
03 Chapter

~Hank's POV~

"Why did she run out" I taught sadly knowing I didn't get her number. I went to get a change of clothes myself when i saw a card on the floor.

"Alyson Jeffers, investment analyst." I said with a grin. Did she intentionally leave this here, I taught to myself.

After putting on my clothes I headed for my car.

"Moses" I said with a smile

"Yes sir" my driver said

"Find out everything about this girl and get back to me" I said handing him the card

"Ok sir" he said

As we headed home.

~Alyson's POV~

"Aly your so late" Ramona said as I sat down in the office.

"I had to rush home and take my bath before getting here" I said

"Wait what, where did you sleep" she asked which immediately made me think of his soft tender lips on mine and how his wrestlers shoulders carried me like I was a baby, I still smell like him I taught.

"To earth girl" Ramona shouted

"Am 25 honey, you don't need to act as though am a kid" I said and pretended to be busy.

"Oh really is that it" Ramona said with a smirk.

Working on the company's finance report, I had to make a report with currency adjustments and price developments. It had been a while I had taking time to analyze my research on the company's investment, it was as though I was new to this job I had been doing for 4 years. Wanted to stretch a little and as I lifted my head standing a few meters away was Hank. I acted naturally and returned to my work thinking its just a bad coincidence. He could be there for something work related.

"Here's miss Alyson Jeffers" someone said leading Hank to my desk, turns out to be an unending nightmare ones again. Hank standing right in-front of my work space, is this guy some kind of stalker.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" I said with a faint smile.

"Hello beautiful " he said sending an electric shock down my veins.

"Uhm excuse me sir" I said trying not to make things awkward.

"Well you left today without even a goodbye, wasn't that rude of you. So I taught you would be willing to apologize over a dinner tonight?" He said with so much confidence.

"No, and this is a working environment so please leave" I said gently

I flexed my head to see if anyone was looking.

"Hello everyone please can I have your attention" he shouted as I immediately stood up pulling him out of the office.

"Are you trying to get me fired?" I asked him

"No but if you do I'll be more than happy to hire you" he said with a smile

"Are you crazy?" I asked this time very pissed

"No am in-love, just one date" he said

"So if I agree, you'll leave?" I asked

"Happily " he said

"Fine I accept nos leave" i said totally irritated.

"Your number" he immediately asked

He took my number and left the building. I took a deep breath and I walked back to my space.

"Wasn't that the very guy you stayed with last night?" Ramona asked

"Yes, unfortunately" I said

"Why unfortunately?" she went on asking

"We had a one night thing, i was expecting it to end that way but now he's become a stalker I guess" I said

"Girl, you slept with him" she said as my cheeks litted like red cherries.

"It was one time and I was drunk" I said rolling my eyes

"One time, thats your first time. What if you get pregnant. Wait what happened to after marriage?" She said so curiously.

"Can we go to work please" I said trying to avoid that conversation.

Got back home after a hectic and awkward day, feeling a thousand different ways. Why does this guy even want to go on a date with me? Is he a creep? Maybe a serial killer. I taught laying on my coach. When I got a text from his royal loudness.

"Hi beautiful " he said

"Alyson's the name" I said

"I prefer beautiful, should i pick you up at 9pm" he asked

"No thank you, just send me the location" I taught still wondering if I was going to go but I didn't want this guy bugging me again.

~Hanks Pov~

"Mom you can't try to control my live for ever"

I said

"Because I want whats best for you Hank" she said

"And you think I don't know what that should be on my own?" I asked

"Your still young son" she saidl

"Mom, am 29 you want me to reach 40 before am all grown up to make my own decisions, I hate when you try to do this mom. My whole life you and dad try to make it all about you." I said pissed off

"Don't let your dad hear you say that, we've done a lot to secure you the best future" she said

"Mom, I know to you your trying to help me make the better choices. But at the end you make choices I don't like. Look at me now, I don't even have friends because you where too picky when I was a kid. " I said.

"You're my only child, I just want the best for you" she said hugging me. But I didn't even hug her bag, because I knew she wasn't listening to me.

I left the house and went to my car.

"Where to sir?" Moses said as I entered the car

"Drive me to the coffee shop, I have to meet up with Maxima there" I said

"You ok sir?" He asked

"Yes Moses" I replied

"Your thinking about her" he said

"Who?" I asked

"The girl you told me to research about, you have a date with her today right" he said

"Oh God I almost forgot" I said taking out my phone to give her a location. I decided to go to a hotel instead to get some rest, and get ready for my date.

As I got to the hotel, I couldn't help but think about Aly. With her radiant skin, her dazzling blue eyes, soft blonde hair, delicate lips so tender. Its only been two days but I can't get her out of my mind.

~Alyson's POV~

"Oh my God, its 11pm already" I said getting up from a deep sleep. Picked up my phone and saw 20 missed calls from Hank.

I mean I felt bad and wanted to call him but maybe its God's signal. Like I honestly believe in if something doesn't happen then it wasn't meant to. I just got up went to the my kitchen and got something to eat.

"But he's so handsome" I taught out loud and laughed.

"What's your take on this guys? Do you think she should've called him back? The poor guy most have waited all night for her"

Sharlynn_Achacreators' thoughts