
Chapter 3: The Young Miss Daniels ( 3 )

" How can someone be so handsome like that ? " She mumbled while she ate some snacks.

Edwin came and sat besides her.

" Hannah , Are you alright ? " She asked. She had noticed the worry on Hannah's face.

" Yes Nanny.. I am good. " She answered.

" So,How was your friend's birthday ? " Edwin asked nonchalantly.

" It was quite good. Just that i messed up with someone. " Hannah replied with a corner of a smile.

" What do you mean by that ? ",Edwin wasn't getting it.

" Nanny, I can't believe I bumped into someone with a cake and made him dirty. " Hannah spoke .

" Really ? How did that happen ? " Edwin wanted to know.

" Its just that I didn't notice him. ",Hannah argued.

" On my God ! Its a he ? ",Edwin mattered.

",Yes Nanny. ",Hannah replied.

Edwin burst into laughter making Hannah frown.

" Why are you laughing now ? " Hannah questioned.

Edwin smiled at her and said.

" No man can never get angry with a beautiful girl like you. " Edwin spoke caressing her cheeks.

" Nanny, Don't joke around. ",Hannah said shyly.

" I assure you about that. Did he really get angry with you ? " Edwin asked.

" Of course he was angry. " Hannah argued.

" Don't worry about that anyway. It was an accident. " Edwin assured her.

" Let's go for supper. " She said and got up from the sofa.


At White House Co. ( Tylor's company ) , Tylor reported early today. He was just in his office when his assistant came inside.

" Good morning Mr Williams. " He greeted.

" Good morning. " Tylor greeted back.

" Sir, You called for me. " The assistant said.

" Yah, I met the girl yesterday. " Tylor said looking up at his assistant.

He was Cedric.

" Sir, Are you meaning the girl that you have been looking for ? " Cedric asked.

" Yes. The young Miss Daniels. I met her accidentally. " Tylor said.

" So..what is your next plan ? " Cedric asked.

Tylor smirked. " Unfortunately, I was so rude to her. It may be hard for me to get her. " Tylor said solemnly.

Cedric looked at his boss in wonder.

" Why don't we kidnap her ? " Cedric asked.

Tylor shook his head in disagree.

" Not this soon. " He leaned against his chair. " I am going to make her my friend first so that I get to know more about her. " Tylor said this with an evil smile on his face.

" They say...keep your friends close and enemies closer. " He now smiled

" Then we shall proceed with our plan. " He finished.

" Fine Sir. I think I should procced with my work. " Cedric said and then left the office.


Hannah arrived at Golden Star Entertainment that afternoon. She would go to the gym every morning to keep her body in shape and size. Later she would report for work at noon.

Today she wore a black off shoulder top and white high waist skirt short to her knees. She always ensured smartness and adored her beauty.

" Hannah, You are already here ? " Her Manager Diana asked when she just saw her.

" Yes manager Diana. How is the going ? " Hannah asked as they both walked to Hannah's desk.

" All is well. " Diana answered.

They both sat down on the seats .

" You won't believe the person you are hosting today. " Diana said putting Hannah is suspense.

" Who could that be ? " Hannah asked.

" The award winner of the year. Micheal Wong. " Diana gasped.

To her surprise Hannah didn't react to this.

" Is he the reason why you are so exited like that ? " Hannah asked minding less.

Diana slapped her shoulder in disbelief.

" You mean you are not interested in seeing him ? " She asked .

" Why would I be ? " Hannah asked.

" OMG ! He is dangerously handsome. " Diana argued

Hannah gave Diana a whammy look and said. " I have seen many handsome men. Don't talk if he is a god.." Hannah couldn't be convinced.

Diana frowned .

" Do you really know the Micheal I am talking about ? " Diana couldn't believe this little girl.

" Who cares. I have more things to do than praising someone's handsomeness. " Hannah declared and Left Diana alone.

Diana sighed. " Does she think that she is too beautiful ? " Diana asked in disbelief.

That evening, Hannah was done with the show with Micheal Wong. As said he was handsome but compared the man she met the previous day, Micheal was nothing.

" It was nice being hosted by you. " Michael said to Hannah as they left the studio.

" It was cool for me too. " She simply answered.

" So, Miss Daniels, Do you mind having dinner with me ? " Micheal asked.

" ...I am..." Hannah wanted to say but Diana came and interrupted.

" Of course she would like to. And she is free this evening. " Diana lushed out.

" That's good then. See you later. We meet at star hotel. " Micheal said with a grin and left.

Hannah gave Diana an evil look when Micheal was gone.

" Diana, When did you start deciding for me ? " She asked crossing her arms around her chest.

" What did I do wrong ? " Diana asked.

" Diana,Don't pretend. " Hannah squealed.

" But he is handsome and famous. And besides that, He is single. And so are you. Take this chance. " Diana spoke.

" Did I tell you that I am searching ? " Hannah asked.

" Of course not but Hannah look. You are beautiful, famous and wealth. Besides that you are am adult now. Why don't you get someone ? " Diana argued.

" Manager Diana, The thing is I can't date a person that I don't like. And I am not interested in anyone just because of their fame and career. " Hannah said.

" Okay. But please. Go to see him. Only for tonight. " Diana begged.

" Fine. I will go there. But for your sake. " Hanna answered.

Diana smiled at her on hearing this.

At around a half past seven, Hannah decided to meet Micheal as planned.

She was still in the same clothes she had had at the show with but to her surprise when she reached the reserved place Micheal had already changed clothes.

He wore a black t shirt and slim fit trousers and a black leather jacket that had silver stars on it. He was in a Nike so cal air force really looking like a movie star.