
The Systems Last Venom

After Marcus dies while fighting a demon overlord he is reincarnated 1480 years later, he must figure out many mysteries of his past all while trying to stop a war among all races and creatures, will he be able too?

Broker_Of_Death · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The New Overlord

I woke up sitting on a bench with Maris sitting next to me "So want to go fight some more Devils" she was setting her nose back into place, I went to respond and heard the nasty cracking sound of it being fully set in place "Maris I have no idea of where I am currently" she looked at me and was slightly confused "Wait so you don't remember going to that club and then us going to another bar and fighting" I shook my head "No the last I remember was us drinking at Lady Saikos manor" she nodded "Well its been 2 days since then so ill fill you in" the sun was slowly rising by the time she had fully fill me in on what we had done, and some newspapers were being set into their baskets, so I got up and grabbed one and the headlines said 'New Devil Overlord discovered' I picked it up and hurriedly walked back to the bench and read through and this guy named Vex IronGlass, I wiped the sweat off of my forehead "what had you worried?" I set the newspaper down "I thought maybe I had somehow become an Overlord" Maris burst out laughing and she tried many times to catch her breath but couldn't for a few minutes until she stopped laughing "You should be way stronger then any overlord if Lady Saika choose you" I nodded and stood up "Can you show me the way to the Manor" she nodded and she began to walk through many random back allyes, we eventually got back to the manor and I almost immediately went back to my room since I felt tired.

Two days latter

"TWO Days" I walked in a circle "I slept for Two days, why didn't you wake me up" she snorted "Im not your personal maid" I sat down "Well what happened during that time?" she shrugged "didn't pay much attention, but I did hear that this crazy dude is now going around town making deals with the overlords, don't know his name tho" I got up "that's pretty major news for Hell" she nodded in agreement, I then walked to the front door of the manor "I don't know how long ill last while in hell" I walked out the door and onto the front lawn, I walked to a nearby bar, and I don't remember much other then the entire place ended up on fire and I don't know how it started but the fire spread and spread even tho many of these buildings didn't connect, eventually Maris suddenly was next to me "So I see your ability involve fire then" I looked over at her with conffustion "What do you mean?" she moved her entire body to face me and said "Well In hell it manifests an ability based on you personality" the fire was still going bright in the background "So how am i like fire?" she shruged "Dont know you that well" we sat there drinking the few bears she had brought with her, just to watch the fire and eventually it did stop but most of the stuff that was there was burned to a crisp. we walked back to the manor and i decided to try to talk to some of the other residents of the manor but they weren't talkative at all so i eventually just went to the library