
The System God: The Fanfic-Verse

Darius a scientist in his previous life wakes up one day to find that he's been stripped from his world to participate in a game of gods where the winners achieve ROB-Hood and the losers are left to be nothing but stepping stones, so will our protagonist prevail in this world of destruction and chaos?

Faceless_Prick · Komik
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2 Chs

First Creation.

"So let me get this straight my first world is filled with overpowered fucks who got lucky and now are in my world....that's so bullshit!"


[Choose first champion]

Looking back at my options I begin formulating plans and ways to get my first champion overpowered as fuck as soon as possible and maybe getting him to reap that sweet sweet World Points for him to use

"I choose....Naruto, I choose him"


[Naruto has been chosen, please choose your Gift to the champion to place your God-Mark

Creations: None.]


[No creations found, would you like to create your first Gift?]



[Due to your god-hood(s) Systems and Games you are able to create systems and gamer abilities to use as a gift and are given full customisation of the system and its functions, Would you like to create a system?]



Agreeing I was suddenly bombarded with multiple screens with multiple options and customisation options for looks, abilities, functions and whole other assortment of stuff

"well this is gonna take a hot minute to complete, fuck my life" saying that with a maniac grin on my face as I imagine the amount of shittery I'm about to release on this world I began creating the system and its functions and all it needs to function and also adding a couple of loopholes in there to further my advantage which took a considerable amount of time cross referencing everything with what's allowed and what is not so I don't get killed for trying to fuck with the game

And after what seemed like eternity I finally finished my first system

[The Devour System.

Rank: 7

Type: Parasitic system/Evolution mod

Function's: Status panel, Inventory, Quests

Power's: Devour: The ability to devour the perks, abilities, memories, unique powers and bloodlines of the being used on.

True Observe: The ability to see through reality itself on a minor scale, able to see the status of the beings used on and their abilities and stats.

Adaptability: The ability to slowly adapt to any substance introduced to the body of the user allowing them to be able to assimilate any bloodline and any powers that would need a certain bloodline to use]


[Would you like to create this 'System' for 500 World Points]




[System created you've been rewarded 10000 World points for being the First to create a fully functional system that is higher than rank 5]

"...the fuck?....no seriously the fuck??, Aren't these points supposed to be the most rarest shit since good fanfiction?"

"whatever I should be happy at least I got some starting capital for my growth"

Finishing my small wtf moment I finished setting up my system and asked the system to gift the system to Naruto in hopes that this doesn't all turn to shit


[System has been attached to Champions soul and had activated it's chameleon program and blending in on the soul while slowly absorbing world energy, System has completed blending in and is waiting for the perfect moment to make itself known to the host]


[Congratulations on making contact with your first world you have unlocked the following functions.

Rob Chat{The chat app for all contestants to know each other maybe form alliances}

ROB Store{ In here you'll be able to sell the items you are able to gain from your hosts sacrifices to you or sell abilities you are able to make and other thing's}]

"well this just keeps getting better and better huh?" I opened up the Rob Chat and was instantly bombarded with a hoard of messages.

[The frost king: Hahaha you fucking simpletons it I the frost king I've awakened the Ice godhood and with it I'll freeze all reality in a matter of seconds! And coupled with my Soul searcher talent I'm able to gain souls that have a really strong ice affinity°v°)/ Bow down to me and I'll let you hug my feet!

Undead_God69: Hahahah you stupid entity don't you know that only I am worthy of suck remarks?!? I am have gained the Undead God-hood and was able to bless my champion with the ability to raise the dead and guess what?!? My first world is Solo leveling!! I'll make sure my champion is stronger than that trash Sung-Jin Woo.

Scarlet_beauty: owww undead-sama do you perhaps need a cute little sister to warm your bed Tonight? I promise with my Fire godhood my Insides are steamy hohohoho°///v///°)

BlackWidow_simp11: Hahahah you trash don't deserve shit!! I the great God am here to tell you that I'm the better of all of you! I have gained the ability to make Sex Systems due to my Pervet system godhood!! And as long as my champion gets laid and does lewd stuff he gets stronger hahahah you'll all be suckin my cock pretty soon!

Lazy_Ban: That's gay.

BlackWidow_simp11: No that's not what I meant!!

God_Shinobi: you are all fools only the ninja will prevail and I with my Ninja godhood will make my champion teach legions of Shinobi in the Naruto world to become godly Shinobi and raise that world to new heights...one problem though...why is every one of in this Naruto world a fucking futa?!?!? My champion is not ready for this!!

Star_hiha: I'm in the marvel world and my champion just died...like the fuck?!?! My champion suddenly got killed by A ZOMBIE HULK!!, what's the matter with this world everybody is dying and my champion is now a zombie but due to her ability "Always beautiful" the zombies are on heat and are taking turns on her please help!T∆T)

I'm_superman: Well while you bitches continue dying me and my champion will take over the multiverse! And you know why? Because my Champion is KRYPTONIAN bitches!! And as the god of suns trust me he's gonna be OP as fuck! also did I tell you that he has can do magic?? Did I?? Well you fucks guess what I have TWO GODHOODS! hahahah I have a godhood in magic two and I'm gonna make my champion a Solar Magician Not even Clark will stop him!

"....I'm so dead"'A KRYPTONIAN?? FOR FUCKING REAL!! HOW AM I GONNA MAKE MY CHAMPIONS STRONG ENOUGH TO KILL THAT?!?....and he's able to use fucking magic, just great....well Naruto...you better not disappoint I've given you a great foundation to be as OP as you can before another Rob finds me and challenges me and by proxy you too...

Switching screens I turn it to the one viewing my champion waking up and slowly hope I made the right call....