

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
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79 Chs

Infiltrate Mission (III)

Chapter 62 Infiltrate Mission (III)


The sound of heavy steps coming into Vaeral and me from every side.

It's not one or two people, but a dozen Guardians come toward us quickly.

"Surrender, infiltrator!"

The shouting of Guardians from the north and south becomes louder than ever, along with their running step.

Despite all those ruckuses, Vaeral and I grasp the hidden pendant of Venharice's Talisman, then strengthen our concentration for preparing the Great Water Magic Spell Casting.

'I need to be stronger.'

The core message to reach the Miracle of Venharice's Talisman had been spoken deep in our hearts as a sign that the recitation is completed.

As The Blue Aura of our Soul's Spirit emerges quickly on our body, the sense from the Soul's Spirit grows stronger until we can grasp the string of initially invisible magic around us.

Vaeral and I are closing our eyes to focus the senses of Souls Spirit, identifying the vibration that comes from the strings of magic that lead us to the untouchable core of the Venharice's Talisman.

The sounds of the Guardians' steps and their threatening and unsheathing sword feel faint since we are giving all our attention to sulk more into the Miracle.

As the magic strings felt like they pulled something into us, the water magic emerged from the other side of the ground, creating a giant water ball covering us without feeling breathless.

The giant water ball becomes larger since a lot of groundwater flows to it.

"Froze it!"

One of Dark Elves' Guardians shouted his order toward dozens of other guardians.

They took the Magical Blue Gemstones from their pocket and threw them to the giant water ball while reciting the Ice Magic Spell.

"Silent for the sake of wisdom

Quiet for the grace of Arcane

Stop the unstoppable

Let us contemplate, o Majestic Ice!"

The icicle wind breeze on the giant water ball, gradually making it stop flowing since it froze because of the cold ice.

However, it is just a second until the giant water ball forcefully continues its flow and makes some frozen water turn back into the water.

The flow of Giant Water Ball circling fast, filled with the fragments of blue Aura that emerged from Vaeral's and my Soul's Spirit.

A few minutes passed, and we finally sensed 'something' that we couldn't see, but we believed the magical string pulled our hand on that.

The 'Mysterious Souls,' formed like an abstract human, grasped back Vaeral and my hand to ask our determination.

As we grasp it more firmly to accept 'the revolution,' the Miracle of Honor of Conquest had been activated.

The dozens of blue aura fragments quickly spread into thousands of pieces that scatter like a blazing blue flame on the sea of water.

From there, Vaeral and I already know that the Miracle is now in our grasp.

"Let the earth groundless

As we see fit

Let the Soul flawless

As it evokes the necessity"

Soon we finished our recitation; the Giant Water Ball now spread into a tremendous tsunami that flooded every tunnel in the cave, making all those Guardians' rage shout into a scream of fear.

All Guardians can't escape the swiftness of the tsunami tossing around their body and suffocating them with the water pressure endlessly.

Despite the Guardians getting tossed around inside the great wave of the sea that flooded the cave, Vaeral and I are the only ones who can swim swiftly under the wave without getting tossed around by the strong water flow because the Miracle had protected us from it.

We swim following the flow of water until we arrived at the north edge that is closed by the iron door.

The iron door held the water flooding on the tunnel connected to the top of the mountain.

Still, it was not strong enough to face its pressure until it gradually cracked and broke.


The great tsunami quickly flooded the uphill tunnel toward the top of the mountain, bringing a lot of Guardians, and some Miners who were dead because they suffocated under the flood.

Since the uphill tunnel is enormously vast, it took time for the great tsunami to fill it up until it created a way for us to reach the temple at the top.

We swim up to the surface and stand on the water's surface, using our water magic to prepare ourselves in case there are any Guardians left near the path.

"It's not over yet, Rezvan. Stay alert."

Vaeral warned me while looking at the top of the uphill tunnel, approximately half a mile left to go there.

I replied with a nod since I was still focusing on my sensing.

From what I sense, there's no movement at the top of the uphill tunnel.

