

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

The Allegation of Mysterious Hero

Chapter 44 The Allegation of Mysterious Hero

"Anyway… Once again… I must thank you properly for your bravery, Rezvan."

Abimanyu said it with a flat tone.

He folded his hand and exhaled long when he saw his daughter still holding my hand.

"Mmm… no problem, sir. I'm not the one who saves her entirely, though, sir."

I said it as humbly as I could.

"No, I see from the cam recorder that you bring my daughter into safety after a massive magic attack from the enemy. It was rare for me to see that among the fall of Knight Tankers with that deadly magic."

"Maybe… I'm just lucky, sir."

Crap, I never thought the Knights had a camera recorder in their armor.

It might be a new regulation for Knight Association to prepare the camera recorder for whatever the reason is.

Looking at Fenris and Abimanyu's reaction, the body camera recording had not yet revealed me casting a magic spell since they were not fully aware of it.

"Nah, kid… it's not just luck. The Raid on the Fortress Dungeon is filled with A-rank Knights. They are well experienced with hunting the Monsters, yet they crumble because of the strong magic spell from the Dark Elves. I can see it from the camera recording; you bravely run through the Ice Dust just to save my daughter."

Abimanyu praises me genuinely.

But at the same time, he stares at me intensely like he's trying to scan me entirely.

"T-thank you for the appreciation, sir. But Fenris is the one who saved me. She cast her Holy Sacrifice to me before she went unconscious. So I should thank her for that."

I'm quickly diverting topics.

"Oh, right… I barely remember that."

Fenris still tried to remember the time she cast the Holy Sacrifice skill on me but had difficulty remembering it properly.

On the other hand, Abimanyu's face suddenly became enraged.

"The hell?! Why did you cast that dangerous skill on this guy, Fenris?! As a Knight Tanker, your life is a priority because the Raid Team would collapse if you were defeated!"

Abimanyu protested loudly, triggering Fenris's vexation.

"I'm on the verge of my death at that time, dad! Only Rezvan tries his best to carry me when I hold my severe pain! Then, of course, I cast the Holy Sacrifice to him, so we both saved from that Dark Elves Magic Spell attack!"

Fenris yelled as loud as her father.

"What kind of Tanker Knight does that? Tanker Knight is the one who stays firm from the beginning until the end of their hunting on the Dungeon! You only use that for important Knight Invader and Knight Healer for the survival of the Raid Team to victory!"

"Should I repeat? It was chaos, dad! All Tanker Knights had already stumbled when the Dark Elves Magic Spell emerged and froze all of us! I know that skill is usually used for the condition you explained before. Still, at that time, it was an entirely different condition! All the Tanker Knight formations crumbled, and there's no reinforcement yet! All we can do is do anything we can to keep us surviving!"

"No! Casting a Holy Sacrifice is unnecessary in that condition! It had a huge risk of damaging your body, you know that?!"

"It's my decision, and I'm fully aware of that! If I'm not doing that, both me and Rezvan would get destroyed, you know!"

Man, I bring up the wrong topic that made the father and his daughter debate like this.

Fortunately, Mrs. Jumantara comes to help me put down this commotion.

"Dear… no more word from both of you. Please. This is a hospital, not a sparring room."

Mrs. Jumantara still smiling, but her tone is icy.

"You don't understand! I should teach her about-"

"Dear. No. More. Word."

Mrs, Jumantara's intense staring make Abimanyu shut his mouth for a while.

Probably, he doesn't make any noises before his wife gets enraged.

Fenris also do the same.

In the awkward silence, Mrs. Jumantara looks at me with her calming face.

"Sorry for the previous commotion, Rezvan. They usually fight over small things."

Mrs. Jumantara apologized politely.

"N-no… no problem, Mrs. Jumantara."

I replied sheepishly.

The moment I see Fenris in a glance, she's looking at me.

I try to let my hand go softly, but I don't know why my hands feel weak.

The warmth on her grasp is really comforting.

In that awkward situation, we look at each other without a word.

I don't understand what happened, but I couldn't take my eyes off her at that time.

It became strange when I saw Fenris's face blushing.

She throws her face but still holds my hand.

It's a silly and awkward silence that makes my heart beat slightly faster than before.

"Okay… how long are you going to stare at my daughter like that?"

