
The System of Cultivating Immortality

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21 Chs

Chapter 4 Slap their face hard

"Keep your eyes open and watch me practicing!"

Fei said no more and turned over the pages of the book a again.

The examiners were dissatisfied with his arrogance. They all frowned and their impression of him hit the bottom.

But it didn't take long before they were all stunned.

Tang Fei was practicing the boxing technique smoothly and experiencedly in the center of the ball:

The first move... second move...third...fifth...eighth…

The tenth move: King Kong Shock Mountain!

The five examiners stood still with eyes open widely.

"He really did it!"

"How standard his moves are!"

"Jesus, he is a genius!"

"'Mighty Kong Boxing' is the study that does not go abroad of we Xiaobo Sect. Even these talented pupils in the sect can't learn it all in 15 seconds. How terrible the kid's gift of cultivating is!"

"Genius, genius! He must join Xiaoyao Sect!"

The other three elders' eyes turned green.

And the woman and the fat man looked like they'd eaten flies:

How could they think of that the man they were going to pick on was a genius?

What should they do? Stop a genius from joining the sect? Say a genius is unqualified?

Are you kidding me?

Look at the other three guys trying to eat Tang Fei. If they don't admit Tang Fei, they will definitely be accused of unfair selection and cause the sect miss out on a genius, which must not happen!

Just when they don't know what to do, Fei stopped practicing the tenth move and grinned.

"What's wrong, Fei? Why did you stop?"

The three elders looked at him expectantly.

He ignored them, waved to the fat man and jokingly said:

"Get your grandfather a cup of water. I'm thirsty, you fat pig."


The fat man froze, so did the other elders.

"Can't you understand your grandfather, you grandkids?"

"And you," Fei turned to the woman on the car right, "Your poker face makes me want to throw up, you bitch. Come and lick my toes, you dirty slut! My feet are sweating for the practicing, hahahahaha!"

And then he took off his right shoe and raised his foot to wiggle his toes at the woman...

The woman was transfixed with shock. The woman was transfixed with shock. Every one couldn't believe their eyes.

But Fei want laughing.

"Hahahaha, I feel so pleased.

Dare to pick on me? Of course I should fuck you motherfuckers hard!"

The bitterness of his heart was released at once.

The woman was so pale with anger that her face twisted. Her thin body was shaking because of anger with trembling voice:

"You...you...how dare you..."

"Can't understand me? I say, come, and, suck, my, toes!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Stones occurred around her and the furious woman reached out and flew to Fei.

"Want to kill me? Dream on! System, read the file!

Goodbye, hahahahahaha..."

With laughter, Fei disappeared.


Time restarted again. Fei walked proudly into the hall.

When seeing the fat man and the poker-faced woman, there was a gleam of amusement in his eyes.


"There is only one test. Learn this technique as soon as possible within the required time."

Just then, a book flew into Fei's hands.

Fei sneered in his mind:

"This time I won't waste time in playing with you."

Without looking at the book, Fei laughed three times and said:

"Learn it? Just an intermediate martial art, what is the difficult about mastering it?"

"Master it? What an arrogant boy he is!"

All the examiners frowned.

Even the pupils in the sect will take a few days to a dozen days to learn an intermediate martial art. And just learn it.

To master it, even a Master in low grade won't bragged about he can do it!

The boy is rather clueless, or he is an outstanding prodigy...

Seeing how shocked they were, Fei smiled, and then kept saying amazing things:

"I won't waste time. 15 seconds, I just need 15 seconds to master the technique!"

The five elders were stricken dumb with amazement.

His sonorous voice spread outside.

"What the hell does he think he is talking about? Is he crazy?"

Tang Tian and Tang Hu looked each other with a shocked expression.

The five examiners recovered themselves, and the expression in their eyes turned very cold.

Runes appeared around the fat man, and flickering energy gathered in his hand.

"Get out of there, you're such an idiot! It is not allowed that a crazy fool acts widely there!"

The fat man shouted and was about to hit Fei.

"Hahahaha, so you don't believe me? What not give me a chance to try. So that you will know whether I'm crazy or not. Or you are just afraid of it?"

"Ok, ok, I'll give you the chance. If you can really do it, I'm gonna get kowtow to you for 18 times! And if you can't do it...I I'll show you what cruelty is!"

The Poker-faced woman also echoed:

"You don't need to master 10 moves. If you can make it for 5 moves, I will also kowtow to you for 18 time. But if you can't do it, I'll kill you, and your mother."

"Ho, ok, ok, keep your eyes open!"

Fei laughed three times.

If you want to die, I'll satisfy you!

Then, Fei started to browsed the book seriously.

With the help of system, he had learned the technique very well before. And at this time, the dummy in his head began to introduce the Qi in Fei's body to practice the boxing technique. Magically, a looming King Kong appeared behind the dummy practicing the same move of it. A surging sense of power came from Kong's moves.

For a moment, Fei seemed to figure out the essential of the whole boxing technique.

Just after 15 seconds, Fei put down the book and closed his eyes.

The five elders looked bad.

Fei kept still for a little time, which made the fat man explode with rage.

"Let me kill..."

All of a sudden, Fei opened the eyes.

And then, he began to practice:

"The first move: King Kong shake the tree!"

With one punch, the Qi flowed out from his fist and formed a looming shape of King Kong behind his.

"Qi takes shape! How amazing that he can make Qi take shape! Only the ultimate practice of martial arts can make it happen!"

"The second move: King Kong squat!"

Fei lowered his weight and squared. The shape of King Kong also did the same move.

"Qi takes shape again!" The five elders opened their mouths wide, "What a genius the boy is... No, he is a prodigy!"

"The third move: King Kong seize!"


"The tenth move: King Kong shock Mountain!"

A violent gust of air burst from all over him, which sounded like King Kong was roaring. The the shape of King Kong was beating his breast at the same time!

All the examiners breathed harder.

"Miracle, a miracle!"

"Learn ten moves in 15 seconds! And all makes Qi take shapes! "

"The geniuses in the sect can't do it right?"

Finishing all the ten moves, Fei let out a loud shout as sound as a bell.

He was so excited now, and was in a state of detachment.

As a blessing in disguise, he was able to master an intermediate martial art because of the heavy obstruction.