

"No!" Connie ran and held the helm of his shirt. "Hassan don't hurt her please." She tightened her grip on the cloth but it wasn't working. So she hugged him from the back. " Let us date, ok!" She was shouting but it was not enough for him . She was willing to accept him after all he isn't all that bad.

Hassan stood struck unable to believe his hearing."Hey! Let her go . You want us to be together ? Ok then."

"Ok what? " Hassan turned but she won't look at him . She only had face for the bird he was holding. "What is it about this bird?" He asked raising the bird too high.

"No Hassan! Stop! Let us date already Hass!"

"Uhhm". " Say it again baby." He could not hide his joy as he was grinning from ear to ear. He dropped the pet that won't stop spitting insults at him on the table as he turned to face Connie. When he did not get any response from her , he did not hesitate to grab her pet but she stopped him.

All this while she was watching him . She wanted to be sure it was a right choice she 'd be making but there was no much time left to rethink . "Let's do it Hass' ". She said not caring of the consequences.

He love the way she shortened his name . The sound of it was melodious in his hearing. But he wasn't ready to give in to her shyness even though he likes it .. He wanted to be sure. " Baby what are we doing uh?" He sheepishly asked with a smile playing on his face.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend." She said as she curse him in her mind.

"Thank you..."

Claps ! Claps! Claps!

They turned to see Ali who was breathing fast and May holding her chest like she 'd don run a marathon. They had run all the way to Connie's apartment after finding out Hassan was with her.

""What ? " May asked in disbelief.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs lovers ." Ali playfully said with false smile planted on his face. Although he wasn't happy seeing his best friend with his elder brother as lovers, he wasn't going to show disapproval at least not yet.

"What the hell are you doing here ?" Hassan asked while holding Connie strongly in a tight embrace unwilling to let go. He wanted his brother to see it for no good reason. It was a show but he didn't know why he had done it .

" Let me go ! You idiot , let me go" Connie struggles out of his arms shyly. She could not let her friend watch them like that. He kissed the top of her head before turning to his brother.

"She is now mine nigra."

"Wow ! Calls for celebration". Ali said which surprised Connie and May.

Connie turned to face an unpleased May who was glaring at her . Her face looked so scary that made Connie to burst in to laughter. She walked to May to let her friend know why she made the decision.