
Chapter - 2

I passed a few burnt houses, i was following Asta, she was walking 10 steps ahead of me, she passed the village border and went into the forest, i lost sight of her when she went in "Asta?", she called me from behind a big oak tree "Over here" I passed the tree with a grin on my face but once again i lost sight of her, i was about to call out her name when i felt a hand on my shoulder, i smiled and turned around to see Asta leaning against the tree, she somehow looked even better now that her clothes where slightly torn and singed, soot covered her cheeks, and dragon blood covered her chest, she gave me a loving smile, "So mister hero, what drove you to kill that beast?" she said in a soothing tone, i couldn't stop smiling and said "Well the village was in danger and its what any man would have done", she chuckled and said "Well that's brave, i think you deserve a reward" her eyes locked onto mine, she was mesmerized by my eyes, they looked stunning now, as if there where flames behind them, and her eyes where so beautiful i was lost in them. She blushed slightly, I leaned in closer to her face and said softly "You look so amazing Asta" she tipped her head down a little, her cheeks flushed, she looked to the ground and said "Hunter, you know that those fierce eyes make me frantic" I leaned in even closer still smiling and whispered to her "Asta I love you so much" her eyes widened, she was about to say something but before she could I placed my hand on her right cheek, she closed her eyes I pulled her face closer to mine, she was breathing heavily now, I pressed my lips against hers and gave her a loving kiss, her hands wrapped around my back and pulled me closer her lips were so soft, I was addicted to the feeling of them, I could stay in this moment forever I thought, she pushed me away after a few moments of our loving kiss. She turned me forcefully and placed my back against the tree and said: "Hunter you idiot, you could have died, what would I have done?" I took a good look at her now, she had tears on her face. I said "Asta I'm sorry, I was just trying to def--" she cut me off with another deep kiss, I now placed my hands behind her lower back and pulled her closer another few moments went by... She pulled away from the kiss and rested her head on my chest still crying, she said "Hunter I don't ever want to lose you, I-I love you" she closed her eyes and held me tightly, I was awestruck. I placed my head on hers and held her tightly in my arms and said "You will never lose me, Asta, never"

We stayed like this until she had stopped crying, I then asked her "Asta are you hurt?" she replied with "No don't worry, I'm alright now, I was just worried when I did not see you earlier, I thought they had killed you" she started to cry slightly again, but I held her even more tightly. I was so stupid I was so caught up in fear and rage that I had forgotten about Asta, that feeling I got that day was dreadful, I promised myself that day that I would never forget her for one second no matter the situation.

My father came looking for us a while later, he was standing at the edge of the village border calling "Hunter! The chief wants to see you now!" Asta and I both stood upright, I turned to start heading back to the village when Asta once again pulled me back for another loving kiss, I smiled at her and started my trip back to the village, she stayed there for a while, I assume to process what just happened.

Back in the village, the men had started to gut and skin the dragon that I had killed, I came to try to help but the chief stood in front of me, his eyes were cold, and he looked very angry, I stood tall and awaited my judgment.

"You could have been killed boy, what do you have to say for yourself?" I stood tall with my head held high and said: "My lord, this was my first dragon battle, I was doing my duty to you and the village, and I would do it again my lord" he looked at me silently with that same look on his face, but then his expression changed from hardened and angry to happy and enthusiastic, he laughed and placed his hand on my shoulder "In all my years no single man has ever been able to defeat an alpha on his own, I was wrong about you boy. On this day you have brought great honor to your family and your chieftain. I thank you on behalf of the village and ask your permission if could throw a celebratory feast in your honor." I was shocked at this great reward, I got onto my knee and said: "My lord I do not think I am worthy of such an honor." I stared at the ground, the chief placed his hand on my shoulder once again and said: "Rise, my son, you deserve this, today you are our hero." I stood up and looked him in the eye, I held out my hand to shake his, and he smiled and shook my hand enthusiastically. He then stood tall and shouted "Tonight we feast in honor of Hunter, the alpha slayer!" the whole village cheered for me, that was one of the greatest achievements of my youth.

