

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

The Four Phases of Reaching Miracle Talisman

Chapter 56 The Four Phases of Reaching Miracle Talisman

"You shall not pass."

As soon as I heard that damn woman's replies, I knew my answer was wrong.

Again, my body plunged into the darkness of the sea, forcing the damn water to choke my lungs until I repelled it roughly using my Soul's Spirit.

It's the one-hundredth time I bounced from the water ball that imprisoned Vaeral and me because we both had a consecutive failure at the first phase.

My body feels heavy because of the constant wetness.

Many thoughts mingled in my mind before Vaeral, and I continued my 101st attempt at mastering the first phase.

It took almost 10 months for my attempt to only result in failure, which irked me over this stupid phase.

Fortunately, this Clock Tower is controlling the time so 10 months in here means about 40 minutes in my world.

I need that to get back home on time for my sisters.

"Vaeral! What the hell is the answer?!"

I shouted it with a desperate tone since it was so stressful to pass this ridiculous first attempt.

"Don't think, Rezvan! Sense and read it! Use your Soul's Spirit to support you!"

Vaeral replied with the same annoyed tone.

I had thought thoroughly about any step, sound, vibration, color, and even the mysterious man with a black robe.

Still, I had no clue what kind of answer the invisible woman who tackled my way toward him.

"Come on, man! Isn't the man who wears a black robe that we must aim to? Isn't he part of Venharice?! You must know the damn answer!"

I yelled again.

"No, that's not it! Don't focus on the man we aim for; focus on your mind!"

Vaeral said it after long exhaling.

"But aren't you saying you succeed in this first phase with Soliana, right?! Aren't you remember the answer to this irritating phase?! Just tell us so we can move on to the second phase, Vaeral!"

"That's not what the Miracle Talisman wants from us, Rezvan! So think it more deeply and calmly!"

I took my breath and exhaled it few minutes to dampen the irritating feeling in my mind.

I can't grasp what Vaeral repeatedly told me about the answer to the first phase.

Isn't the first phase about Recitation?

But what the hell I should read since there are no words or voices that convey to me to say it for the Recitation.

"My Daredevil seems confused…. Perhaps he's in a hurry to solve this without even remembering the meaning of this practice…."

Amdarais advised me in the middle of my perplexity.

Do I look at the wrong perspective for this first phase?

All I care about is looking for the right answer for the woman, which is a true objective, but somehow there needs to be a proper way to solve it.

I may not look enough.

No, I look at all the damn things, even if it's tiny, to collect any clue to reach the proper answer.

Many things in the sea world were created from the pendant of Honour Conquest, but it could define anything randomly.

'I want to train with that guy,' 'I need your help,' 'I want to visit that guy,' 'I want the miracle of yours,' and many familiar answers I had in my attempt resulted in failure.

Even now, I don't know what the answer of it.

As I returned to grasp the pendant with Vaeral and closed my eyes, my world became entirely sea again.

I sulked again and again through the faint fog until I stood at the sea surface and looked at the same night sky, the mumbling voices of women, and the mysterious, black-robed man who stood far away from me in the north edge.

'What's your purpose, mortals?'

I repeated the woman's question before she asked me.

I have yet to think of any proper and different answer in this 101st attempt.

Of course, I'm not giving up yet; it's just so tiring to think of another alternative answer.

As I see the vastness of the sea surface and look at the starless night sky, my mind feels like it goes away into a limitless of this dimension.

I can feel the Soul's Spirit move with this sea dimension, but I'm not taking any hint, clue, or thoughts on this sensation.

I just sulk in my Soul's Spirit without too much disturbing it with anything that I am capable of explaining in words.

"What's your purpose, mortals….?"

It's there any voice?

I can hear the faint sound of a woman, but I let it slide since I'm not attempting to divert my mind from that.

Those faint sounds and even the sound on my mind gradually depleted since I was moved passed it all.

Until I realize an invisible string is convulsing my Soul's Spirit.

I grasped the invisible strings and let My Soul's Spirit sense it for a moment until it showed the word I needed to convey on this dimension of the sea.

Weirdly enough, it's not about the dimension of the sea, the black-robed man, or the faint voices that keep me asking about my purpose.

It's about me.

My true purpose in this conundrum.

For that, I spoke it flawlessly.

"I need to be stronger."

I said it with full faith.

There are no longer mumbling woman's voices.

My body is not restrained again by the invisible grasp from behind or under the sea.

I hear only the water vibrations from my step on the sea surface.

I continued my step until I stopped right in front of a black-robed man.

As the black-robed man turns on me, I can see his faceless body staring at me.

His face is like a water puddle with face form that could be a mirror for me to look at my own face.

My Soul's Spirit senses help me to read his vibration and resonation, which makes me realize this man is not a Monster or Human.

He is a soul.

A mysterious soul that becomes the core of the Honour Conquest necklace for activating the Miracle.

The soul's hand grasped my hands quickly and pulled my body until we bumped into each other.

I try to back off instinctively because the mysterious soul brings his face closer.

Even if it's scary and almost makes my Soul's Spirit unstable, I swallow all that fear and let the faceless souls plunge in his water puddle face into my head.

Man, my body suddenly shook since the mysterious soul looked intensely at my Soul's Spirit inside my body.

I almost kneeled because the quivering in my body had become more robust.

I know the mysterious soul's vibration is forcing my Soul's Spirit to almost go wild and uncontrollably.

The mysterious soul vibration keeps penetrating into my mind and soul, making part of my left hand, feet, chest, and face turn into a water form.

If I let it astray, I just become another mysterious soul in this dimension.

Under those pressures, I focus on my remaining Soul's Spirit to penetrate the vibration of mysterious souls inside me.

Now I can see the soul's vibration that spread on my body using my Soul's Spirit sense.

I try to grasp it using my Soul's Spirit like I'm reaching the transparent strings that spread abstractly on my vein.

The moment I grasp It, I can feel the mysterious soul's vibration grow stronger than before, forcing me to kneel.

My half-body becomes water form because of the force of the mysterious soul's vibration.

If I let this happen, my body will become the same as the mysterious soul.

Is the mysterious soul this threatening?

Is this why having a Miracle of this Artifact Magic is complex and deadly?

Lots of questions popped out over this threatening situation.

Still, in the end, I let my mind goes into the essential faith in Miracle itself.

'I need to be stronger.'

The words are like an oath that keeps me striving in this chaos.

If this is riotous that the mysterious soul wants to convey on my Soul's Spirit, I will face it properly.

As I closed my eyes, every body part turned into water.

Even my face becomes a faceless water pond.

The mysterious soul's vibration is revibrating on my Soul's Spirit resonation so I can feel its valid message.

"To be formless! To be formless!"

I can hear the repetitive sounds of mysterious souls trying to convey as my body is already formless like water.

Those sound constantly filled my mind until they screaked loudly into emptiness.

I gradually stood as my Soul's Spirit resonated, and the mysterious soul's vibrations were harmonious and flowed endlessly in my body.

With a simple snap, I changed my formless body into normal again as proof I had controlled the mysterious soul's vibration.

Simultaneously, my magician coat also changed into a black robe with purple lines like the mysterious soul used before.

This is my answer to the Miracle of Honour Conquest necklace: I accept your state of revolution as you accept my state of my Soul's Spirit.

As I emphasize that statement in my mind, the starless night sky and the vast sea are diminished.

The sea dimension is over as I have finished all phases of achieving the Miracle of Honour Conquest.