Through war, flames, dragons, and utter hell. This is my tale. This is my legacy. I invite you to peer into my past to learn of my pain, my legend, and my triumph. Join me if you are willing to hear the stories of an old man's youth.
We arrived at the feeding ground of the dragons, it was now almost mid-day. The forest was silent, too silent... My men and I laid in waiting behind the brush with a clear view of the dragons feeding ground. It was a horrible sight, the ground was covered in bones, blood, and rotting meat. I had never smelt anything so grotesque in my life, this was the smell of death. Laying underneath a large pile of bones was the stag's head, its right horn had been broken off from the skull, seeing that skull saddened me, it was such a beautiful majestic creature, this foul beast had killed it.
It felt as if time was not moving at all, the only thing I heard was the sound of my own heartbeat, I had a coppery taste in my mouth and I could feel sweat running down my face, the anticipation for battle was unbearable. A few hours had passed before we heard any movement, but as the sun passed over our heads we saw something. A shadow, it was enormous, I looked into the sky thinking it was a cloud, but I was wrong. High up in the sky we saw it, circling its feeding ground, a large beast, we could not see it very clearly but we knew it was huge, possibly bigger than an alpha. I looked around at my men who's eyes where fixed on the great beast, they were in awe and frozen with fear.
It circled for a while, but then all of a sudden it let out a roar, the sound was so loud I could almost feel it in my chest, as it roared we saw something fall from the sky. It hit the ground with a grotesque sound, bones being shattered and blood and guts splashing everywhere. I was staring in horror at the sight, it was once a large Yak, but now all it was, was a pile of blood and flesh. The only way I could tell it was a Yak was from its head, its skull was caved in and a look of horror was stuck on its face. It was only a few moments until the dragon slammed into the ground, those moments felt like an eternity. The dragon hit the ground with earth-shaking force. The sight of that beast haunts me to this day, it's body was a dark shade of white, much darker than the one Asta and I had seen, its head alone was the size of a fully grown man, its body was covered in deep scars.
My body froze for a moment, I tried to move but was frozen at the sight of this monster, it looked around and sniffed the air, for a moment I had thought it knew we were here, but to my amazement, it let out a short growl, and then drove its head straight into the corpse of the Yak, ripping and tearing flesh, the sound of bones breaking and flesh ripping filled the air. And as I heard the sound I knew we didn't have much time. I regained control of my body and looked towards my men and nodded, I got no response from them. They were still frozen, and I knew the only way to wake them was to start the battle.
I took a deep breath, I could now feel my heart pounding in my chest, I stood up and shouted at the top of my lungs "Death to the dragons!" As my men heard me they woke up from their fear-induced trance, they rose up and charged the beast, all of them shouting just as loud as I did. The beast was startled and turned towards us as fast as it could, It roared in our direction and I could feel the force of the roar hit my body causing me to slow down slightly. I did not let that deter me, I pushed forward getting inches away from the beast, I raised my ax and tried to hit the beast, but it swung its tail around and hit me in the chest, I was sent flying into a nearby boulder. My vision went blurry and I heard a high pitched ring in my ears. Through my blurry vision, I saw my men attack the beast, they where being torn apart. The men I had positioned to the east and went began their charge into battle, and the archers let loose. Arrows flew from every direction, and as they hit the beast it bellowed in pain, a few moments passed and I had gotten my vision back. But what I saw horrified me, the beast lunged at one of my men, as its ungodly jaws hit him he collapsed, his legs hit the ground he let out a scream that filled the air, the sound of his scream was stuck in my mind, he fell to his stomach and clawed at the dirt in front of him trying to flee the battle but after a few moments of desperate struggle he stopped moving, I was now filled with rage, my face was covered in tears for the great man who had just died. I screamed at the beast "No! No more! I won't allow you to kill anymore!" my men kept on attacking, slashing at its legs and tail, the beast was now red with blood but would not give up. I picked up my ax and charged the beast once more, it was facing away from me, I had an opening and I was going to take it. I launched myself onto its back and began slashing at its neck with all my might, "Just die! Die! Die!" I screamed over and over again as I attacked it, with each slash the beast screamed in pain, which only made me even more enraged. The beast lunged forward once more, I almost lost my balance, I kept on screaming and slashing as hard as I could, as I was being covered with blood I saw the dragon charge another one of my men, the beast gripped his arm in its jaws and began to rip his arm off, the sound of flesh tearing, bone-breaking and the sound of pure agony was enough to make a man insane. Those sounds sent chills down my spine and caused me to scream once more, "Enough!" I said, I rose my ax above my head and thrust it down with every bit of strength I had left in me, it dug deep into the base of the beast, I heard the sound of flesh ripping as the ax hit its skin. The beast let out one last dying screech, a scream filled with pain and agony, it made my heart stop for a moment, I lost balance and got thrown off of it as it thrashed its body around in pain. The beast was now almost defeated, "Stab it now!" I screamed to my men. They all charged forward-thrusting their spears into its stomach as hard as they could. And as the spears penetrated its skin it fell to the ground.
As the beast hit the ground everything went silent, my men just stood where they were frozen in fear. I walked up to the now-dead beast and dug my ax from its neck, I was shaking violently and tears still streaming from my eyes, I picked up my ax and began to attack the now dead beast "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed swinging with all my might ripping the flesh off the beast, "You killed them! You killed my friends!" I continued to scream, I threw my ax to the ground and fell to my knees. I looked at my hands which where drenched in blood, my armor was dented and torn apart. My stomach had a gaping gash along my chest, blood was pouring violently from my chest staining the ground a crimson red. I felt my body get cold, my eyes began to shut slowly as I felt my body collapse and fall to the ground.
I felt cold and alone, I looked around and all I could see was darkness. I could feel nothing at all, I tried to call out for someone but as I opened my mouth no words would come out. I was scared, I could hear my heart beating in my chest, I could feel the thumping of it on my breast. And then I heard it, I have never been able to forget it, it still haunts my dreams. From all around me I heard it, it started off as a low faint sound but grew louder and louder, it was the sound of my men, my brothers screaming. The pain and horror in their voices made my chest tight, I looked around trying to find the origin of the screams but there was nothing. They kept on getting louder and louder, I threw my hands to my head and fell to my knees, I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. The tears were streaming from my eyes, and I felt pain in my heart, the kind of pain that makes you wish as if you were dead. I threw my head back so I stared at the darkness above me and tried as hard as I could to scream, my scream was filled with fear, rage, pain, and guilt. I screamed as hard as I could, I then suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me violently, and I could hear someone faintly through the screams "Hunter!" it grew louder and louder as the shaking grew more violent. Suddenly I was awake, screaming as if I were dying, Max's face was right in front of mine, "Hunter!" he screamed in my face trying to get my attention. "They are dead! They are all dead! I killed them all! They won't stop screaming!" I screamed as the tears flowed relentlessly from my eyes. Max pulled my head into his chest and held me tightly trying to calm me down. "Do not fear boy, they are with the gods now" said Max as he rubbed the back of my head.