
A new world A new beginning but the wheel of fate remains the same

{Drogo's POV}

'Where am I?' Is a typical question you'd ask when you die and get reborn. For it is the simplest form of question, yet the hardest to answer. Looking around I saw a dark room filled with candles, yet despite light from said candles, the room was ever so dark. There was the sound of someone breathing heavily and of a child crying next to me.

'Where am I and why can't I move my body?' I thought to myself while slowly opening my eyes.

The day I did that, became the happiest point in my life...it was also a day I would come to CURSE for the rest of eternity.

Looking over to the person with the ragged breathing I saw a woman with blond hair and a diamond type tattoo, if you'd call it that, on her forehead. As if she knew I was staring at her she looked at me and for a brief moment our eyes met. It was all I needed for me to know that SHE was the same as my mother from my previous life. I could see the hatred in her eyes for me, along with no guilt FOR hating me. If I could I would laugh right now at how my fate was to be given the EXACT same life as my last one and boy would this bitch make my life worse!

But it was fine though...I had learned from my last experience that trying my best to appease her would get me nothing, so as soon as I grew up a bit, I'd leave her and go to an Orphanage never to see her again. Musing over my thoughts on how to escape this woman's grasp, I forgot that her eyes were still staring at me and then she spoke, which I surprisingly understood as it was English.

"Why are you looking at me for, you devil child? You're just like that bastard who raped me, you have his bright red eyes. I hoped you were a stillborn, you and this little deviless next to you! I would have gotten an abortion if not for the risk I might die during it!"

Ah lovely! Another 'tragic mother who'd go on to hate her kids,' like they ASKED to be born in the first place! But she said 'little deviless' as well so I have a twin sister. I turned my head to my left to see what I would come to cherish for the rest of my life. The little baby was staring at me with wide open grey eyes that screamed 'cute' I guess, along with her little blond hair and smiley chubby face.

'I have a sister?' Is this a blessing for me, or a trial for her? She'll be facing a mother that cares not one bit for us?'

I kept staring at her eyes and all my fears and thoughts of abandoning this place melted away. For they were such pure eyes with no malice in them, they were filled with curiosity, that was what her eyes showed.

'I don't know how my life and yours will turn out but I promise you this, I will make sure NOTHING ever harms you in this world. I will make sure you won't suffer from the things I suffered...a life of pain and torture. THAT will not be for you. You'll have a life full of happiness I promise!' I thought to myself in my mind while reaching out with my small little hand to hold hers and then slowly drifted off to sleep.

A new Story was about to begin...one with many hardships.

Hi, guys, I'm pretty new to this whole writing novel thing so like go easy on me. As you might've guessed this is a Naruto fanfic but not exactly the same I will have my OC start at the buroto timeline but Tsunade gave birth to them a year after Naruto was born.

Probably should've guessed that Tsunade was raped cause she drinks so much and under the influence, shit happened. This novel will be dark and you'll just have to see how I introduce my OC to Buroto timeline. Go easy on the criticism.

Darkjokescreators' thoughts