
Chapter - 20

There was a silence in the air. The sun was now warming my bandaged back up as I stared at Asta. She was still and I could tell she was in shock. She stood there motionless. There was s steady stream of tears flowing from her eyes in silence as she stared at me. I took a step towards her and felt pain rush through me again, I wanted to scream out, one foot after the other I willed myself forward towards her. She watched me as I struggled in silence enduring the pain coursing through me. Her eyes followed me as her mouth hung open still in disbelief of what was happening before her. I finally reached her. She looked at the floor closing her eyes and began to weep softly. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest and held her. She broke. She began to cry loudly and wrapped her arms around me and held me tight, the pain was almost too much, the feeling of her body against mine made me feel alive again. I had a feeling of warmth rush through me and I felt content. "I'm sorry Asta. Try not to worry too much about me now. I'm not leaving you." I said in a reassuring loving tone my voice was raspy as I had not spoken in a few days. "Idiot" Asta replied softly as she dug her face into my chest and I felt her tears land on my skin. "Now that's not a very nice thing to say," I said as I held her chin and turned her head upwards so that she was looking at my face. I smiled and I bent as I kissed her lips while her tears flowed like rivers down her face. I felt her take a deep breath as my lips met hers. As I pulled away I saw her smile for the first time in what felt like an eternity. "You really are an idiot Hunter," Asta said as she chuckled slightly and wiped the tears from her face. "Well, that is probably true," I replied as I chuckled. I stared into her eyes for a moment. I was happy at that moment even though my body was flooded with pain and my mind was even more so with thoughts of my dreams and my father.

I walked back over to the window with Asta, "You should be in bed" she had said as she helped me walk over to the window, " you're still in no condition to be walking around on your own." she continued. "I've been resting for long enough. That bed feels like a prison. And there are things we need to attend too and I can't be in bed forever." I explained. Asta looked at me with a concerned frown on her face. "I will take it easy though don't worry." I had said in a soft tone as she raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and said, "I promise." I chuckled to myself and pulled her close to me again and she let out a slight chuckle of her own. We looked out the window and gazed for a while at the beautiful sea and the nature around trying to find some peace in our situation. "What's happened since I have been in bed?" I asked Asta. "The village is in ruins and we have all been working to repair the houses and the walls. There is a shortage of food and resources and well my fathers have been working all day and night trying to help everyone. And your father has been out fishing all day so long as there has been light" as Asta had started talking about my father I felt a chill run down my spine. "we are slowly on the path to recovering but it's still gonna take us a really long time. And we never know when those people might attack again." Asta explained. "What about the prisoner?" I asked curiously, "He is still in the prison. We are trying to get him to talk but he hasn't said anything since you were in there." Asta said with a concerned tone. I could tell that she was expecting me to react badly to the mention of the prisoner. "And what about you Asta?" I said in a warm loving yet concerned tone, "What have you been doing and how have you been doing?" Asta looked out of the window at the sea for a moment. And now I could see that she had bags under her eyes and she looked pale. Her hands looked weak and she looked as if she were ready to collapse as I had a few days ago. "I'm fine. I have been watching you making sure you get better." She replied in a sheepish tone. My eyebrows furrowed and I grabbed her hand and began marching her over to the bed. "Hunter slow down you're going to hurt yourself!" she said in protest. But just as she finished her sentence I threw her down onto the bed, "It's time for you to rest Asta." I said in a serious tone, "I had my rest now you must too." Asta sat there slightly shocked for a moment before she began protesting again, "Hunter I cant. I still have things I need to do for you. I need to change your bandages and then put more herbs on your-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand. I pushed her head down onto the pillow and removed my hand from her mouth. She was about to begin speaking again but I covered her mouth once again. "You need to rest." I said in a loving tone. I chuckled and I laid down beside her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She let out a sigh and said "Fine. Only if you rest with me." I smiled and kissed her forehead before watching her close her eyes and go to sleep in my arms.

I laid there for a moment wondering about my father and the village and mostly about the prisoner. I had so many questions and concerns but for now, I could sleep with my beloved beside me. I allowed myself to close my eyes and drift off to sleep feeling Asta's chest rise and fall in unison with mine. Sleep came easily that morning. But when we awoke things were not so easy...