
The Sword of the Morning || ASOIAF x Jojos Bizarre Adventure

Jon Snow lived a good life in Winterfell as a Ward of the Starks, he was lucky that Lord Eddard Stark had taken him in at such a young age after his Father had supposedly died during the failed rebellion. While he doesn't have much he wants apart from learning every sword style there is to know, he does wish he could learn who his parents were. Though Lord Stark is incredibly tight lipped about it, so he'll just have to go and discover it himself. I do not own a song of ice and fire or a game of thrones.

TheManUnderTheBed · Televisi
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6 Chs

Remsey Snow

"EAHHHHHH" screamed Remsey as she once again threw something at Jon before going to attack him again, she ran towards him jumping and wrapping her legs around him as she tried hitting him over and over again 'Gods why must everything be so difficult' he thought to himself as he grabbed her hands, she then tried to bite him and very nearly took a chunk out of his ear. With a flex of his back muscles, he easily tore her off his body before slamming her to the bed, he then threw a punch which was aimed directly at her face causing her to flinch, however instead of hitting her it went by the side of her head, the force of which shattered the wooden frame.

Needless to say, she calmed down, as she cowered beneath Jon's strength, it was clear to Jon she'd been treated like a wild animal most of her life, he wasn't even sure if she could speak. But he did know that he couldn't leave her with these people, either she'd kill them or they'd kill her, though they'd probably rape her beforehand. As sad as it was to think about Jon didn't think these villagers were too different from the bandits that had attacked their village. Given the opportunity to do evil, most people would take it if it benefited them, and the only difference between the villagers and the bandits was the ones who held the swords.

Jon sighed "Alright Maester you can contemplate life later," he said to himself with a chuckle as he lifted Remsey to her feet.

"Take off your clothes," he told the pale-looking girl, he could've done it himself but he thought she deserved to do it herself rather than him force her.

Remsey looked at him with wary eyes, she looked like a cornered animal who wasn't sure whether to attack or bolt, Jon knew she understood his speech as the man who led her around on a chain had to give her commands so he simply waited for her to comply.

He stood in front of her, though she failed to do anything but stand there and look at him cautiously. Jon sighed before taking his tunic off in front of her, he hoped she'd be less intimidated if he also did what he'd asked her to do to show that it wasn't some trick or an attempt to harm her. Remsey seemed less tense as she looked at Jon's body, it was covered in scars and muscle that was tight and compact.

Slowly Remsey seemed to untense and followed his command and took her shirt off. Jon was able to remain composed when he saw her body, it was pale and muscular but it was also littered with scars and Jon could tell not all of them were from fighting. She had a slender frame with small breasts that she covered with her arm, which caused Jon a bit of amusement 'I suppose she's not as savage as I thought' Jon thought to himself.

"Take it all off" he said to her, she was hesitant at first but followed his command, she took off her boots and woollen breeches that were pretty much rags leaving her naked in the room. Jon approached her though admittedly it was a bit too fast and she jumped and tried to kick at his face, he avoided the blow and pivoted around her and grabbed her from behind.

"GRRRRAAAHHH" She half growled and half screamed as Jon carried her, she struggled in his arms hoping to free herself but she couldn't overpower him. 


"AHHHHHH" she screamed though it was a lot less primal and more ladylike, Jon had thrown her into a large tub that he'd filled with water while she was knocked out. Remsey had mostly been kept in a dog cage when she was not needed so she was not used to the sensation of water engulfing her, water was a precious commodity that she had to savour as sometimes she would go a few days without it and she'd have to make do with snow. So needless to say she thought that Jon was attempting to drown her.

She struggled as she tried to push herself out of the tub, though Jon managed to hold her in the tub "Calm down!" He shouted at her, eventually she obeyed but she was tense as a stone, ready to spring out of the tub at the first sign of danger.

Jon soaked a cloth in the tub and held it up to her but she moved away from it as he did. Jon paused and then he used the cloth on himself wiping the dirt and sweat from his brow, when he showed her it wasn't a weapon or something dangerous she allowed him to use it on her.

"Mmmmmmm" a moan escaped her lips as the warm cloth ran across her skin, she'd never felt anything like this before. In her life, there had been precious few times where she'd felt such contentment and so she immediately melted as Jon washed away months upon months of dirt and grime. Though she remained cautious as her eyes followed every single one of Jon's movements, she almost sprung out of the tub when he took a small bowl and poured the warm water over her head but as soon as she moved so did Jon, she recognised that Jon was faster and stronger than her so it would be safer to accept her fate.

