

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

What Am I to you?

Chapter 74 What Am I to you?

"Whoa…! Fish….!"

Serena and Citra look at the aquarium with amazement.

Even Raenisa feel astonished over the aquarium.

She sometimes surprised yet curious when look at the fish and turtle who swim inside of it.

Probably she had not yet seen aquarium like this in her world.

Serena, Citra, and Raenisa strolling passionately through the aquarium tunnel while Fenris and me walk behind to stay close with them.

In the middle of forked tunnel, those three spreads to see lots of sea creatures that captivated their interest.

Both me and Fenris choose to stay in the middle of forked tunnel so they can return in here after done sightseeing everything on those tunnels.

Surprisingly, Raenisa also choose to walk around alone like my sisters.

The sounds of amazement of them diminished quickly as they walk at each own, which made Fenris and me see the blue sea inside the aquarium in silent.

"Is this your friend's first time to sea world? She seems excited looking at the aquarium."

Fenris, who stand beside me, asked me while holding her chuckling.

It was noticeable for her to see Raenisa excitement toward the Sea World.

"Yea, sort of."

I answered with short smile.

"I thought she visit here with you in the past."

"No, she hasn't. Probably there's another place she visited back then."

I answered as flat as I can for ensuring she believe it.

Fenris glance at me in for a while without words.

I can feel it clearly her attempt on digging more information by her deep gaze.

"Ah, that was surprising. So where do you guys usually spend your time together?"

Fenris asked me with flat tone.

Even though it sound casual question, but somehow It feels like an serious interviewing because of her intense staring.

"I really not remember enough about my childhood, so I really can't say where we usually play. Probably in my home, but I can't barely remember anything that we do back then."

I answered it as calm as I can be.

"Does that mean you meet her when you're still a kid?"

"Yea, it is."

"I see… when we're still child, we even can't remember what we done, right? We even can't grasp the meaning of relationship back then, correct?"

"Emmm…. Yes, I guess."

"But I see Raenisa had different perspective when it comes to you, Rezvan."

"What do you mean?"

"You know… about that kind of relationship…"

"Do you mean friendship? Of course, we're are friend."

"Really? 'Only' friend? As a women, I can see the difference about friend or not."

I paused for a while.

Fenris' statement is true since Raenisa insist on making me as her husband.

She even dare to move sneaky on Amdarais' Magical Gate so she can goes to the Human World for reaching her objectives.

For me, Raenisa' a pretty woman and talented magician, which surely captivated my heart as a man.

However, her decision to make me as a husband even though she's a Dark Elves feels rushed and unimaginable.

If she insists on that reckless decision, it could lead her to a complicated life like her sister.

Hopefully, she would realize the consequence on those momentary desires as time goes by.

The only reason I let her stay in Human World because I can have her blue pendant crystal for powering myself as magician.

Well, I couldn't tell that train of thought to Fenris since it related with my secret identity as a Magician.

"It might be your assumption, Fenris. We're just a friend."

I answered shortly for answering Fenris' repetitive question.

What is she after, though?

As I am thinking her reason, Fenris gradually crossed both her hands and look at the blue sea of aquarium with cold face.

She seems not satisfied with my short answer.

This is getting awkward since her cold face feels like give me a shadow jab on me.

"Is there's something wrong, Fenris?"

I asked politely.

But Fenris doesn't even look at me.


She answered in a very flat and cold tones that almost made my body shivered because of her anger.

Man, I even can't fathom what's my mistake?

Does she know that I'm being dishonest about Raenisa' truth?

Well, that's something I can tell her since it would to my great secret.

Then, what I'm supposed to do?

"Despite your talent and tenacity, you're really dull when it comes to woman, huh…."

Amdarais suddenly whispered at me.

"She's jealous because of Raenisa."

He adding his answer, which made me frowned for a while.

I had heard this kind of answer from Amdarais even though I'm not believing it.

But what if it is true?

Fenris had feeling on me?

Is this serious?

She's the daughter of Abimanyu Jumantara, the S-Rank Knight.

She also a candidate for the A-Rank Knight.

Why the hell she put her feeling on me, The Weakest Knight, who is far poorer than her rich and famous family?

Of course, I had feeling on her since she's a lovely girl who's sharp, strong, independent, and love her family like I do.

