this is my first time writing so feel free to tell me how much it sucks I'll try to make my chapters at least 600 words this is basically just about a guy that becomes a system and his hosts that's about it
Don't know how long I've been here but it's still dark. Ever since that cursed truck hit me it's just been darkness! I was expecting to go to hell or maybe heaven if I'm lucky. Heck even reincarnating into an ant is better than this creepy darkness..... huh nothing thought that was his queue. You might be wondering why I'm not freaking out because of my death well I did that already like 100 years ago or was it 1 I can't tell anymore.
Then after God knows how long everything went white. I saw a piece of paper floating in front of me with some words written on it which read
dear Damien
You have been randomly selected to inherit my system powers. Unfortunately your to weak to take it all so you can only use my original power of soul. After you amass enough soul power you can unlock some of the seals in your soul unlock some more of my power. That's all you need to know for now once you unlock more power you'll find more messages. Anyway I have to go and enjoy my retirement now so bye.
yours truly THE SYSTEM
After reading it dissolved. Turns out that I was reincarnated into the system. The old one retired for some reason and now I'm to inherit it's power.
After a brief moment of freaking out I got myself together and tried to figure out what I'm supposed to do next. That was when suddenly a big purple book appears in front of me. I'm talking big here this thing like 3 feet tall, 9 feet long, and 5 feet wide. On it written in big golden letters are the words DA RULES.
With nothing better to do I start reading it. A long time later I got the gist of what I'm supposed to be doing. I basically need to get a host which is quite easy to do then scam him every chance I get to upgrade myself.
Right now all I can do is make someone stronger by using the souls of those they kill. Of course the amount of power I give them depends on how strong the thing they kill is and how nice I want to be. I could for example keep all the power for myself to help me upgrade or give 50/50 or 70/30 and stuff like that.
With the soul power I keep I could give mission rewards or even buy stuff from the host if I think it's useful for me or my future hosts. Like techniques and stuff as right now I have none of course in the future I could just copy the techniques when they put them in their inventory but I don't have that feature yet.
Another thing I can only enhance the basic things right now.
strength: just how strong you are
endurance: how well you can take a hit and how long you can keep going
vitally: determines how fast you heal
dexterity: how fast you are and how fast you can do things
You know just the basic stuff I can't make you lucky or smart or have a high affinity with something or good looking yet. I'm a new system after all. Another thing I can punish the host for failing a mission but I'll need to have enough soul power to carry out said punishment. Then missions can't be impossible to complete for the host though how that's judged I don't know.
Also most normal people only have 1 point in each stat unless they worked real hard on it or are just lucky. So 1 equals a normal human 2 equals the power of 2 normal humans and so on and so forth.
Now that that's out of the way I need to find a host. So I follow the guide close my eyes and feel for a connection. Basically I am just feeling for a lost soul that I will then guide to the world nearest to it. I can't currently connect to a living person. After that it will be reborn as a baby because I don't have enough power to make a body for it. It will however keep its memories.
It took me longer than I thought it would to find a lost soul but I found one. Now I just need to guide to the closest universe. Hopefully a cultivation one those are supposed to be the best for new systems like me.
It was an ordinary day for me so far I woke up did my morning routine then went to work. Today is supposed to be rainy so I got an umbrella before walking to work. After I got to work I read my employee's weekly reports. Damien's group once again didn't finish their project on time this the 24th time.
???: Damian why haven't you finished your project
Damian: I've been telling you Conor my group is not helping at all.
Conor: I'm a try to get you a group Damian but I can't promise anything.
Damian: That would be amazing Conor.
Conor: Alright now I really need that finished so get back to work.
Damian: Right see you later Conor.
I really need to fire the people in his group they don't do anything. So I got started on the paperwork to do that and posted a help wanted thing on an employment website. Then I did some other things and it was time to go.
The weather channel was right it is raining thankfully I brought an umbrella. As I was walking home it started thundering making me a bit nervous. But then I thought hey what are the odds I'll actually get hit by lightning probably low right?
I was then swiftly struck by lightning. Then everything went dark just endless darkness. I started freaking out cursing anything and everything. After a while I calmed down and tried to figure out where I am but there's just nothing here its all dark nothingness.
A while later (I say awhile because I have no clue how long it's been) I feel something moving me guiding me somewhere. Then I feel unbearable pain causing me to cry and want to die. Shortly after the pain goes away I see a bright light and people running back and forth then someone picks me up. That was when I realized I've been reborn.