
lets the adventure start! part 1

Night turn to day , Yoshino dash to his room after coming back from school and throwing his bag to his bed, he don't even change his school cloth first and dash to his computer. Turning on his computer, not even 5 seconds past, his computer already ready to use. Clicking twice his mouse's right click at Cysmix icon game. Waiting for loading screen, in school he talk about this game to his friend. He invite his friend to play this game as Makato ask, but he get lame respond from his friend when he talk about this in their rest session.

"ahhhh, again?, this conversation about video game , not fun you know."

"No No, this will be fun. Haru believe me. I just start playing this game. It will be more fun if you guys join me, please~~" Yoshino ask his three best friends to play Cysmix together.

"Yeahh, again? new game?.. it not fun you know , you always win. I don't even complete the first game you ask us to play." also complain ,Natsu the most close friend with Haru and one of Yoshino best friends.

"It will be fun guys, trust me , i just found this game yesterday ! , i just complete the tutorial ,so there is no head start. It will be fun, this game is just created and still beta" Yoshino added.

Yoshino always invite his friend to play video game together , but before his friend can complete the game together . Yoshino always win the game first, making his friend left behind . Another game to new one, until to the point he don't invite them again to play new video game he found because his friend can't catch his progression.

"What about this game?, it been awhile you don't recommend us a new game , and beta? what is that?" Ask Yuu while eating his bread.

Yuu is the closed friend with Yoshino even they already friend together from childhood unlike Haru and Natsu , he befriend with them after meeting them in primary school.

"Yuu chan~~ i know you in my side, you interested yeah. " Yoshino hugged Yuu, Yuu feels bit bothered him eating but can't be helped they are so close until Yoshino uncle often visit his family.

"Ehhheem .. Guys, i found this game yesterday when i feels bored. In this old website, there is 1 game recently published at that website. Its name is Cysmix !!! , not only that the story also fun!!, also don't forget , in character creation there is many option!, more than thousand race!, and what more fun?!, it's free to choose any race , don't need to buy if you like that race!, also ! the fighting scene also good!, feels so real! ...." Yoshino advertising Cysmix to his best friends.

"Well that sound fun"

Yuu speechless Yoshino take 5 minute no stop telling the good of this game. He so hype promoting this game to them. This is first time he act like this, unlike other game he only casually explain the game but this game , Yoshino so hype , even he only complete the tutorial. This game is different from other for sure ,Yuu thought.

" Beta still game in testing process huh, i don't of see beta thing nowdays. Must from older generation time." Yuu added

" Yeah that is making it more fun!. You get free gift if you are beta player! . Even a legendary equipment! "

"But... you only telling us the pro, what bout con? Beta?, that is still testing you know.. will it effect my computer?" Yuu suspicious about Beta word.

"Hurrmmm, no i think.. wait , NO! , i meet the game creator of this game, he said it will be ok! . ahh, you know! you can meet the Game Master of this game if you play this game. He said he will fulfill your one wish in the game!.. is that fun?!.. come play with me after school!.. Here here , take this." Yoshino past paper contain Cysmix website address to three of them.

"So, what about you guys?" Ask Yuu to Natsu and Haru. Yuu don't know how to answers, he bit busy take care of his little sister but he don't want to invite reject Yoshino invitation . He also bit suspicious bout meeting Game Master but he trust Yoshino. So he ask his friend first.

"Errmm.. he so hype about this, can't be helped tho" Natsu answer and giving them thumb up.

"I don't do anything this afternoon. So ..." Haru give them thumb up.

"Huhh, yeah. Can't be helped " Yuu also give them thumb up.

"Okk good!!!" Yoshino happy getting the answer he wanted.

Yoshino tell more about the game, and he also tell them the important of the tutorial.He tell them to add him after they finish the tutorial game play.


(Welcome to Durano town of Furidamu kingdom, the starter town)

Yoshino character teleported into middle of town. The place where the last time he meeting Makato.

(Tip : Meet retire knight of the town in Durano Adventure Guild to start the main quest)

(Tip : To make your character strong , ones need to have character's Class. Visit Adventure Guild to get character's Class)

(Tip : ...)

There is more than 5 tips flashing in his game interface but he ignores them as Yoshino walk toward nearby low level monster.

He need leveling fast, as for class he can ignore it first. Because class only add few additional mastery but not level system , but this game play only work at early game phrase. After other reach level like level 100, even level 100 classless or famous name unspecialize can't match with level 100 with class.

Marching toward town entrance gate, he found this town so lively. NPCs communicate like real human, child playing nearby , merchant shouting to sell their goods , if this is world , this is fantasy world that everyone want to visit and live on it. Unlike other game , it feels so real . Other game, even after technology advance , the NPC still do awkward conversation but this game's NPC don't seem having this awkward conversation.