Jon grabbed a small comb carved from bone and started running it through her hair, he started to wonder if it had ever been washed before as it was tangled and matted together with dirt and blood, yet despite this, she still smelled better than that Reek guy.

Remsey groaned in annoyance when Jon combed the tangles out of her hair, he ended up having to pull the matted hair out with his hands as he knew drawing a dagger wouldn't end well. He pulled with his left hand while holding just above the matter hair with his right, this had the effect of preventing her hair from behind pulled from the root and it allowed Jon to get rid of the clumps.

After managing to straighten her hair and get rid of all the dirt and blood embedded he put the cloth to her face and softly wiped off all the blood and muck, he could feel how tense she was and the way her eyes never left him as if he was a predator made him feel uneasy 'What am I even going to do with her' he thought with a sigh.

"Do you have a father? Or a mother?" Jon asked as he looked at her, though instead of responding she just looked at him intensely following every shift of movement.

"Where do you come from?" He asked trying to get a different response but it seemed to be for nought as she did not answer him, he was starting to believe she wasn't able to talk. He sighed as he finished cleaning her up and then stood up as he crossed the room pulling some of his clean clothes from his pack, they'd be quite big on her but she could tuck the tunic in and tighten the belt to stop the breeches from falling.

By the time he'd turned around she had already gotten out of the bathtub and was crouched behind it watching Jon 'I suppose I'm just glad she didn't bolt out of the room' he thought to himself as he approached her also grabbing a linen sheet for her to fry off with. However, when he handed her the linen she just tilted her head slightly in confusion, in her mind Jon her just handed her half of a shirt so she wasn't sure what was expected of her.

Jon pinched the bridge of his nose, he crouched down and approached slowly before taking the linen back putting it around her head and rubbing quickly, he didn't know if he was hearing things but the sound of a slight giggle came from beneath the linen as he dried her hair, though it was probably just his imagination.

After drying her he stood up and gave her the clothing he had grabbed and let her get dressed, when she put on her breeches they were disturbed by a knock at the door, Remsey backed up and stood in the most advantageous position in the room which was the corner where the door was. Jon went to the door and opened it and in front of him were some of the only men left in the town, all of them were a couple of decades past their prime and looked tired and weathered.

"My Lord, may we speak to you outside" the one who had knocked on the door asked as he had a grim expression on his face, Jon had looked at all three of them as soon as the door was opened and he recognised that they were preparing for a fight, their bodies were tended and their faces had an ugly expression. Though why they wanted to fight him he didn't know, he'd just saved them from certain death as well as their wives and daughters getting raped.

"Of course," Jon said as he gestured for them to lead on, he did have an idea of what this was about so when he followed them outside he snapped the handle off the door so they couldn't pull it open, this was for their good as well as Remsey, she'd murder anyone in cold blood if they entered that room, the only reason he was safe was because of the gap in their strength.

As he followed them he felt the atmosphere thicken with tension none more so when they left the small inn and went outside into the snow a large majority of the villagers had gathered and had a weapon of some kind. The cold bit against Jon's shirtless body but years of training had made him used to the feeling "Is there anything I can help you with my friend" Jon asked the man who had spoken to him.

"We want the girl..." he said getting straight to the point as his face morphed into one of anger and rage.

"No..." Jon simply replied as he crossed his arms staring down the other villagers.

"Her companion killed my husband!!!"

"He killed my son!!!"

"They nearly raped us!!!"

All of the villagers started crying out but Jon wasn't moved by their pleas, Remsey was clearly as much of a victim as them maybe even more so, she was led around on a chain with a sack over her head and not allowed to clean herself.

"The girl has not killed any of the villagers, she will come with me and I will take her to where she belongs" Jon simply said as he told the villagers how it would be, though the men of the village just gripped their rusted swords and makeshift weapons tighter.

"No! The girl will pay for what has happened to us, we are grateful that you saved our village but we won't let you stand in our way" The man said as he gripped his sword holding it upwards.

Jon just raised an eyebrow at the man, they'd all seen him fight and kill all the bandits and yet they thought themselves capable of taking him down. He may not have his sword on him now but he was still just as dangerous without it.

