
System Z

The last lettered system to be created, System Z. You would think that they would've made it flawless, but the opposite is true. Each lettered system is unique, with their own quirks and flaws. Different from the numbered system, they are often given open quests.

A single quest they must accomplish with their current host, or all their hosts in some cases. They would often jump from one host to another, unless they themselves had wanted to be tied down to their host. Another difference was that their hosts never retained their previous memories from before they were reincarnated and they would always appear at their birth, helping them to escape destruction. Their bad ending.

"Your quest is to let your hosts escape from their fated bad ending," that was the command given to System Z the moment he came to existence. Without anyone needing to tell it, it knew that this was the mainframe. In charge of all systems, the Mainframe can easily erase the system if needed. It was an all powerful being, something the humans would call a god.

"Please roll the die when ready," the mainframe continued. Her voice sounded rather female, so System Z assumed that 'female' was the gender in which the Mainframe decided upon, though it wouldn't be surprising if the Mainframe was just messing around. This was another thing about systems, they had no gender unless they wanted one. Only when they've passed enough quests will they be able to choose a gender, a voice (something other than the robotic sounds they could produce), then a physical form. Those were just the basics of course, the more quests you completed, the more choices you have.

This was there so that the Systems wouldn't slack off. Even if the systems didn't like having any of those things, surely one of the obtainable prizes later on would appeal to them. Adding to that, you couldn't change your choices until you passed enough quests.

Roll the die, imagine that. Asking a formless entity to roll a die, wasn't that near impossible? Observing the space, there was nothing in it. No 'die' or any such things. Yet that was fine, Z knew exactly what to do as it was already imbedded into its being.

To roll the die was simple to choose which was to go. It was 'roll the die' as it was based on luck. Being formless, there wasn't such thing up, down, left, right, backwards or forwards. Direction didn't exist.

Of course, there had already rumors being spread throughout about how this was technically unfair. Then again, System Z had no knowledge of these rumors as being able to 'chat' with other Systems also required a certain amount of quests to be accomplished.

And so System Z drifted forwards, to become the most renown System of all Systems. Not for being the best, no. There were no such thing as the 'best' system. Instead….