
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

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7 Chs

6. The Journey

The female elf offer Elin to go with her to Melen. Elin then begin recalling about Melen. Melen is a fishing city located nearby Orario, if she arive in there she can reach Orario easily.

"Then I would be in your care then. By the way my name is Elin, Elin Volva." - Elin

"My name is Aina, Aina Tulle. I am in your care too Elin." - Aina

Elin is shocked. Somehow in this forest she had met our white rabbit advisor mother.

"..." - Elin

"Hmmm? Is something wrong?" - Aina

"No, nothing... So how long is the distance?" - Elin

"Just a couple of day if we keep walking and not resting at the day." - Aina

"I see. So lets start walking?" Elin

"Yes, lets go!" - Aina


Aina and Elin begin their journey, they walk as they follow the river to go to the outside of the forest. They talk with each other. Aina talk how she met her husband and how she raised Eina.

"... And then she slipped and spilled her drink everywhere. She looks really cute when she have to clean it all up." - Aina

*pffft* "She is really clumsy. You said she wore glasses so I thought she is a serious girl." - Elin

"Well... she is really serious but also really clumsy most of the time." - Aina

"Hahaha... She sounds fun to be around." - Elin

"I am glad, maybe you can become her friend when you guys meet each other." - Aina

"Maybe, but from your story our age gap is quite high. I don't know if I can get along with someone younger." - Elin

"But you also talk with me. My age is quite high after all. But large age gap, really? Aren't you in your late teens?" - Aina

Aina asked Elin about her age, she look quite young after all. And with how she talk with her, she seems like young person for her.

"No, I am in my mid 20's. I can't talk with someone younger, I seems to never connect with them. They usually just ended up getting scolded by me because of their mischief." - Elin

"Ehhhh... but you looks younger. I am so jealous." *stare* - Aina

"But you also looks really young for a mother." - Elin

"Well of course, I am an elf after all. I am right now nearly reaching my 100's and it's still considered young for us, especially me a high elf" - Aina

"Ehh... I see." - Elin

They seems to getting along really well bantering with each other acknowledging each other looks.

"But really, I am quite jealous. I bet you were really popular in where you from." - Aina

"No, I never even in any romantic relationship." - Elin

"No way, that is shocking. Are the boys there blind." - Aina

"Well I am not interested with boy neither. I love mature woman." - Elin

They continue their girl talk, before Aina ask about Elin preference which Elin answer. Aina then ask.

"Ehh... you are not indicating something right?" - Aina

"What do you mean?" - Elin

"Well I am already married after all." - Aina

"Hmmm?... Ahh!! That's not what I meant. It's just my preference." - Elin

*pfft* "Hahaha did I scare you for a bit?" - Aina

"Eh... " - Elin

Aina scare Elin for a bit, she wanted to tease Elin because she suspected that she looks really easy to tease right now. For Aina, Elin is interesting from her seriousness earlier, her clumsiness, then her being sociable and playful. She is all over the place which makes her really interesting and fun to talk to.

"But you like woman huh?" - Aina

"Yes, although seeing other girls cuteness is great I really prefer mature woman." - Elin

"Well good luck then if you have someone you like I will gladly help." - Aina

"Yeah, thank you." - Elin

This is pretty much how their conversion goes. They bantering teasing each other until the night. They decide to rest, fortunately Aina bring a tent. Elin help by building the tent while Aina make the fire and prepare the foods.

Because of the existence of the fire Aina makes a vegetable stir fry, she add some seasoning to add flavor to their dish. After they eat their dinner, they decide to end their day.


Two sleeping female is sleeping in a camp. The two is sleeping peacefully undisturbed by the outside world. Their journey yesterday was really uneventful, by now they usually will meet a monster or two but they strangely haven't seen them yet.

Elin eyes then start to open up and closing slowly. After sometime she then stand and walkout from the tent slowly to not disturb the other person. After she is in the outside she look at the horizon. Right now they are in the high ground so she could see all across the valley. She can see the edge of the forest and a massive lake which connected with sea in very far away. There is also a small shape settlement from this far away. That settlement is Melen their destination. She can also see another settlement nearby Melen with a sky reaching tower. From this place the two destination looks like a small settlement, that's how far they are.

Elin Then decide to head inside the camp to woke Aina up.

"Aina wake up." - Elin

Elin try to wake Aina up by shaking her and telling her to wake up.

"hmmmhmm..... Another 5 minutes." - Aina

Elin try to wake her up for a bit, but it is really hard to wake her up. She then go outside the camp again and decide to cook their breakfast. She wants to try to make vegetable stir fry like yesterday. There still abundant of ingredients, so she doesn't have to worry to gather more ingredients. The fire from yesterday is still running, so she grab a pan, put oil in it, and put in the vegetables and the seasoning. She stir it up with large wooden spoon, but then she remember how professional chef in her old world stir their cooking by moving the pan. Her intrusive thought won and she begin to toss the pan. A mix of colors and flavors of vegetables went everywhere like a firework. She is shocked, she lost about 1/4 of the ingredients. What did she expect anyway, she doesn't even have near the skill if compared to the chef of her old world.

"Eh...? That's not what I think supposed to happen..." - Elin

Elin questioning something that should be an obvious result from her attempt. Meanwhile behind her.

"Elin-chan~~ What did you do?~~" - Aina

Aina asked with somewhat playful tone but Elin know she is angry.

"Ummmmnnn... I just trying to cook." - Elin

Elin answer while looking sideway while whistling. She is looking really believeable right now while Aina just stares at her.


Elin is making sure that in the future she would not anger Aina. Even if she looks quite childish, she can act properly like an adult. Well, sometimes she also a bit playful. Anyway, no make Aina angry.

For the days after the journey is similar, they just hang around and not meeting any monster. Elin really should noticed it, but she is Elin while Aina is also carried away by Elin attitude.

Anyways at the moment they are at the side of a huge lake walking toward a city. The fishing city, Melen finally in front of them. Right now Aina looks really tired while our Elin is in perfect condition as if she never use any of her stamina. They are right now walking slowly toward the fishing city.


Double chapter since I forgot to released it yesterday.