

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

The Ice Queen Intervention

Chapter 32 The Ice Queen Intervention


Gremenor fall heavily like a fallen tree.

I'm gradually lowering my aim since there's no movement from him.

As painful as it be, I throw the Knife and spread the flame magic on my shoulder, so it gradually removes the numbness because of the Ice Magic.

Looking at Gremenor, who's collapsed, my mind went contemplating.

I know it's strange, but I usually finish this kind of Monster by shooting his head.

However, I think that would be overkilling this time.

As I think it's enough, I see Amdarais fly while whistling toward Gremenor's left hand.

I know Amdarais usually loot the Diamonds and other items from the Monsters I have defeated.

But now, I'm not interested in that since there's someone I am concerned about.

I stick the Gremenor's blade into the ground, then walk fast to Fenris, who's still unconscious.

Fenris' breath sounded normal, and her body was no longer as cold as ice.

I lift Fenris and walk far away from Gremenor because I don't want to see that damned Dark Elves try to kill Fenris again.

Moving by my worries, I see Fenris' face for checking her condition.

But as I look closely, her face is calmer than her previous condition during the Ice Dust attack.

Hopefully, it's a good sign.

Speaking of the past, I had lifted my sisters when we played together.

It felt different when I lifted a woman the same age as me.

Strangely, something tingles inside me when I stare at her pretty face.

Her opened mouth feels provoking, the same as her vanilla scent.

Crap, why suddenly do I think like a pervert?

"My Daredevil!"


Amdarais came at me unexpectedly while showing a silver ring with small words of Monster Language carved in there.

I catch the silver ring thrown by Amdarais, then rotate the ring for reading the Monster Language that means 'Blasphemy on Holiness'.

"It's an Anti-Magician ring. Use this for increasing your Magic Defence."

"Mostly Dark Elves use that ring for fighting the Magician. Fortunately, Gremenor had the special ring with stronger magical defense reinforcement than the usual ring that mostly Dark Elves used."

"You took this ring from Gremenor's left finger?"

"Yep, don't think much about the small stuff. Gremenor is dead, and the dead no need of this precious ring."

Amdarais chuckled without feeling remorse.

For him, it's about surviving.

The winner takes all, and the loser leaves this world forever.

No wonder this skull magician had a lot of haters among Monsters.

Putting aside Amdarais' ridiculousness, I now understand what makes Gremenor can hold my massive magical attack.

It's genuine luck that my decision to use Gremenor's blade and enhance it with Fire Magic succeeded in cutting his magic defense reinforcement.

I shrugged, grateful for this luck, as I used the Anti-Magician Ring.

The Soul's Spirit inside me quickly resonates with its magical vibration, creating a new layer of defense in my Magical Barrier.

Looking around, I see many Knights still lying down with almost all their bodies frozen.

The remaining Knights who survived still shiver in cold and fear, hiding far away from the Fortress.

They're waiting for The Knight Invaders and Healers Team to jump into this Dungeon and help them recover.

Now, I'm focusing on the thick wooden gate closing the Fortress.

My steps to reach the Ice Queen are near as far as I am concerned.

"Those damn Halflings and Dark Elves still not giving up, eh?"

Amdarais suddenly mumbled beside me.

"They want to continue to defend it even though their leader is dead?"

"Yeah, those persistent bastards. Look at the Fortress gate closely with Soul's Spirit senses. They already reinforce the magic defense on the gate with blue gemstones."

I sharpen my sense as Amdarais recommends, seeing the faint white light craved all over Fortress gate.

It indicates the Halflings or the Dark Elves casting their magic defense buff to protect the Fortress Gate.

I assume those Halflings and Dark Elves choose strategic defense rather than choose to attack me frontally.

The battle would be continued after I destroyed this Fortress Gate.

"Fire Pillar and Brandish Soul might be struck through all of that."

I said it confidently.

Amdarais nodded, but his cynical stare showed his annoyance.

"You can do that after you put that woman somewhere."

Amdarais pointed to Fenris, who's still fainted in my arms.

"Oh, right. I don't need to take Fenris to the Fortress."

"Rezvan, how long did you let that woman interrupt your fight? You almost died because of it!"