"I am Jon Snow, Ward to Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, and it is for this reason that I give you a chance to back down, should you try to step past me then your village will have even fewer people," He said his words with a cold look on his face that made most of the women shiver and take a step back, even some of the men looked hesitant. However, vengeance is a powerful motivator and regardless of whether Remsey had done anything or not she was associated with the enemy so that was enough for them.

The first man charged at Jon, his heavy footsteps pounding against the snow, he was a big man with a body hardened from ploughing fields though he was getting on in his years. As he brought a rusted sword down Jon sidestepped the swing before slamming his fist into his side, the blow was powerful enough to make the man drop the sword which Jon deftly caught in a reverse grip before slamming the pommel in the man's face, his nose burst in a spray of blood, it also threw him backwards to the ground. All the man could do was nurse his broken nose as he tried pushing himself backwards from Jon.

"You are all weak... I could kill you all with my left and while I took a piss with my right, stop now before you hurt yourselves" Jon saw that they still gripped their weapons and he just sighed. Though while they still held their weapons they made no move to attack him as they'd just seen what he did to their fellow villager.

Jon decided to approach them instead, with a sword in his hand he held it up at his side as he walked towards the man in front of him, as he got closer the man lost his nerve and followed his reflex which was to fight, swinging a hatchet at him, Jon ducked underneath the swing before flexing his leg muscles and launching himself upwards, however, he also had his hand stretched out as he did so all the energy from the jump was transferred to the villager as Jon grabbed him and slammed him on the ground knocking him out cold.

He heard walking behind him and felt the wind shifting so he rolled out of the way just in time to avoid a pitchfork that had been thrust at him. Standing up he narrowed his eyes at the young lad who had stabbed him, he was a couple of years younger than Jon and was a weedy little thing. Jon sprinted toward him avoiding another thrust on the way, with a swing of his rusted sword he severed the wooden handle in half, he then grabbed the boy by the arm and turned him around before raising his sword once more.

"No!!! Please stop!!!" One of the women shouted from the crowd as she pushed past the other women.

As the blade came down everyone winced, they were relieved when they saw that only his shirt had come off. However, Jon wasn't finished yet he reached his arm back and then slammed the young boy on the back with a good amount of force.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" The lad screamed as he fell to the floor rolling around in pain, literal tears fell from his eyes as he experienced the most painful thing he'd ever felt before.

Jon looked at the rest of them "Are we done now? I'd like to go to sleep it's been a long day" he said to them with a bored look on his face.

The man who had spoken to Jon but chose to stay back when the fighting started gritted his teeth "We will obey your command... bastard!" He spat out, had he been any stronger Jon was sure the hilt of his sword would snap from the amount of pressure.

Jon smirked at the man "I'd rather be a bastard than a weak old man unable to protect his village" he said before walking back into the building and up the stairs, he saw two women with weapons trying to open the door but not having much luck "Count your blessings that you had not opened the door, she would've killed you had you entered" Jon said before kicking them away from the door. He slammed his palm against the door the force of which opened it, he then walked inside though he had to catch Remsey who leapt at him. She stabbed at him with a dagger she'd acquired but Jon grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly, to her credit she was able to hold onto the dagger for longer than he thought though eventually it had gotten too painful and she let go, Jon threw her against the wall which knocked the breath out of her.

"Get some sleep we need to leave early tomorrow, once we get to Winterfell we can look at the maps they have, hopefully, one to the villages or towns sounds familiar to you," Jon said before rolling his shoulders and stretching, he sat down on the bed and then put his feet up before lying down and closing his eyes. He made sure to keep himself slightly aware of his surroundings, something that he learnt from his hunts in the wolf's wood after all having a wolf or bear sneaking up on you while you slept wouldn't be good.

Jon hoped this situation wouldn't be too much more of an issue, while it was true that he'd taken on the responsibility by himself it was mostly out of pity and a bit of anger, seeing such a talented girl be used by a pathetic man made his blood boil. He'd help get her back home then he'd focus on his own life, maybe finally go down south.

(AN: Bit of a slice of life chapter, and by that I mean nothing fucking happens, but yeah just trying to give you the state of mind that Remsey is in, she can talk by the way in case you were wondering, she isn't stupid, like Ramsey from the books she's very intelligent though she lacks a formal education now, her entire life has been based around killing and survival, Winterfell is in the next chapter)

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