
The Syntax Sorcerer

John, a programmer from Earth, is transported to a magical world where he discovers he can manipulate the world with his unique "programming skills" ability. Accused of a crime he didn't commit, he must use his wits and newfound powers to survive and find a way home. As he navigates political intrigue and battles enemies, he uncovers secrets about magic and himself. "The Syntax Sorcerer" is a thrilling story of adventure and self-discovery in a world where magic and technology collide.

Chris_Ditfort · Fantasi
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22 Chs

22: The Fallen God's Conundrum: Confronting the Impossible

John's arrival caused a stirring of curiosity in Jagtar's mind. The fact that the Fallen God couldn't sense mana emanating from the sorcerer was perplexing. Such an aura should have been radiating from John's body, betraying his magical capabilities and aligning him with the ranks of sorcerers and wizards. But instead, his presence seemed completely devoid of power.

"How is this possible?" Jagtar pondered, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Every being that possesses the ability to manipulate magic has a storage of mana or energy within them. It's the very essence that fuels their spells and abilities. Even I, a Fallen God, possess a vast reservoir of mana that allows me to wield incredible power. But John... he's an enigma."

Jagtar's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the implications of John's lack of mana. "Could it be that he's masking his true power? No, that can't be it. Even the most skilled sorcerers can't completely conceal their mana signature. It's an integral part of their being, intertwined with their very existence."

As Jagtar continued to observe John during their combat lessons, his curiosity only intensified. "Perhaps he's drawing upon an external source of mana, something beyond the realm of conventional magic," he mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "But what could that be? And how is he able to harness it without any apparent connection to the mana itself?"

While conducting his combat lessons with John, Jagtar began to observe the sorcerer more closely, trying to glean any hint of latent magical ability. Yet, day after day, he discovered nothing to confirm his suspicions.

Jagtar decided to probe further, hoping to unravel the mystery surrounding his new student. "John," Jagtar began, his voice calm and measured, "to increase the speed and strength of your strikes, you must learn to cloak your fists, feet, and body in mana. The control and concentration of mana will determine the power of your blows. Are you able to manipulate your mana in such a way?"

John's brow furrowed as he considered Jagtar's question. "I'm not entirely sure," he admitted, uncertainty lacing his words. "But I'm willing to give it a try."

Jagtar nodded, his eyes narrowing as he focused intently on John, eager to witness how the sorcerer would manipulate mana despite seemingly lacking it.

John closed his eyes, attempting to sense and manipulate the mana within him. However, after several moments, he realized that he was unable to feel or control any mana at all. Frustrated, he turned to his syntax sorcery, hoping to find a solution. In his mind, John began to execute a code:

manaCloak = ambientMana.create('cloak');

manaCloak.concentration = 5%;

manaCloak.density = 50;


As the code executed, the ambient atmospheric mana began responding to John's script. Shimmering particles of energy coalesced around John's hands, forming luminous cloaks that enveloped his fists.

To Jagtar's astonishment, he witnessed the mana being drawn to John's fists, despite not sensing any mana emanating from the sorcerer himself. The Fallen God's mind raced with questions and theories, trying to comprehend the extraordinary form of magic he was observing.

Internally, Jagtar was baffled and surprised. He couldn't comprehend how John was able to manipulate the ambient mana without possessing any mana himself. It was a feat unlike anything he had ever witnessed before.

As Jagtar watched the mana being drawn to John's fists, his mind raced with questions and theories. The Fallen God knew that he was witnessing something extraordinary, a form of magic that defied the very laws of the world he inhabited.

The Fallen God's eyes narrowed as he watched John execute a particularly complex maneuver, his movements fluid and precise. "There's something different about him, something that sets him apart from any other sorcerer I've encountered. It's as if he's operating on a entirely different level, tapping into a power that defies the very laws of magic."

Jagtar's thoughts turned to the legends he had heard throughout his long existence, tales of beings so powerful that they transcended the boundaries of gods and mortals alike. "Could John be one of them?" he wondered, a mixture of awe and trepidation coursing through his veins. "A being capable of wielding magic without the need for personal mana storage?"

The idea both thrilled and terrified Jagtar in equal measure. If John truly possessed such power, the implications were staggering. He could potentially reshape the very fabric of reality, altering the course of history and challenging the established order of the world.

For a fleeting moment, a terrifying thought crossed Jagtar's mind: could John be a being above a God? The sheer impossibility of the idea sent a shiver down his spine. However, as quickly as the thought had come, Jagtar dismissed it. He scrutinized John's appearance, searching for any signs of divine presence, but found none. John appeared to be an ordinary human, devoid of the suffocating aura that accompanied true Gods.

Jagtar had experienced the presence of Gods before, and the mere sight of them struck terror into the hearts of even the most powerful beings. The aura of a God was overwhelming, a tangible force that could bring lesser beings to their knees. Yet, as he studied John, Jagtar sensed none of that divine pressure.

Despite his denial, Jagtar couldn't shake the unease that settled in his heart. The mystery surrounding John's abilities only deepened, and the Fallen God found himself at a loss for an explanation. He resolved to continue observing John closely, determined to unravel the enigma of the sorcerer's powers.

"I must unravel this mystery," Jagtar resolved, his determination growing with each passing moment. "I will push John to his limits, test the boundaries of his abilities, and discover the true nature of his power. Only then will I know if he is truly a force to be reckoned with, or if there's something else at play, something that even I, a Fallen God, have yet to comprehend."