

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

Venharice's Talisman

Chapter 54 Venharice's Talisman

"It's enough for the celebration, son. I know exactly what're you aiming for…."

Sundamar suddenly said it while staring at Vaeral intensely.

Even without further explanation, Vaeral immediately prepared himself by kneeling in front of his father.

Is this related to Venharice's Trial?

"You succeed in the Trial, Vaeral. You can utilize Venharice's amulet, but there's a consequence."

Sundamar warns as he takes off his Necklace that is placed under his robe.

The pendant on his Necklace is a circle stone craving monster language words.

I can sense my Soul's Spirit resonates by seeing the pendant.

Is that the magic artifact?

I read it in a glance; the word means: 'The Honour of Conquest.'

"Lord… why has he not told me that he aims that Magic Necklace on this stupid Trial?! But, of course, it's useful in this condition! I wouldn't even spend too much damn energy shitting at you if I knew your plan entirely! Dumb ass Vaeral!"

Amdarais mumbled next to me in an annoyed tone.

"Why? Isn't that Magic Necklace item powerful stuff?"

I am whispering, curious about the effect of Magic Necklace.

"Basically, it can help an enormous magic power in a certain period. It only can be used once per day. Since we planned to invade the underground temple of Hexta, it's damn useful for moving fast while tackling all of the guards and then saving the Offering."

"Well, that's neat."

"But it's depleting the Magical Endurance heavily after you use it once. Surely, surviving with the remaining enemies would be a tough condition."

"So, it's like casting the Great Magic Spell but more dangerous, huh…."

"Vaeral already prepared on this because he knows you would support him in his struggle. So you don't have to worry about that."


"Yeah, the Magic Necklace, or The Honour of Conquest Necklace, could be used simultaneously maximum of five magicians for reducing the magic endurance depletion effect. Since you now can cast Water Magic Spell, you and Vaeral can utilize the Necklace together."

"I see…"

"Gggh…! Damn! Why I can't see that the moment he sulking and begging for Rezvan to participate in this damn Trial?! Of course, for that Magic Necklace! This is embarrassing…! I can't believe I'm tricked by him…! That Dark Elves blood is filled with manipulator intention!"

I ignore Amdarais's mumblings over his 'failure' to read Vaeral's true intention, then look at Vaeral, kneeling in front of Sundamar.

I heard a small and rapid recitation from Sundamar, which made Vaeral bow his head for attending all of that solemnly.

"…in the name of Lord Heaven, bless us with the miracle, protect us with the grace. Please grant us strength for Venharice to strive again as your greatest Elf on your unfathomable miracle…."

I only can hear a glance of Sundamar's recitation along with Vaeral, who repeats it.

Hearing from their recitation, I believe it's not the recitation of casting a magic spell.

It's like an oath of Vaeral in front of the head family, which is Sundamar itself.

Probably it's part of the family ritual as a symbol of Venharice's trust toward Vaeral.

To be honest, I never thought the monsters had this kind of ritual since I, and perhaps the Knight Associations, think the monsters are brutal creatures that want to conquer the earth.

Looking at the Dark Elves performing rituals like a human really changed my perspective.

Of course, it's not only that because I have seen marriage, politics, and other human activities among them.

For the Knight Association, defeating the Dungeon Gate is their priority.

But as I become a Magician, digging into the monster's complicated life like this is also my objective since it enables some of my access to new magic spells and artifacts.

I stopped my contemplation after Sundamar stopped his long recitation of oath.

Sundamar slowly draped the Honour of Conquest Necklace on Vaeral.

"Thank you, father. I had planned this for years and will not repeat the same mistake again. It's my oath for the Venharice, Yinleth, and Krismenar."

Vaeral looks at his father, full of determination.

Sundamar smiled again as he looked at the burnt scar on Vaeral's face.

"You came to me with a burnt face. I honestly never thought of that, son…."

"I thought it was a miracle, father. But after I met a human linked with Amdarais' Soul's Spirit, everything changed. I gained this opportunity from this unique human. He is a strong and clever magician."

"Do you choose this on your own, son?"

"Yes… even if it burnt some of my face and stomach because of it, as long as it allows me to end the chaos on Dark Elves Noble Families, I would do that with all of my heart."

'Wow, that's a strong statement from Vaeral.'

I mumbled while Amdarais seemed so proud of himself because he thinks he's the one who made this happen for Vaeral.

