
The Tale of Diwankula

Under the sacred tree in the middle of the night, Shailya met Vahalla who was gonna change the goal of his life. All the beings have 'Powers' of Gods and Deities, some knows to utilize it while other not. The Universe is on a continuous war between the Dark and Light, the only one to save it, the Rakkan is imprisoned. Now it is the second most powerful being in the universe, Vahalla's responsibility to protect 'Prithvi', the only planet with potential to revive the whole universe. In order to accomplish his mission he needs a partner, his disciple, SHAILYA MAHORAGA. This is the First Volume of The Tale of Diwankula: The First Step.

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"What the hell are po-powers?"

"Powers are supernatural powers given by Gods and the Deities to us lower beings."

"You said you"re higher being"

"I"m higher for you not for Gods and Deities"

"But what about powers, we humans don"t have"

"We all lower beings have"

"Huh? No one uses any sort of superpowers here"

"Do you know that you humans are more developed than any other being on your planet"

"Yes it is because we have knowledge and we can use our brain in that manner"

"That is it"

"I don"t understand"

"You humans got the power to think and analyze things along with power of wealth, fraternity and few others."

"Still I don"t understand"

"Only if you knew to summon God and use your Power you would be more powerful then any other being on your planet."


"See, the Goddess of Knowledge, Arina and Godess of wealth Ellina gives you power to think and become wealthy"



"Do we all humans have same abilities?"

"Yes! It is because no one of you knows to use their power wisely"

"Umm how will we?"

"See, the rich person on this planet knows to use his power a little more than you, thus he is rich. Same goes for strong people and educated ones. We all have power of Goddess of Education but why does someone is more educated and someone less, do you know?"

"Umm because educated people knows to use their power and teaches it to their off springs"


"I"m understanding a bit about powers"

"You"ll know everything about them"

"You old man what is your status. Are you the highest being after Deities and Gods"

"Nope! I"m the second highest being just after one person"

"Wait…who is classifying these as higher and lower beings"

"It depends on the way you use your power. See I"m the most powerful in my community"s history and my community is the strongest and second highest community while y"all are far below. Do you happen to know Jose Elbert?"

"Who wouldn"t know him, the richest of the richest"

"He is the most powerful being on this planet thus a higher being than you."


"Devote yourself to me, what is your name again?"


"Yes devote yourself to me"

"I won"t"


"I will take my time"

"Fine then decide it during your military training camp"

"Sure. Now I"ll take my leave"



Shailya went back to his house, he was confused about that old man, Vahalla. With confusion and doubts he entered his house, everyone was preparing for a surprise as tomorrow was Shailya"s Birthday. The moment Shailya kept his foot inside the house a firecracker blasted outside, he turned to see who was the one to blast it and the moment he turns back he see all his friends, family everyone shouting "Happy 20th Birthday Shailya!"

Out of joy. Shailya too was enjoying the moment and just forgotten about the helpless girl at the camp and Vahalla. He was celebrating, he was happy unaware of his future, the changes that were on his path.


"Birthday? My birthday is tomorrow guys!" Shailya looked so happy on that day. He was blushing.

"Fool! It has already been 12"o clock" Sahiba joked

"Huh?" Shailya was unaware of the fact that it was already 12 at clock

"Just thank us" Sahiba

"Uhmm.. thank you guys!" Shailya was glowing

"That is so dry one anyways it is fine." Sahiba joked about him


The party went on the whole night at dawn ehen everyone was asleep Shailya wore his cloak, put on a hat and went outside. He was probably headed towards the Sacred tree to meet Old Man Vahalla. When he was at the main door of the house, he saw a postman keeping a letter at his letterbox and kept a parcel near the letter box. Shailya ran towards the letter box and opened it. He saw an envelope that was for him. He opened the envelope. Looked at it,



Ganitvadev Raya,

Commander of the Runestone Regiment,

Ranibagh, Malwaivaram



Shailya Mahoraga,

359th Cadet of Runestone Regiment

Diwankula, Rayvaram


Mr. Ganitvadev Raya on the behalf of the Royal Department of Recruitment and Runestone Regiment"s permanent members apologize to you for delay in the military training programme. The programme will be continued 5 days to today. Until then we asks you to train for the programme as it will determine yourfuture ranks in the army.

 Have our warm regards Mr. Shailya Mahoraga s/o Maqbir Mahoraga, residing at Darsen Road, Diwankula.


Yours Truly


Ganitvadeva Raya


"Ahh 5 more days, anyways there is this parcel too I wonder who is it for"

"Of course you" an old loud voice hits Shailya"s eardrum

"Heeeyaioooo! Vahalla is this Vahalla?"

"Yes! This is me" Vahalla proudly answered

"How did you know my address?"

"I know everything about you, even I know what is inside that envelope"

"What is there?"

"A letter from your trainer about the camp which says you"ve 5 more days until the programme. It even says to train yourself."

"How did ya know that?"

"I just know that"

"But that"s not the answer" Freaked out

"Shailya, OPEN THE BOX" Vahalla was more excited than Shailya himself.



Shailya opened the parcel box, he got two packets. He opened the first one.


"It is just my uniform" Shailya"s excitement was for nothing.

"This is not anordinary one, this is the official cadet uniform."

"I know that."


"Shailya, open the next packet"

"Yes! I"m so hyped up"


Shailya opened the second packet and he found was some booklets and three little cubes.


"What is with these booklets, huh?"

"Maybe it is the guide for the training"

"You"re correct Shailya. I trust in you"

"It is not like you"ve other option"





Every year thousands of new cadets enroll in the army to serve the nation but have you ever wonder how we distribute the ranks among the new cadets. See we congratulate you on finishing the witten test and the physical test, but it is not all that needs to be a cadet. One needs to have a special training, the Ennikulam Varani training. There will be 3 phases of the training and seeing your performance you"ll be given certain points. Higher the points, higher the posts you have.

The cadets those are finalized will be separated into five groups, the advance unit Saba Regiment, the defence unit, Konkali Regiment, the police unit taking care of law and orders inside the boundaries, Kaishavali Regiment, the air force unit, Vayvan Regiment and the naval unit, Kanchi Regiment. They are further divided into more regiments such as the Parina Regiment, Rajmahal Regiment, Sahanabad Regiment, Marinabad Regiment, Indunagar Regiment, Katiavad Regiment and Silavat Regiment. The top 3 highest scoring candidates will be granted the position of Mir I" Jinah, Commander, and Vice Commander respectively. Rest of the top scoring candidates will be given the position of normal cadets.

The Military Training Programme is consider one of the most difficult examination in the whole world. More than 7 lakh enroll and only 3 lakh passed, during the final selection the numbers are reduced to 2 lakhs. You would find three cubes in this packet too. They are the gears that everyone will be using.


[To be continued in Chapter 4]