

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

The Weakest Knight

Chapter 0: prologue

"Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan."

The voices echoed around my head, only me, not others.

Heck, I can even see the damn black cloaked skull standing in front of me, but everyone cannot see him.

The skull sees deeply through my soul, asking for my promise to help him strive back for revenge.

"Is there any guarantee my life will be safe in this way?"

The five-eyed skull grinned after hearing my naïve question.

"You choose this hell to survive, and this is your only way."

Crap, I never expected becoming a magician will be a hell of a journey.

Chapter 1: The Weakest Knight

I don't know where to start when it comes to my title as the Weakest Knight.

As a Knight, I am only slightly strong with regular humans and have the low skill to recover myself.

Even my Knight Armour is quite fragile when facing a monster's attack, which is different from other Knights on average.

Looking at my lame capability as a Knight, most people I know recommend me for choosing normal life.

Of course, I want to have a college, start my job as a corporate employee, and build my future career.

But that plan crumbled after my father passed away and my mother left me.

Almost four years since I graduated from high school, I was forced to work as a shitty Knight to pay for my two sisters' needs.

I don't have a choice.

Despite all my weaknesses, at least I understand Monsters language and writing, which I learned oddly in my four years as the weakest Knight.

Surely, these skills help me to join the Raid party, but the payment proportion is cheap because I cannot help them defeat the monsters.

Every time I tried to defeat Monsters so I could receive appropriate payment, I passed away with severe injury.

So yeah, I might get a lot of money from that, but it is gone quickly just for paying for my medical treatment.


Today is the time of Raid in Rank E Dungeon.

Most of my Raid team members arrived in front of city hall since the Monster Gate opened there.

As soon as I reach there, I see the magical gate with its blue and white lights up the city hall building.

Several cops have built a border, so people do not come near the gate.

"Hold up, kid. Where do you think you want to go? This place is dangerous." One of the polices suddenly halt me on the way to city hall.

"I'm a Knight."

"A Knight? A kid like you?"

"Yeah, do you want to see this?"

I showed them my white Knight bracelet attached to my left-hand wrist.

"The bracelet is real…? It can't be."

"Let him go. I know him. He is the weakest Knight."

"The weakest Knight? Oh, that explains everything."

Even though their voices are low, I can hear their whispering.

This is not the first time the police questioned me, so I just shrug it off, annoyed, and continue to meet the Raid team.

"Hey, look who's coming."

"That lame Knight? God, I hope he does not go careless again in this Raid."

"Is he the one who always gets beaten up even we raid in Dungeon rank E? Geez…now I understand."

"Yeah, even at the easiest Dungeon, he makes healers in our team exhausted for keeping him alive."

Again, this whispering among other Knights toward me is not my first time. It's almost 4 years since I heard this kind of mockery, but I still can't change it.

I might be a shitty Knight, but this Knight's payment can pay my father's enormous debt.

"Rezvan! You finally came!"

Familiar voices calling me. I see Farhan and Nadia come to welcome me.

"The Raid will be started! Prepare yourself!"

Farhan smiles enthusiastically. He is a tanker Knight.

"Don't be reckless again, Rezvan. We don't want our Dungeon Raid messed up."

Nadia scolded me. She is always fierce even though she is a healer Knight.

"Come on, Nadia. Don't be too harsh on him. He can be improved as a Knight."

"We are his only friend. It is our responsibility to make him more cautious during the Raid."

As always, Farhan and Nadia started debating each other because of me.

We started our life as Knights together, but they managed to reach Rank D Knight while I was still in Rank F Knight.

"Stop arguing, guys. I promise I will be more careful in this Dungeon and-"

"Rezvan! Oh, the man I was looking for already coming!"

Another man suddenly called me. It was Mister Agung. He is the leader in today's Dungeon Raid.

"Y-yes, sir."

I answered it awkwardly as Mister Agung came closer to me.

It's very rare seeing Mister Agung as very energetic for welcoming me.

"So that is the Knight you waiting for in this Raid? Rezvan, The Weakest Knight? Man, I must be dumb for believing you."

"Rezvan the useless Knight, eh? Let's prepare our healer to carry him when he passes out later. Hope he does not die, though."

"Nah, it's just a Rank E Dungeon. He will not die."

"Shut up!"

Mister Agung yells to these rude Knights.

"I know he is the weakest Knight in attack and defense, but he can help us create a Dungeon map and read Monster's language! He is unique!"

The rude Knights smirk and some of them laugh mockingly.

I understand Mister Agung tries to support me.

Still, at the same time, he also agrees that I'm useless for defeating the Monsters in the Dungeon.

"Everyone! Assemble! The Raid will begin!"

Mister Agung shout to all the Knights near the Dungeon Gate.

I see there are 21 Knights in today's Raid.

Another 20 Knight and I lined up in front of Mister Agung, getting prepared for briefing before invading the Dungeon.

"All of you already know this only Rank E- Dungeon, so we can finish it fast without Knight Association help! So don't worry about the Diamond because we will share it after the last Dungeon boss is terminated! Just as usual!"

Suddenly Mister Agung smiled widely. I can feel his greed from his glance.

"This might be only Rank E Dungeon, but there's an opportunity we will get Diamond bonuses!"

All of the Knights became silent when they heard it.

Of course, we all know it is strange for Mister Agung to brief us with weird bonuses.

I thought it was a joke from Mister Agung, but he seemed serious about these Diamond Bonuses.

Diamonds sourced from defeated Monster in Dungeon.

As Knight, we will be getting paid by Knight Association based on the Diamond we collect because that Diamond is useful for improving Knight bracelets.

Diamonds are usually shared with the Knight based on how many Monsters they defeated in the Dungeon, which explains why I always have a low rate of Diamonds because I barely managed to defeat a single Monsters during the Raid.

"Hey, Agung! Are you finished with your joke?! Don't get our hope up, will you?!"

"It's just a rank E dungeon, Agung. Nothing special. Are you drunk or something?"

Some of the senior Knights challenged Mister Agung. But Mister Agung was still calm.

"Well, if you guys don't believe it, the Diamond bonuses will all be mine! Hahahaha!"

Mister Agung laugh confidently, making all Knight trust him, including me. Even though it started getting creepy when Mister Agung staring me intensely.

He probably planned something.

"There is a secret in Dungeon Rank E! I have a 'key' for opening it! So if you guys do not want the special prize, just go home with those low Diamonds! These Diamond bonuses are worth more than US$ 100.000! Can you imagine what you could buy from that?"

Mister Agung yells once again with a more believable voice. I can see all Knight getting enthusiastic because of it.

"Diamond Bonuses he said? With a value of US$100.000? Wow…. hope he is not lying. I need extra money for my wife and kids."

"Hmm…maybe those bonuses can help me buy a house and car…."

"How come? Is there any other Monster in the Dungeon? Or maybe secret treasure?"

Whether it is true or not, in the end, I see all Knight choose to believe Mister Agung's story about the secret room in the Dungeon.

Even Farhan and Nadia see it as a golden opportunity because they need a lot of money for their marriage plan.

I'm not sure whether Mister Agung is speaking the truth or just trying to motivate his Raid team with a blabbering story.

But his constant look toward me makes me believe he plans something, and somehow, he needs my help.

Well, even though I am considered the weakest Knight, as long as someone needs my help and I can get enough money from it, I will be glad to help.

Mister Agung entered the magical gate first, followed by the other Knights and me.

After that, the blue-white light from the magical gate shone more brightly on us as the world started changing into a different realm of Monsters.