
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
74 Chs

Chapter 16

The year was 2052. Tara Chowdhury, her fiery hair now touched with streaks of silver, stood outside the gates of the Priya Arts and Education Center, a grim expression etched on her face. Yellow police tape cordoned off the vibrant courtyard, a stark contrast to the usual symphony of laughter and creativity.

A murder had shattered the Center's peaceful haven. The victim – Anika Das, a brilliant young artist on the cusp of her first international exhibition, was found lifeless in her studio, a single paintbrush clutched in her hand, its tip stained crimson.

A wave of nausea washed over Tara. The Center, a symbol of hope and renewal, had been violated. The unfinished symphony of Priya's legacy now had a discordant note, a chilling reminder that darkness could creep in even amidst the brightest creations.

Inspector Khanna, a young, sharp officer with an air of quiet determination, approached Tara. "Ms. Chowdhury," he said, his voice laced with a hint of respect, "I understand this is a difficult time for you. We're doing everything we can to find the culprit."

Tara nodded, her gaze lingering on the bustling scene of forensics officers collecting evidence. "Anika was a rising star. This… this doesn't make any sense."

Inspector Khanna sighed. "We're investigating all possibilities. There were signs of a struggle, but nothing seems to be missing. It could be a robbery gone wrong, or…" he hesitated, "something more personal."

The possibility of a targeted attack sent shivers down Tara's spine. The Center housed a treasure trove of historical documents, including the letters between Dhritiman and Priya. Could someone be after them? Or was Anika silenced because of her art, her work perhaps uncovering a truth someone wanted buried?

Days turned into weeks, and the investigation yielded few leads. The pressure mounted on Tara. Not only did she have to keep the Center running, but she also had to ensure the safety of its students and staff. The once vibrant atmosphere was replaced by a sense of unease, a fear that the symphony of creativity might be silenced forever.

One evening, as Tara sat alone in her office, a worn leather satchel caught her eye. It was the one Rohan had given her years ago, containing Dhritiman's letters to Priya. A sudden thought struck her. Perhaps, within those pages, lay a hidden clue, a forgotten detail that could help unravel the mystery of Anika's death.

With trembling hands, Tara unfolded the letters, her eyes scanning the faded ink. As she reached the later ones, a passage jumped out at her. Dhritiman mentioned a rival businessman, a man whose unethical practices he had exposed. The man had threatened Dhritiman, vowing to destroy everything he held dear.

A cold dread filled Tara. Could this be a motive? Could Anika, through her art, have stumbled upon a truth that connected to this old dispute? Determined to find out, Tara contacted Inspector Khanna, a new fire ignited in her eyes.

The tangled ties of Tollygunge, once again, seemed to be tightening. But this time, Tara wouldn't let the darkness win. Armed with a newfound resolve and a legacy of resilience, she was determined to not only protect the Center but also ensure that Anika's death wouldn't be in vain. The symphony of creativity, though marred by a discordant note, would continue to play, its melody a defiant cry for justice and a testament to the enduring power of truth and the unwavering spirit of the Priya Arts and Education Center.