However, I'm never thought even it just a glimpse that she would fall for me.

My God, this is getting far complicated than to defeat the Ice Queen in the future!

"Fenris, I'm sorry…"

I apologized after a long silence between me and Fenris.

To be honest, I'm stuck at how I supposed to do so this is I what I can do for now.


Fenris glance at me.

Even her voices still cold, it is not that freezing than before.

Hopefully it is a good sign.

"I haven't yet talked about Raenisa to you and my sisters."

I said it politely.


Fenris replied to it while pouting.

Man, this was difficult.

"I never expected she move near my home. We accidentally meet around a week ago."


"Since she's new in here and haven't any friend, she ask me to strolling around the city. But I had a promise with you and my sisters, so it would be fun if we go together."


I paused after that short reply.

I had done all I can, but Fenris seems not in the mood.

Is she on period or something?

I don't know.

Probably it's better if I let this silent until Citra, Serena, and Raenisa return to us.

Maybe Fenris need some time for calming her emotion.

I took a deep breath while looking at the blue sea of the aquarium in front of me.

Looking at the fish swimming in there smoothly really relaxing at some point.

It's a simple trip, but I need this for a short break for preparing myself on invading the Ice Palace in the second time.


Fenris finally speaks with a soft and low tones.

But I freeze when she grasp my left palm tightly.

When I look at her, it was mesmerizing to see her blushing after that long cold face.

"W-what about me? What am I to you?"

She asked with her hand goes shivering.

At the same time, the two questions stunned me.

What the hell is this sensation?

Is she being serious on this relationship matter?

I know I can express my honest feeling on her at this very moment.

However, I'm stuttering to said that.

Under the blue glimpse of the aquarium, our silence gradually filled with our breathing noises.

My heartbeat goes race as I try to speak my honest word.

But all my words stuck on my throat and I feel my energy is not enough for said it.

This is far more difficult than casting a Magician Spell, damn it!

"Fenris, I…"

I can't continue the word since my heartbeat going crazy as I see Fenris blushing face become tempting than before.

I forced myself to stay look at her without looking other way.

My body feels move by itself as I hold back her hand tightly.

"Rezvan, pleas-"


Both Fenris and me remove our grasp as the voice of alarm on Fenris Knight's Bracelet raises like an emergency alarm.

We divert our look for a while since our face still blushing in embarrassment.

Even Fenris need a moment for accepting the notification of Knight's Bracelet alarm.

After long grasping breath, Fenris calming herself and then turn on the notification.

"Attention all Knights! This is emergency! The Monster had Invaded Kota Tua! The Magical Gate invasion still unknown but the Dark Elves and Halflings had create a chaos! Please gathered at once! Evacuate all people from surrounding area!"

Fenris almost stumbled when heard that notice.

"H-how it can be? There's no way the Monster had breach out the Magical Gate in our city!"

Fenris still can't fathom the news.

As far as I know, the only Dungeon that had high risk to breached out Magical Gate by the Monster would be considered as S-rank Dungeon.

S-rank Dungeon is the top priority, so it almost impossible for the Monster to breached out from there because all high rank Knight would give all their power to solve it.

"This Sea World is approximately near with Kota Tua, Fenris. We should bring Serena, Citra, and Raenisa first."

I said in the middle of Fenris confusion.

"Y-you right, Rezvan. Oh, I know what's better."

Fenris replied while took her key car and give it to me.

"Bring them to safe place with my car. I will go to Kota Tua for helping the Knight Association!"

She said as she run toward the exit gate.

"Wait, Fenris…! Don't go alone…!"

"Don't worry! I can handle it!"

Fenris goes on while activating her Knight Bracelet that emerges its blue aura that forming the Knight Armour on her entire body quickly.

"It's the Demon. He uses his Magical Gate spell for helping the Dark Elves and Halflings to go through here without getting chained on Dungeon system."

Amdarais explained briefly, which is similar with my initial assumption since I remember clearly, it's the Demon who managed to make the Mother Dragon breakthrough the Dungeon System to invade my city.

"What's your plan, Rezvan?"

Amdarais asked for clarity.

"We'll beat them up after we took my sisters to the safe place."

I answered firmly as my sisters and Raenisa just returned.