Later that night the village had laid out our most divine cuisine in the half-destroyed town hall, the chief had given me two full barrels of his finest ale as a reward for my kill, I shared the barrels with my father, Asta, and the chief. We were feasting late into the night, and then suddenly the chief slammed his cup on the table 3 times, the hall went silent, and awaited his speech. "This day was one of the worse attacks in years, the dragons are growing more fierce every year, we would have been overrun and slaughtered if it were not for Hunter, who slew their alpha and send them back to the hell they came from like frighted dogs! And to commemorate his victory we give him the bounty we have gotten from the alpha, we give him this cape made from the skin of an alpha dragon, we give him the head of the beast, and finally, we give him our respect, to Hunter!" the whole hall erupted into cheers. The cape I was given was stunning, the hide was stronger than any leather I had ever felt before, and it was black and smooth, I put it on my back with great pride and chugged down another mug of ale, it was truly a historic night in my life. I requested that I keep the dragon head in the center of the hall, it was placed right above the chieftain's head, it was a great honor for me as below the head said "Hunter son of Magnus, the alpha slayer". That was one of the happiest nights of my life.

The next morning the whole village was awake before the sun, we had started repairing the houses and buildings the dragons had destroyed, and every man woman, and child was helping, we needed all hands on deck so we could rebuild and be prepared for the coming winter. The sun was above our heads in the sky when my father departed for fishing as he usually did, we needed to stock up on as much food as we could it was going to be a cold winter this year. Asta and I were sent to rally up the cattle and sheep that had escaped yesterday. I was thrilled because I would finally be able to have some alone time with Asta. We started our search in the forest east of the village, we were well out of sight of the village. I began to smile once again and Asta noticed, "What's with that smile?" she asked, I replied, "I'm just thinking of what happened yesterday" she started to smile as well and said, "It was truly a magnificent feast" I looked at her and said, "It was yes, but to me the reward I was given from you was far better than the feast" her face turned red once again and she said, "Your silly Hunter" I walked up to her and said "I may be silly, and you may be too, but we still love each other do we not?" she punched me in my shoulder and giggled, I then quickly pulled her in and kissed her, after this, we were walking through the forest holding hands, we had made a plan to meet each other in the woods when the moon was at its peak, we were to meet at the oak tree where we had our first kiss, I had almost forgotten why we came out here, but the sound of a sheep woke me from my trance. The rest of the day was filled with carrying sheep and re-building houses.

The moon was finally at its peak, the village was silent but the glow of the moon filled the night with light, I snuck out while my father slept and headed for the tree, as I was walking through the village I was amazed at how much better it looked, it was almost completely repaired, and to think that it was all done in a single day, it made me proud to be a part of our village. I made it to the tree and Asta was not there yet, I sat under the tree waiting patiently for her, I was there for a few moments when I heard something in the tree above me, I stood up quickly and was ready for anything that came my way, but all I heard was a silent familiar voice, "Hunter, join me" Asta whispered, I chuckled and started my climb up the tree, it was not the easiest task for a man as large as I was but I had made it. Asta and I sat on a large branch that had a clear view of the night sky, I rested my back against the stem of the tree, Asta made her way towards me and sat on my lap facing me, her legs behind mine and her face inches away from mine, she had cleaned herself up by then and was wearing a thick jacket as was I, she was smiling and so was I, she slid her hands into my jacket and placed them behind my back, as she did this it sent tingles all through my body, I returned this gesture by placing my hands into her jacket and rested them on her lower back, she shifted slowly from side to side as I was moving my hands, she giggled and laid down on my chest, she was so warm, her skin so soft it was like I was in a dream, her cold breath on my neck was amazing, I matched my breathing to hers and it sent chills down both our spines. It was a cold night but I didn't feel it I was in paradise, we sat there for hours just being in each other's arms in complete silence, I felt my eyes get heavy and before I had fallen asleep I noticed Asta had fallen asleep on me, I kissed her on the head before I fell asleep.

We were awoken by the sound of birds chirping, the suns early glow was beautiful and warming, I woke up before Asta and was just sitting there watching my love sleep, she was adorable now, still holding me tightly and breathing deeply, I chuckled as she started to wake up, she looked at me with her sleepy grey eyes, she smiled and kissed me lovingly. We had both overslept and knew that the village would be looking for us by now, I did not want to move nor did Asta, we were just so comfortable, but eventually, I climbed down and helped Asta down. We strolled back to the village holding hands and smiling.