
The System of Cultivating Immortality

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TTTrrr · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Chapter 3 Read the file, Go back in time

"Fuck! Not qualified?"

"Playing with me together, huh? Think I'm a pushover, huh?"

"If I don't show my anger and power, you just think I am weak, right? "

"Ok, then I'll play with you..."

There was a fierce flash in Fei's angry eyes.



[Receive the order]

[Reading the saved files now... Your remaining chance of saving files are 8/10...]

[Successful loading!]

Suddenly, his head was spinning.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself back in front of the door of hall.

"Is it really possible to read the files?"

"Does it mean I can start over with my life like playing a console game?"

He felt a thrill of joy and eagerly opened the door and went into the hall to see if the time has restarted.

The scene in the hall was exactly the same as what had happened before:

"You are Tang Tian."

The middle-aged man was standing in the middle of five examiners. And he said to Fei with his chin lifted. The two standing beside the man glanced at Fei, and shook their heads. On the far left stood the fat man and on the far right was the poker-faced woman.

The same lines were uttered from the fat man's mouth:

" All right, all right, we will not accept a piece of junk who have lost his all fix, so get out of here!" Again, the fat man waved his hand like sending a dog.

"Ok, time really did restart! The system is awesome!"

"Fuck your fat motherfucker." Fei cursed in his mind.

With a vicious glance at the fat man and the woman making them feel puzzled, Fei bowed to the man in the middle respectfully:

"Senior, I'm weak because of my injury, but please give me a chance to prove myself."

The man gave him a meaningful look and nodded.

"Mighty Kong Boxing" was sent to Fei again.

[Reading mode is activated...]

This time, he seized the time to turn the pages quickly.

"Time is over."

15 seconds later, the book flied back to the woman.

"Now, show the result of your practice." The woman said with a cold face.

"The first move: King Kong shake the tree!"

Fei demonstrated the boxing technique smoothly. The examiners felt a little surprised.

"The second move!"

"The third move!"


Fei finished the first five moves completely and smoothly. Fat man left in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that the boy's strength was so good. However, he had taken the bribe, and if he couldn't stop the boy from being admitted, he might be sued by Zhou family and lose his position.

Cruelly, he interrupted Fei when he was about to start the fifth move:

"Alright, alright, you made it, but the Qi in your body is so little that we can't take in you.

You are not qualified and leave the hall right now!"

Thought Fei did well, but just well, the rest three of examiners will not offend colleague for a boy. Therefor, they chose to stand by.

"Holy shit! You're not gonna let me pass it right?"

[Ding dong]

[Task triggered!

Task definition: join the Xiaoyao Sect in the examiner's block!

Task awards: experience plus 500;

Lucky draw for one time(you may get an advanced martial art.)

Failure Penalty: none]

"A task? Ok, looks like I'm gonna fight with you to the end."

"Read the file, system!"

[Reading the saved files now...]


The familiar feeling of dizziness came again and time restarted one more time.

Stepping into the hall, he stared viciously at the fat man and sneered.

"I'm Tang Fei, from Tang family..."


"Now, learn this martial technique."


This time, he improved even more.

He easily and expertly practice the boxing technique until the tenth move. Every move is fluent and standard.


"Though Tang Fei can practice "Mighty Kong Boxing" until the tenth move, but he sneered at the examiner, which shows he was disrespectful, and misbehaved.

Therefor he is not qualified! Leave the hall now, Tang Fei!"

"Again? OK."

This time, Tang Fei showed no signs of chagrin or reluctance. Instead, he gave a weird smile which made the examiners a little scared.

"I promise you will let me through.

Read the file again!"


"Now, you can learn the martial art."

The woman's face was expressionless.

Fei sneered inwardly, and said with a loud voice neither humble nor pushy:

"Excuse me, seniors, how many moves should I practice to pass the exam?"


The five elders looked at each other in disbelief. This is the first time examinees have been so aggressive in asking them to pass the exam.

The poker-faced woman was the first to react. She said coldly:

"If you can practice it to the fifth move, you can just squeaked through."

"But how about can I make it to the tenth move?"

With sharp eyes, he stared at the woman.

"Ho,", the woman said cynically, " if you can make it to the tenth move, it means that you are very talented. So even though you are so weak with the injury, you will definitely be admitted in."

But the woman thought disdainfully:

"Ten moves in 15 seconds? Keep dreaming! Get out early!"

How could she think of that her face will be slapped hard...