
The Switched Life: A Story of Two Worlds

A simple girl from a middle-class family in India discovers that she was switched at birth. Her world is turned upside down when she learns that her true family is none other than the prestigious CEO of KIM Corporation in South Korea, the renowned K-pop company. After years of searching, they found her and want her to return. but she is living happily with her family, torn between her humble upbringing and the new life in a big city for the first time in her life Riya embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the complexities of family, fame, love, and dreams. Will she listen to her emotions and embrace her genuine identity, or will she remain attached to the simplicity she values? who she manages both of her worlds in India and in Korea. **Note to Readers:** This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and dialogues depicted in this story are purely imaginary and do not relate to real individuals, places, or incidents. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author has created this fictional world for entertainment purposes only, and any interpretations or conclusions drawn from this novel are at the reader's discretion. Note - I am new in writing so it may have few error so please ignore them or tell me so I can correct it .

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29 Chs

Chapter 3 : A Mother's Concern

Chapter 3 : A Mother's Concern

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Riya's room as she mustered the courage to broach a delicate topic with her mother.

"Mom," Riya began tentatively, her voice tinged with anticipation, "I applied for an online audition for a K-pop talent search. If I get selected, do you think... do you think I could go to Korea to pursue my dream of becoming an idol?"

Mrs. Sharma paused, her expression betraying a mix of concern and reluctance. "Riya, you know how much I want you to succeed, but going to Korea... it's not that simple. 

You're still young, and we don't have the time or money to make such a big trip. Besides, your studies are important right now."

Riya's heart sank at her mother's response, the weight of disappointment settling heavily on her shoulders.

 "But Mom, this is my dream," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like I have some sort of connection to Korea, like it's calling out to me. I just want to explore that, to see where it takes me."

Riya's mother glanced at her daughter, concern etched into her features. "Riya, have you thought about what will happen when our grandmother finds out you've gone to a different country? You know how they'll react."

Riya met her mother's gaze, her resolve unwavering. "Mom, they're already living with Uncle, and we've been separated for a while now. Why does it matter so much? Besides, our family is doing fine now, and we're not dependent on anyone anymore."

Her mother sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "You don't understand, Riya. You're still too young to comprehend the consequences of your actions."

Mrs. Sharma's gaze softened as she reached out to gently cup Riya's face in her hands.

 "I understand, sweetheart. And I admire your passion and dedication. But sometimes, dreams have to be put on hold while we focus on what's practical and attainable. Trust me, one day, when the time is right, you'll have the opportunity to chase your dreams."

With a heavy heart, Riya nodded, her resolve wavering but not extinguished. She swallowed her disappointment, determined to respect her mother's wishes while silently nursing the ember of her dreams within her heart.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Riya's love for K-pop and the Korean language remained steadfast, undiminished by her dashed hopes of immediate stardom.

 She threw herself even more fervently into her studies, using her spare time to hone her language skills and immerse herself in the vibrant world of Korean culture.

Despite her mother's reservations, Riya's unwavering determination led her to once again sit before her computer screen, her cursor hovering over the "Submit" button for yet another online audition. 

With a resolute spirit and a flicker of hope, she clicked, sending her application into the digital realm with a silent vow to chase her dreams no matter the outcome. 

Though she knew the logistical challenges of pursuing her dream of becoming a K-pop idol from her small town in India were daunting, 

Riya applied for the audition not just for the chance to go to Korea, but also for the satisfaction of knowing she had tried, of knowing she hadn't let her circumstances dictate the limits of her aspirations. 

And as she awaited the results, she held onto the belief that sometimes, simply daring to dream was victory enough.

Little did she know that her dedication would soon lead her down an unexpected path, one that would challenge her in ways she never imagined and ultimately bring her face-to-face with the opportunity of a lifetime.

 But for now, she remained content to bide her time, trusting in the twists and turns of fate to guide her towards her destiny.