Abimanyu warns me with cranky tones.

"O-oh…. right! I-I'm sorry, sir!"

I quickly release my hand from Fenris's holding.

Both I and Fenris become awkwardly silent without a word.

If I'm not aware of Abimanyu's warning first, I believe his fist of rage would go landed on my face.

"Speaking of which Fortress Dungeon… had you noticed something unique, Rezvan?"

Abimanyu asked me with a serious tone.

"Something unique, sir?"

I asked for conforming.

"Yeah… I am talking about the Mysterious Hero. You know the Mysterious Hero is the one who closed the Fortress Dungeon because the Dark Elves leader, considered the Dungeon Boss in there, is dead by him."

"Sorry, sir. I don't know about that."


"Yes, back then, I constantly ran while carrying Fenris to the safe place. I might hear the turmoil between the Dark Elves' leader and someone, but I'm not sure either."

I quickly create a story as believable as I can.

However, Abimanyu still stared at me intensely for digging into my story.

"You don't see that 'someone' who fights with the Dark Elves leader?"

"No… it's not clear. I am not even sure whether the Dark Elves leader is fighting a Knight."

"But you hear the magic spell recitation, right?"

"About that… I slightly hear it, but I don't know who said it. It might be the Dark Elves' leader or other monsters on the Fortress."

"You know there's another monster?"

"Yes, sir. Before the Raid Team Knight Tanker arrived in front of Fortress Gate, we saw other Halflings and Dark Elves who ride the dragons attacking us."

"I don't think those Halflings and Dark Elves who casting the Magic Spell, except the Dark Elves Leader. There's a high probability of someone who cast the Magic Spell, which I'm sure comes from the Mysterious Hero."

Man, Abimanyu is sharp as hell.

His sharpness is similar to Fenris.

I should speak my word more carefully before he managed to find my secret identity as a Magician.

"Dad, stop it. Are you investigating him?"

Fenris intervene with an annoyed face.

"What? I'm just asked him. He's the witness because he's in the Fortress Dungeon, right?"

Abimanyu defends himself.

"So do I, dad. But among surviving Knights and Carriers in the Fortress Dungeon, none of them directly see the Mysterious Hero. Even their body cam recorder is not showing anything regarding that."

"No, Fenris. I know there will be a clue to that. I'm assigned for searching the Mysterious Hero. The Mysterious Hero is on Knight' Association's eyes for a long time. Since the mysterious Hero is helping us close the Dungeon with amazing speed, we insist on finding him to cooperate with us."

Abimanyu's explanation indeed explains my curiosity over the notion of a 'Mysterious Hero' in society.

I hope people will be bored around one to two weeks later regarding that and move on to another story.

It would be more peaceful for me to hunt in the Dungeon if no one realized I was the Mysterious Hero.

Besides that, it would be problematic for me to kill any witnesses because Amdarais' don't want any human to know my secret identity.

"Then, have you seen your body cam recorder, Rezvan? Have you noticed suspicious in there?"

Abimanyu continues to ask me a question like he's in the middle of interviewing a suspect of murder.

"Dad, stop it. Rezvan only doing his job as a carrier at the Fortress Dungeon. The Knight Association is not giving a body cam recorder for them, only for Knights."

Saved by Fenris's intervention, once again.

Hopefully, Abimanyu will stop asking me a lot of questions before I'm not having an idea for making a 'story' to avoid suspicion.

"Ah, right. I just remembered that. Anyway, next question. Do you-"

"Excuse me…"

Abimanyu stopped his question after the nurse barely came to Fenris's hospital room.

The nurse looks at us while showing her watch.

"Pardon my intrusion, but the visiting hours are over. So you guys should leave and let the patient rest."

I felt relieved when I heard the nurse come at the right time.

Now I have a reason for leaving immediately.

"Fenris, please have a good rest. Hope you back stronger and healthier."

I said it to Fenris as my farewell.

"Sure, thanks for coming, Rezvan. I just need one day of bed rest because I'm already recovered. Send my regards to Citra and Selena."

Fenris smiled while lying on the bed.

After a slight bow to the Abimanyu and Mrs. Jumantara as a farewell, I quickly leave the room.

I know Abimanyu calling me like he wants to continue his investigation, but I'm pretending not to hear it.

I had more important to do with Venharice's Noble Family.