For a second he thought this is fantasy world but technology still evolve till this date, so he kick the idea of fantasy world and exit the town gate. The town gatekeepers don't block him.Gossip spread afterward Yoshino exiting the town.And this talk happen between gatekeepers.

"Captain , is that player that the information our king send to us? , Makato-sama told us to not bother them right? , Player have weird thing like white name tag in their head , King also tell us next time we also will have the same thing in future but green ones" one of town gate talk to his senior also the captain of the squad they guard.

"Yeah, that its. You know .. don't bother him, he is something you know. Player is weird , but this player more weirdo ... he make chaos in middle of town yesterday... huuhh, lucky Makato-sama arrive soon , i'm afraid to meet him yesterday."

"Afraid why? is not they the same as us? " ask the junior again.

"Cehh kid, you know nothing.. you already know right our king also Player? .. But you must not know what player can do.. They are so powerful, in time of our war, he swipe army of thousand demon just by flick his sword "

"Wait captain, you not tell us bout that story!!" his coworker complain. As the veteran of the war, he one of the army that saw Makato fighting demon until Makato safe them.

"ohh,i already forgot.. hehe.. i being old already.. but the most important why we must don't bother them is they are immortal ."His coworker want to know what happen in war time, but he is lucky to tell the tales and the captain also warn them why they can't have any problem with them.

"immortal? , they can't die?!" the juniors shock.

"They can die but they will resurrect, that is the problem. Thousand time we kill thousand time they will resurrect. Demon don't even stand a chance to kill our king , but they manage to only weaken him"

"ugghh , resurrection... We don't have it"

"That is why we must avoid conflict with them, we only have 1 life while they have infinite. Are not the king already distribute this book? you should already know about them. Hurrmmm... Soldier you already read it?!!!!" the captain take out book titled Player 1001 . He look weird reaction from his coworker

"Soldier!!, it's order from the king its self!, you dare to not read it!" the captain more angry after he found they don't read it. Makato tell them to read it because they and player are different , the fact of player and forbidden thing to do to player and so on.

"Sir yes sir, we will read it now!" the lazy gatekeepers rush to read it , because this is new to them. They maybe will be in contact with them so, they need to know how to act toward them.


Meanwhile, in far away from Furidamu kingdom.

Makato fixing the world, slaying a monsters on his way toward new places randomly created after existing of new player.His game interface show warning.

(Warning : three new play detected )

( Natsu : in tutorial field )

( Haru : in tutorial field )

(Yuu : in tutorial field )

"New player , what a shock" Makato shock after getting this news . He happy in same time ,anxious.

"They still in tutorial mode, i must hurry to fix this problems before another show up"

Dashing his way toward the end of the world, he must fix it before world crumble and mixing it with real Cysmix.

( New update , one of misfortune title 'The Loser' has been taken)

"Hahahaha! , who the hell get that the useless title"

after thinking few second .

"wait three new player, i only have 4. that mean Yoshino! what a misfortune!.. i already told you , to restart your character." He can't laugh after find Yoshino is the one who get the tittle . He feels bad toward his first beta player.

"Computer, what happen to him?" Makato in fixing process after reach his destination.

(He fighting level 2 monsters, but fail to kill it)

"what? he so noob till he can kill level 2 monster?, ugghh , i think will be somebody after finishing the tutorial but what a shame, he even can't do the easy thing."

(No, his negative luck attribute maybe effect his progress. He randomly die before can finish the final hit.)

"Randomly die?, tell me more about it"

(This is the 20 try he to kill the monster , now he level -20 )

(He maybe will randomly die again.It hard to explain, so it's better to you watch this)

His interface show live video from nearby low level field of Durano town. Making Makato stop his work and watch the live video.

After he watch the video, the almost die from shock.

"Is that a dragon?, it should not exist here right?, computer what happen"

(I'm sorry Makato-sama. I fail to give you answer but the possibility is his negative luck attribute)

(New mythic being founded: Black dragon)

"Okk, he should give up now. Why he still play this game? , what with this weirdo kid, at least he can restart new character , yet he still trying???"

Yoshino death count still growing , after Black dragon arrive to steal his pray, another random thing happen to him , making his level negative 50 now and getting new title : The Useless . But he still not giving up and keep rushing toward he low level field to kill level 2 monster,one horned rabbit.

i gonna stop telling my novel flaw , but i'm very thankful to the reader that is stay with me :)) and again there is no schedule of this novel. i feels bad doing this to my reader.btw , congrat to me! reaching 10k view count!! but even 10k view, no one is commenting this novel, the comment section is empty.but never mind even i feels bit sad no one want communicate with me , i will still offer you this chapter with a smile! stay tune!!

MineyMooncreators' thoughts