
The System that trains

We all talk about the people that use systems. But what about the systems?

Pinepotato123 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1

I had been waiting for this day for years. I had always wanted to be a boxer not because of the money. I wondered what it would be like to win. What would it feel like?

The many hours I had spent training for this day would bear their fruit now.

I will win.

My first fight. My opponent name is Justin Briggs a debutant, and also a heavyweight like me of course you can't really fight people below your weight, that just common sense.

I put on my hand wraps then my coach put my gloves on. "You better win this" my coach spoke. "You know i"ll win". He finished putting on my gloves "Anything can happen". "Are you saying I'll lose" I looked at him like he said something stupid. "No I'm saying you could lose". "What are you talking about? I.WILL.WIN". He sighed and told me to wait next to the ring.

The crowd wasn't really a crowd. Actually I didn't really have an audience only officials. I was with my cornermen, with my opponents cornerman on other side of the ring, the ref and the judges of course sitting on their own private table a few meters away as if they were kings sitting on their thrones. Snobs.

I was simply fighting in someone else's gym below a grey rainy, sky on a Monday, 5:30pm in some random corner of a city cold and miserable. From the outside the gym was a large garage roughly about 20 meters tall, 40 meters wide, 100 meters long as if god had decided to create a large box and place it in a parking lot and call it a day.

The inside of the gym was just as large as the outside from the entrance there was a cash register. The floor of the building was black with the walls and ceilings was white. On the left there were about ten punching bags hanging from racks. On the right there were various weight lifting equipment. At the end there was a (look up size of boxing rings) ring .

It wasn't what I was expecting when I thought about fighting but you have to start to somewhere right.

My coach said"Are you ready", I smirked as walked to my corner.

"Of course I am" I looked at him like a idiot and facepalmed, "why do you think I'm here". He slapped me on the back, "Just get in there already". I put my foot though the second rope and stepped into the ring.

My opponent finally spoke, "When are we going start".

"Once we go over the rules" the ref spoke. "We know the rules" I said. "Of course you do but I still need to remind you two". "Fine". "Anyways this will be a three round fight, I want you guys to keep this clean, protect yourselves at all times and obey everything I tell you". There was pause for a moment "Understood"?

"Yes" we both spoke in unison.

"Now just touch gloves and we can get started" the ref sighed.

We raised of both our hands and touched gloves then as soon as the bell rung I circled right and peppered him with a double jab to gauge his reaction.

He simply blocked them so I threw another jab but this time he parried it by pushing down it down with his right returning with a jab of his own.

Straight into my eye. He hit my eye. My eye. My right eye. I could handle being hit anywhere but not there. I would rather take a groin strike.

My face stiffened, I gritted my teeth and I rushed in with anger I was going to throw in another double jab this time gathering all my strength I followed with the hardest right I'd ever thrown.

He ducked underneath the haymaker. I was off balance I couldn't even bring my right back in time. He rose then leaned to his left planted his left foot into the ground and his left hook struck my temple. My skull felt as if it had shattered and I fell. Briggs went back to his corner

"1,2,3" the ref spoke. My coach was watching at the side of the ring "Get up".

I had been knocked down. "4,5,6" I felt as if someone dropped a brick on my head.

Had I been arrogant? "7,8-" I got straight up like nothing happened. I still had a chance to win . "Take a fighting position" I went back to my stance and raised my hands and walked to the center as did Briggs.

The ref was in between us "Fight" the ref quickly backed out. I knew I if I was going to win I needed to use my jab after-all my right hadn't landed yet. I immediately jabbed to the head this time it landed but his stone cold face was unfazed. This could work. I circled left and right jabbing then evading his punches with my footwork when they came. Until the bell rung.

I went back to my corner to sit. My coach was at my corner "Good keep that jab out there, it's a shame you got knocked down though". I couldn't speak I was breathing desperately. "Just catch your breath". Soon enough the bell rang and I got back to the center. Jab. Jab. Jab. He was still unfazed. He threw a jab then a another powerful hook. I slipped then swayed back dodging them. My coach roared "GO TO THE BODY".

I jab to the body it landed then I tried it again it landed his elbows remaining beside his shoulders. My eyes widened in realization 'This guy sucks at blocking body shots'.

I feinted left to his head and jabbed to the body it landed again. I repeated this until he finally. He threw a left hook so I stepped back and stepped back in with a 1-2 with the momentum of a truck smashing into his chin. The hits sent him running back to the ropes then he shelled up. I threw a flurry of body shots he winced in pain and fell. The referee pointed at the corner "Go back to your corner"

I stared at his fallen body he was covering his stomach in a fetal position with his face visibly showing signs pain the referee called off the fight and I had won.

I won. I left the ring and glanced at my coach "I told you I would win".

"Yeah, yeah you still have years before you can even think about take the belt".

"I know" I stared at the ceiling with tears in my eyes I won.

"Why are you crying" he look at me with disbelief .

"I won" i wiped the the tears from my eyes.

"Anyways I'll leave to rest for a week before you come and train okay".

"Okay". I left the gym.

Outside the rain had stopped. I walked back to my car a cheap, gray used Corolla. 'Not like I could afford anything else anyways'. I started the car, reversed out and began the drive home.

Thirty minutes later I drove through a t-section and i forgot to look left then right the second I went left a large semi trailer truck smashed killing me instantly.

'What a lame way to die'.