"As a man of Venharice's pride, remember this scar as the proof that you are willing to go further to restore our dignity, Vaeral."

"Sure, father. Leave the rest to me."

Vaeral stood and bowed once for the last farewell.

As Vaeral walks calmly toward me, Amdarais suddenly hugs him.

"My Dear Friend! How the hell you tricked me like that?! I thought you were my dumb friend because of that pathetic love!"

Even though Amdarais praises Vaeral, he always sneaky adds that annoying statement.

"Ggghh…. Let me go, pal…. It's suffocating…."

Vaeral almost lost his breath since Amdarais hugged him too hard.

As Amdarais takes off his arms, Vaeral inhales rapidly and simultaneously coughs.

"You skull bastard… Do that again, and I cast my greatest spell on you…."

Vaeral swearing while panting.

"Heheheheheh…...! You're the one who tricked me, Vaeral! Next time tell me your main objective so I can respect your choice, man!"

"Telling that directly to you probably wasting my time. Rezvan is all I need, pal."

"Don't be shy now. You know you want to praise me for choosing Rezvan as my apprentice, right?"

"No, I feel bad for Rezvan for having you as his master."

Again, Vaeral and Amdarais debate each other in mocking and happy tones simultaneously.

They're really close friends.

"Anyway… we had what we needed. But we still need practice elevating the Great Water Magic Spell faster and stronger with the Honour of Conquest necklace."

Vaeral shows the pendant of his magical Necklace to Amdarais and me while explaining his next plan.

"It would be too difficult and long if we invaded it from the front of the cave entrance like you and other human troops do to the Fortress of Ice Palace."

Vaeral adds his explanation to me.

"So… does that mean we invade it from the inside?"

I asked for clarity.

"Yes, Rezvan. Since there will be a lot of guards in there, I'm sure the path toward the underground temple would be blocked by a magical barrier. It would be more impactful if we close our distance with that magical barrier as far as we can and start invading there to reserve energy."

Vaeral replied to it with confidence.

"Daredevil… in the simple term, we just want to strike through the underground temple, free Raenisa from the Forbidden Spell, and leave that place as fast as we can without fighting all these damn guards. Am I right, 'pal'?"

Amdarais looks proud when showing off his opinion since he knows Vaeral agrees.

"I hate to admit it, but yes. I also need your Magical Gate skill to open our path there, Amdarais. Hope you can be more useful than this."

"I'll do it if you beg me with 'please.'"

"Okay, Skull Joker… it's getting irritating. Do it, or I force Rezvan to leave you alone with your cripple body."

"I haven't heard the keyword…."

"Amdarais, come on…. Don't be this stupid, pal…."

"I know you need an ideal place for elevating magical improvement…. You know well where that place is… Heheheheh…."

"Hey, this plan also helps you power up, right?! Why should I-"

"Keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keywo-"

"Tch, fine! Please, help me, Egoist Narcissistic Bone Magician, bastard!"

"Ah, that's it… rest assured! You'll get my help for this invasion. Heheheheh…."

Vaeral had long exhaled with his tired face after fulfilling Amdarais' stupid request.

"There's a lot to be prepared after this, huh…."

I mumbled, which took Vaeral's attention into me.

"We could think the detail of our operation for sneaking in later. But in the meantime, we should practice utilizing this talisman in full power."

Vaeral shows his magical Necklace once again.

"Where do we practice? I'm ready for it."

I asked it firmly.

"Where else? Of course, the only ideal place for practice as the pure magician is in my Clock Tower."

Amdarais answered with a proud tone.

No wonder he becomes supercilious in front of Vaeral.

"Well, it's surely an ideal place for practicing a magic skill."

I said it calmly.

But then suddenly, Vaeral stare at me intensely.

"That place is ideal because it creates different time dimensions. Since we need a lot of time to master the combination of Magic and the miracles of Venharice's talisman, that place could give us the time we need without spending too much time in a real-time world."

Vaeral explains his argument in a serious tone.

"How much time do we need to master that?"

I asked it to conform.

"Approximately four years."

It was like a thunderstruck on my head when I heard Vaeral's last answer.

The new magic skill practice would be very long than I expected.

It reminded me of when I practiced my Soul's Spirit for the first time.

Like it or not, it's a Magician's way, and I should go with it.

I shall not falter over this!