon asleep in another bed next to me. She slides into the room gracefully with a small smile.

"Time for bed", she says as she begins to tuck me in. I've spent the years since my rebirth worming my way into her heart. She began to see the folly of hating children that didn't choose to be bastards.

She kisses my head and wishes me sweet dreams before giving Jon a similar kiss and leaving the room. Once they were both alone, Jon opens his eyes and turns around, "You gave us another fun day... it would be pretty boring around here without you"

Jack smiles at his little brother, the one he constantly meme'd in his last life for the phrase, [She is my Queen!]. He lets out a little chuck, "Remember Jon, life is not worth living if you can't smile about it after everything is done and your dreams are fulfilled"

Jon was not a child filled with a lot of smiles but when he did, they were incredibly adorable, "Thank you, brother. I don't know what I'd do without you"

Jack walks over and gets into Jon's bed, hugging each other as they fall asleep. Despite his dislike for Jon in his previous life when he was just a character in a show. He's grown to love his brother as a brother.

-=-=- [Three Years Later] -=-=-

[You have hit puberty: +2 to all Stats]

'Yeah, no shit, you're about two years too late... dumbass system', he thinks as sweat drips from his body and onto the floor. Continuing his daily life of fifty pushups, fifty situps, one hundred squats, and shadow boxing for twenty minutes before a 5km run.

His body was not Herculean but it was riddled in small lean muscles, he focused on having the bo of an Olympic runner/swimmer, focusing more on dexterity and speed than brute force or giant's strength. Though, he could have strength and speed thanks to his system, which he couldn't be happier about.

The Laughing Wolf, this was the title people started calling him as he laughed in the face of any adversity. He laughed after losing his virginity, after killing his first man, and beating three stark soldiers in mock combat... he laughed at them all. Why did he do this? why the fuck not, life is meant to be enjoyed.

After wiping his body clean, he enters the castle grounds to see Robb and Jon in single combat with real but blunt swords, "How about the winner faces me?", he gives his ever-present grin that causes the two boys to grimace, they both regularly gain light bruises as marks after facing him.

He was pleasantly surprised when he heard a voice behind him, "Bastard Boy, you'll be training with me", the voice came from Greatjon Umber, a man that had become like an uncle to him.

He lets out a howling cackle as he stares at the large man, "And what does an overweight old man have to teach me?", they greet each other in a warm hug as many onlookers smile at them. If Jack wasn't a Bastard of Eddard Stark, many would think he was the son of Greatjon.

[Quest: Defeat Greatjon in Mock Battle - Reward: Increased Loyalty from all Northerners & 5 Stat Points]

He dismisses the popup before sitting at a wooden table with his large uncle and getting them both mugs of ale, "No, seriously... did you come all the way here just to teach me?"

He downs his entire mug before getting a maid to refill it, "Aye, your father told me that you bested almost all the soldiers in Winterfell and that he's too busy to teach you himself, so he called on me", he gazes over the boy in front of him, last time they saw each other, Jack was nothing but a scrawny kid with a bullshit attitude like him.

He stands up, taller than all men in Winterfell other than Hodor, "Alright then, show me your moves, Bastard Boy", they grin at each other wildly as the sounds of their swords clashing fill the silence of Winterfell all through the night.

[Shit upload schedule... basically whenever I feel like writing but it will never be truly abandoned.]