
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

5-Unexpected guest

Lights shone using mana-powered spheres, making the whole room lit by a warm yellow light keeping a cheerful atmosphere no matter what topics all the people in the room were conversing about.


Music played through floating instruments, the music was simple to maintain an ambiance; then when everyone was at the tables to eat the musicians would move to the stage to perform the best musical works there are these days.


Evan looked at each side of the entire room as he walked beside his mother, each thing amazed and interested him, each of the things he observed filled his mind internally with feelings of intrigue and curiosity.


When in his eyes came the sight of his other mother, Alexandra smiled at him, her smile being so small that it was barely noticeable but just like the first day, her presence conveyed her deepest feelings to him.


Feelings that Evan is glad to be able to feel.


Vayre his mother, escorted him to Enola's side, who maintained an emotionless expression, upon Vayre's arrival, Enola nodded to him and respectfully bowed to Evan.


"You look well, young master" Her respectful tone was clear, but she still had that little face of joy.


'Don't smile, don't smile' Enola repeated to herself several times in her head.


'He's so handsome' Enola shouted in her thoughts, biting her tongue she tried to keep her thoughts to herself to maintain a presentable appearance that would engender respect and loyalty towards Evan.


"Good to see you Enola Didn't you change into more casual clothes?" Evan with his face can only express mild feelings of happiness although internally he is quite happy and excited.


"I am at your service, I think it's not right that style of dress at this time."


"But this is a celebration, you are also celebrating you should dress differently."


Those who were now around Enola held back their laughter and lightly hit her with their elbows, to affirm that they were right and that she should not have acted professionally.


Enola started deeper making her face now covered by her hair, covering her face which is flushed with embarrassment.


"With your permission, I will retire to change" in a quick manner and covering her face with her hand hiding her embarrassment.




Three giggles sounded behind Evan who turned to greet the blonde-haired triplets.


"Good evening, Aurora, Ester and Itzel."


"Good evening, young master" At the unison all three bowed and smiled at him more sincerely than Enola. All three again fawned over Evan's appearance then asked his opinion of the party.


Aurora has blonde hair and a well-endowed body, her eyes are emerald. Her hair is combed in two big pigtails, her emerald eyes are lighter than her sisters', plus a younger appearance, on her face is accompanied by a big smile although that's not her usual expression.


Ester has blonde hair, and a well-endowed body with emerald eyes, her hair is loose to her waist, accompanied by a serious expression and a pair of thin-rimmed glasses.


Itzel, blonde-haired, with long hair that reaches her high back, has a gifted body similar to that of her sisters, only has a smiling expression but is more relaxed than the others, accompanied by a book in her hands.


"It's very cheerful, but I feel I don't fit in this environment, I don't think I can talk to these people, I see it a bit boring; although the music and the food I like."


"Phew what a relief" sighed Aurora.


"One more to the list"


"There are 103 of us already"


Evan amused observed that the 100 warriors were in a line without interacting with anyone, they were quiet and talking to each other. Even his mother Alexandra avoided conversing with most people, but in the end, she always directed several words to them.


His sisters were eating possibly their third snack of the evening.


With nothing to say he took one of the chairs from the table and placed it near the triplets, he sat down to observe everything around him and listened to the conversations she managed to hear from where she was, she enjoyed the ambient music wishing internally that some musician would pass by.




[Welcomes the user]

[Welcome to the night system]


[Do you need a system guide?]




Puzzled, Evan looked at the screen that out of nowhere appeared in front of him, Evan looked back at the triplets who replied with a smile, as if nothing was wrong.


He looked again at the screen that just appeared in front of him reading several times what just appeared in front of him.




"Have you located him yet?"


"Yes, my lady, the maid in charge of long-range teleportation has arrived."


"Perfect as quickly as possible" The young woman with pale skin and red eyes walked outside her home, a gothic-style mansion.


As the night rose it dominated the entire atmosphere, but unlike the common white moon a red moon predominated.


The maid in front was dressed in a maid's outfit, she bowed as the young woman made her presence known in the garden.


She did not look at him, it was an attitude of submission and loyalty, it was not a familiar and loyal environment just like in Evan's home.


"Let's go" The young vampiress placed herself next to the one who would be in charge of performing the teleportation.


Two other servants stood behind the vampiress to accompany her to the destination.


One was an older but young-looking man, no more than 40 years old, wearing a red beard and with his hair combed to one side. Dressed in an elegant and luxurious suit, his red eyes stand out in the darkness.


Next to him is an older man, who has no expression on his face, his eyes are purple and the sclera in his eyes is black, instead of the usual white.

Being already, the maid moved her hands forward, causing the mana in the environment to begin to move, generating a teleportation spell without a magic circle. Her wolf ears and furry tail stood out as she cast the spell.


Within seconds they disappeared from where they were appearing right in the sky above a large castle.


"Hmmm?" the vampiress observed the white moon which was different from the one she usually sees and then the castle.


"Alexandria..." Turning to look at the demon, who has her purple eyes and black colored sclerae "Did you trace her soul here?"


"Yes my lady" the Demon who has a larger appearance than the vampire next to him.


"Then let's not waste our time, we didn't come with bad intentions after all."





Evan who was deep in thought while still reading the recent system information window, saw the other triplets again, only this time they were looking at the ceiling.


Then he noticed that they were not the only ones who were looking at the ceiling, they were all looking at the ceiling, the only ones who were not looking at the ceiling were the nobles and warriors outside the WR family, Evan's family's name is WR and that's how it is known by the world.


"Excuse me I have to leave" Alexandra said goodbye to whoever was trying to converse and show their respects to her.


With her went all the female warriors, leaving Evan alone with no one to accompany him.


Knock, knock!


A red bat in the window is looking at him carefully, the bat tilted his head watching Evan at all times and then looked to the side and flew away.


Evan followed it with his gaze and seemed to be going in the same direction as his mother.


Tin! Tin!


The same window appeared again, as if it wouldn't let him go without making a decision.


"Yes..." Evan said hesitantly with several doubts in his head as he didn't understand anything about the system.


The information entered his brain, but he could not understand anything, it was as if his brain could not process all the information immediately, it generated a little pain but as he walked towards the door without anyone noticing it was getting relieved.


Without seeing the red bat anywhere he could only notice how his family disappeared in the corner of the right corridor of the main door.


At that moment the red bat appeared in the upper window and hung upside down, tilting its head again it seemed to have a smile on its face.


This one led him back down the same hallway his mother had gone down.