

Tategan Jinchan was a tall but dull looking highschooler. He was poor, but never cried for anything. He had no friends. And was a joke to everyone in the school. One day, His classmates invited him for a nightout, But something , really really bad happened when he came back home. Find out how he stand back and fight for his SURVIVAL!

Gravley · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Chapter 2

"No...no...noooooooo.....huh,huh,huh?"Cried jinchan

."Maybe I saw a bad dream. What the hell was that dream? Shit. I am late...."Said Jin, looking at the clock. He rushed towards the bathroom and did his daily chores...

Then, he said, "Mom, I am going... Take care and take the medicines on time, Alright?" His mom nodded.

He went outside and took out his bicycle, and went to school. In his way, he saw many students going together, talking, and laughing. But he was lonely. But he smiled and went forward...He stopped. He stared at the TV in the convenience store. A news channel was running. The headline was 'INCREASING NUMBER OF MURDERS....'

He thought, "So there are some others like me...Sheesh. This city is not safe now...Save the humans, god. But yes, you never look at us ..." He went forward.

Then he stopped his bicycle in the parking stand. Took his bag and went to the school. But today, he felt something different in his school. Nobody made fun of him. Everyone was looking at the door. And when Jin entered, Nobody said something to him He ignored this, as always, and went into his classroom. His classmates saw him, then looked downwards.....

Jinchan found the behavior strange, so he asked, "W-W-What happened?". Nobody responded.

Then somebody said, "Nothing happened. Then he continued, "See, I told them not to tease you anymore. Because now, I am going to recruit you to my group." It was Agres Ryousuke, A school bully wanted to get money from him. "Tonight, We are going to welcome you. Come, alright?".