I looked around, and there were only dozens of Guardian corpses floating that had not given any sign that they were still alive.

Hopefully, it's a good sign that the Guardian is no longer tackling our way, so we can focus on releasing Raenisa from the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell.

But I realize that hopeful thinking is just a dream because I sense murderous intent that emerges suddenly from the above.

I and Vaeral senses aim toward five halflings who marched near the narrow path on the top of the uphill tunnel.

They are both in the middle of recitation magic spells.

One thing that took Vaeral and my attention was the spear with an iron rod flying above those five halflings.

The spear gradually vibrates with an emerging blue Aura, followed by the five halflings' recitation still in process.

"What?! It can't be!"

Vaeral glared with trembling body when he saw the iron spear above those halflings.

"What's the matter, Vaeral?!"

I asked while preparing myself to cast a magic spell to counter any plan those Halflings try to do.

"It's the Yinleth's Miracle Talisman, Rezvan! The Pride of Subjugation Spear! Be careful!"

Amdarais' sudden warning made me realize it's an extraordinary weapon with Miracle.

How the hell those Halflings had it?

Are they capable of using Miracles?

Looking at the blue Aura that shines brightly, it's proof they could utilize the Miracle on it.

"Vaeral! Stop the casting!"

I said it while aiming my right palm toward the halflings.

"Yeah, right!"

Vaeral stopped his trembling and aimed at the same target.

The water around us flowed uphill seconds after that like a forced torrent that could blast all those Halflings.

Unfortunately, the great magic barrier covering all five of our water torrents was immediately blocked.

Even the magic barrier is gradually cracked; the miracle recitation of that Iron Spear had finished since it became a blue icicle iron spear.

"Thrust toward the Limitless

Even if it would be our downfall

Thud along the Soul

Even if it removes everything."

The icicle iron spear quickly flew toward the water's surface as the recitation finished.

Vaeral and I instantly jumped back for evading the icicle iron spear that struck through the water's surface until it felt like exploding.

Still, in the end, everything becomes frozen.

The water, the tunnel, the wall, and even the air, feel become an icicle.

While holding the breezing wind of ice, we see the blue icicle spear stuck in the center of the frozen ground.

The blue Aura on that blue Icicle Spear still emerged, creating a magical barrier covering it from anything that would damage it.

Vaeral and I are still silent on the fact that our Miracle of Venharice's Talisman is getting blocked by the Miracle of Yinleth's Spear.

How the hell do they know our strategy?

It's just too damn perfect for them to counter our ambush like this.

It becomes despair, but I won't give up.

"Destroy the Icicle Spear! It would remove this damn Ice Spell, right?!"

I shouted at Vaeral with intense staring.

Vaeral understood my intention and aimed his right palm at the spear.

"Got it! Focus on-"

Before Vaeral finished his word, 'something' giant barely stomped on the frozen water surface, almost making it entirely cracked.

It took time for me to look clearly at the Giant that had just landed and punch its own chest while screaming its anger.

It's a giant White Gorilla covered with many blue magic fragments.

Its blue eyes stare at us with fully murderous intent.


The Giant Gorilla screamed again that almost my and Vaeral's ears went deaf.

As I sensed calmly using my Soul's Spirit, I could sense the five halflings inside that Giant Gorilla were concentrating on their magic spell to maintain their Mystical Beast.

Vaeral is aware of the threat from this Mystical Beast, but he has already cast the shooting stars toward the Miracle Spear.

Even the shooting stars are fast as hell, and the Giant Gorilla easily guards the spear with his own body.


The Giant Gorilla screamed in pain, but it was not making him fall.

I can't fathom how that Mystical Beast managed to survive for holding dozens of shooting stars from Vaeral.

It becomes worse since Vaeral's Soul's Strike is not reached even once to hit the Miracle Spear.

If that stupidly giant Gorilla wants to hold all our magic casting, then let me take this challenge.

I'll show you the incredible magic of my Soul's Spirit!