
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasi
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49 Chs

Chapter 3-Entrance

Chapter 3 - The Grand Entrance

As the distinguished guests arrived one by one, a multitude of renowned figures from various backgrounds and organizations graced the venue. Among them were individuals hailing from prominent clans and empires, while others were independent cultivators who had forged their own paths without the support of any organization.

Although some of them encountered their enemies and rivals within the gathering, they refrained from engaging in confrontations or unleashing their pent-up anger. The festive ambiance was too precious to be marred by disputes and violence.

The attendees were well aware that underestimating the strength of the Starlight Clan would be a grave mistake. The true extent of their power remained shrouded in mystery, leaving everyone to speculate and wonder.

For many, Dwight's presence was inconsequential, as their sole purpose in attending the event was to curry favor with the Starlight Clan. A single favor from the clan had the potential to elevate their status to new heights, making it an opportunity too valuable to pass up. Thus, they diligently made their way to the event, despite being occupied with numerous other responsibilities.

Among the sea of attendees, one could observe a multitude of resplendent ladies and young misses representing various families. Some were prodigies in their own right, while others were noble ladies hailing from distant kingdoms and empires.

Their primary objective was to catch a glimpse of Dwight and perhaps even secure a chance to engage in conversation with him. He had become the object of admiration and desire for many young females, leaving the boys to wallow in envy, unable to compete.

However, they dared not cross any boundaries or offend Dwight, as they were fully aware of the dire consequences such actions could entail. Almost everyone understood that Dwight was the favored child of the Starlight Clan Leader, being the youngest among his siblings. Naturally, the youngest child held a special place in the hearts of their parents, and Dwight was no exception. Despite his occasional laziness, his parents would go to great lengths to protect him from harm.

As conversations filled the air, the voice of the Starlight Clan butler resonated throughout the hall, commanding everyone's attention. "The young master has arrived."

All heads turned towards the entrance, where a strikingly handsome young man stood, his stature reaching a height of 5'8". His long black hair shimmered in the ambient light, and his captivating eyes seemed to possess an irresistible magnetism, drawing the souls of those who gazed into them.

Donned in an exquisite red ensemble, each step he took seemed to cast a spell, leaving onlookers momentarily entranced. By his side stood a stunning woman adorned in an elegant blue dress, her arm intertwined with his. It was Tessa, who had been persuaded by Dwight to accompany him to the event. He personally chose the dress for her, and it fit her perfectly, accentuating her natural beauty.

As Dwight made his way forward, all eyes followed his path, causing a tinge of inferiority to engulf many of the male attendees. His overwhelming handsomeness left them feeling insignificant and incapable of competing for attention.

On the contrary, the female guests were brimming with excitement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they finally beheld Dwight up close. For some, this was their first encounter with him in person, as they had previously only glimpsed his image through shared pictures among friends. Dwight's visage had become viral, spreading among young females like a wildfire.

Envy and resentment filled the air as the girls watched Tessa by Dwight's side, holding his arm in an intimate gesture. They yearned to trade places with her, craving the spotlight and the proximity to their heartthrob.

Dwight paid no heed to the gazes and whispers that surrounded him, striding purposefully towards his father and Uncle Lucas. He exchanged warm greetings with them, his casual and unrestrained manner reflecting the deep bond he shared with his uncle, something that Lucas admired about him.

"Uncle, where is my gift?"

Uncle Lucas smiled, accustomed to Dwight's candid nature, appreciating his unfiltered expression of thoughts. "Don't worry, my dear nephew. It would have been remiss of me not to bring a fitting gift for you," he said, extending a ring toward Dwight.

"This space ring surpasses ordinary ones, capable of accommodating a grand mansion within its confines. I acquired it during my childhood, and I trust you'll take good care of it."

Dwight's smile radiated gratitude as he expressed his thanks. "Thank you, Uncle."

Though he had no genuine need for such a ring, possessing his own internal space, Dwight recognized its practicality in disguising himself as a mortal and concealing certain items. With his powers temporarily sealed, this ring offered convenience. He could unleash a mere fraction of his true power, as even 0.001 percent had the potential to decimate the entire planet.

Following the exchange of gifts, Dwight greeted his father, David, who affectionately patted his shoulder before leading him onto the stage. As he surveyed the crowd, Dwight addressed them with a warm smile.

"Thank you all for joining us to celebrate my youngest son's birthday. Your presence here is deeply appreciated, and I hope we can all revel in this joyful feast."

David's applause resonated through the hall, signaling the arrival of the maids who swiftly appeared, bearing a myriad of sumptuous dishes and wines. The delicacies presented were of the utmost opulence, only dreamt of by those aspiring to nobility or great wealth.

Anticipating such extravagance, the guests were elated to partake in this feast, relishing the opportunity to boast about their attendance to friends and acquaintances. The Starlight family's wealth surpassed that of many empires, solidifying their status not only in terms of power but also in terms of prosperity.

Amidst the revelry, Dwight was called upon to address the crowd. Smiling graciously, he gazed upon the gathered guests and simply said, "Thank you for being here."

His succinct statement left everyone momentarily speechless, even David, who had not expected such brevity. An awkward silence hung in the air, but it was soon shattered by a female voice exclaiming, "Young Master Dwight is simply amazing!"

Many recognized her as the daughter of a prominent clan, her unabashed declaration surprising those around her. Emboldened by her actions, numerous females began to shout their adoration.

"Young master, I love you!"

"Master Dwight, could I have your autograph?"

"My love, please notice me. I'd do anything for you!"

"Young Master, I can birth monkey for you."

"Please spend a night with me"

The hall resounded with female screams as the guests were astonished to witness the extent of Dwight's popularity. They had assumed he was relatively unknown, given his penchant for laziness and perceived low power.

Many boys despaired as they watched their crushes clamor for Dwight's attention, overwhelmed with envy. On the other hand, Dwight maintained his composure, aware that most were motivated by ulterior motives or infatuated with his physical appearance.

Even in his current physical form, which accounted for a mere 1 percent of his original appearance, Dwight's attractiveness surpassed that of any other being on the planet. In the past, countless holy daughters and queens from various galaxies and races had attempted to abduct him, driven solely by his exceptional beauty when he was yet to ascend as a god.

Now, as a god, his allure had only intensified, though he remained distanced from any intimate connections. He had experienced numerous betrayals from friends and those he considered family, witnessing how power could corrupt relationships and prompt individuals to abandon their true intentions for the sake of personal gain.

At times, he contemplated eradicating the entire universe and constructing his own creation, liberated from the inherent flaws of existing systems. The hardships he endured shaped his character, sharpening his ability to discern the true colors and motivations of those he encountered.

Even without employing his formidable powers, Dwight could perceive the insincerity and duplicity woven amidst the gathering. He had grown weary of their superficial expressions and feigned interest, no longer caring about their thoughts on his brief speech. After all, what significance did their opinions hold when they were mere ants in his presence?