"Shut up! She helps me with her Knight Tanker's skill, you know? Because of her Holy Sacrifice, I had the opportunity to strike back Gremenor!"

"You already had the chance to defeat Gremenor if you do not complicate yourself in helping her."

It's constantly arguing and debating regarding my decision to save Fenris.

This Skull Magician really makes me almost run out of patience.

"Whatever, man. Talk to my hand."

I'm ignoring him before I become a full rage on this egoistic skull.

The second I turned around to escort Fenris, Amdarais and I was suddenly stunned.

We see Gremenor rise with a hollowed chest.

His breathing sounded faint, along with his suffocating voice.

He only moves one step while grasping his last blue gemstones.

"He's already dead… Someone had controlled him…"

Amdarais' warning is similar to my hunch.

I hurriedly kneeled to place Fenris first for prepared my shooting stars.

"Anything… for the Boundless… of Frozen Realm…"

Gremenor smashed his blue gemstones into his torn chest until it broke into hundreds of Ice Dust absorbed by his body.

"This is… the pride…. of The Dark Elves…"

Gremenor groaned as his body became entirely full of a blue line of light brightly.

The groan stopped as he roared like a mystical beast.

He sauntered, but his one step dispersed the blue light on his body.

The blue line of light creeps, making anything around it freeze into ice.

The floor, the crippled Knights, and anything near it become completely frozen because of the extended blue line of lights from Gremenor.

"It's not a wise decision, Gremenor. You sold your soul to the Ice Queen just for the sake of pride."

Amdarais sounded disappointed.

Never thought he could feel pity toward his enemy.

"What the hell, Amdarais? I thought the Ice Queen was being neutral to us?! Why she suddenly forces Gremenor to do this shit?!"

I asked confusedly while lifting Fenris back.

"She might see a threat from our incoming. Don't falter. We're going to meet her no matter what."

Amdarais's statement reminds me that the Ice Queen would be our next enemy.

Despite The Ice Queen's questionable act, we quickly run from Gremenor, who slowly walks toward us.

Each of his steps widens its frozen area, which I know would make this entire Fortress into a mountain of ice.

Looking from afar, I know the Fortress would barricade my way to move far away from Gremenor.

There's no option than to finish Gremenor's madness.

"It's useless for escaping him, Rezvan! Instead, we should fight back!"

"I know, damn it! I'm thinking about how to do it!"

Due to my instinctual drive, I hurriedly cast a Fire Wall circling near the Fortress Gate.

I concentrated harder, so the Flame of the Fire Wall grew stronger, slowing the spreading of ice dust into the Fortress.

After the Fire Wall emerged to close the road, I ran into the Fortress Gate.

While on my way, I'm casting a Fire Explosion massively to ensure backup attack planning in case Gremenor is a persistent bastard.

When I arrived right up in front of the Fortress Gate, I saw the burnt on the Flame Wall.

The sounds of evaporated ice and the sluggish step of Gremenor made me realize his arrival.

Gremenor walks slightly slower under the aggressive Flame of the Fire Wall that eats his body.

I can see his body gradually cracking like a broken statue, but it doesn't make him stop spreading the Ice Dust.

However, his madness would have ended after he stepped into the Fire Explosion.


The streak of the explosion shook the Fortress Gate heavily, suddenly cracking the road and the wall of the Fortress.

The blaze spread wildly, and a cloud of thick smoke made me cough for a moment.

A few minutes passed, and I was still kneeling and firmly gripped Fenris.

Even though those explosions are strong, I'm still preparing myself for the worst scenarios.


The mysterious crawling sound under the black smokes suddenly raise my awareness.

After a long wait, I know Gremenor still crawling toward me with his icicle body.

This bastard's not giving up; even his left leg and right hand were destroyed into pieces.

It becomes worse since the Ice Dust spreading from the Blue Aura on his body gradually dampens the Flame around the Fortress.

It only took a time until the Fortress returned frozen, just as the Ice Queen hoped.

There's no way I let me and Fenris become a frozen statue in this damned place.

Since barraging the Fire Arrow or Soul's Strike would not be enough to finish him at once, I'm already reciting the Great Magic Spell.

It would be a life-and-death bet between my Great Magic Spell and Gremenor's Ice Dust.