
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasi
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57 Chs

The Result Announcement

"Why would it start now when an interesting show was about to happen." Idan said with a disgust look on his face. He already knew the students didn't know Gary was with them, that's why they want to attack him there. They won't dare to do it if the students knew they were together.

"Hey, you have to be careful, if not, you will lose your weapon to them." Temmy said as they all moved back waiting for the result announcement.


While Idan and others were asking Gary if he will train with them, five men in yellow robe had entered the hall with fifty small clear bags in their hand. They bowed down to the head generals and handed the bags to the sergeants around.

A few things were discussed among the head generals before asking the sergeants to arrange the bags at the front in a rectangular shape. After that was done, head general Francis stood up and clapped his hand for the students to go silent.

"Alright, the result announcement will start now." Head general Francis said. "This first set who hunts in the northern forest should move to the right while the second set who hunts at the eastern forest should move to the left side." Head general Francis said and they all did as they were told.

"Now, the group leaders of each group in the first set should come forward." About fifty students walk forward, some were excited while some had their heads down, a long flat wood was handed to Head general Francis by one of the sergeants.

"Here are the rules. If your name was called, move to the right side of the stage and look for the bag with your name written on it and bring it back here. You must not take other people's bag because it's what your group have gathered will be recorded and taking others' will result in a grave punishment." He explained everything to them.

They were to take the bag that their beasts' core was inside to the front of the stage and put it besides one of the small clear bags at the front, they were told that the small bags will count and display the number of beasts' core they have gathered.

After that, the head general told them how points will be awarded. A level 1 beast core gives a reward of 2 points. If a group has a total of 1 beast core, then the 2 points will be shared among the high-ranking students in the group, but if they are of the same rank, the reward will be given to the person who kill the beast or has the last hit on the beast or to their group leader.

The high-ranking students in any group will be awarded more of the points than the low-ranking students, because they believe the high-ranking students do most of the work. If a group has 15 beasts' core in total which is equal to 30 points, if the group has one student ranked above the others, 10 points will be granted to the students while remaining 20 points will be shared among the others equally.

The points awarded will be added to their school activity to be promoted to the second year, and the points will also be added to their rank. A group with no beast core will be awarded zero points and remain in the same rank they were.

"Hope everyone understood the rules." General Francis asked and the students replied, some were already cursing their group members while some were blaming themselves for joining useless groups.

"If you know you have no beast core, you should move out of the line now." He said.

A rank H student walked out with his head facing down as he couldn't take the humiliation; other students were looking at him like they were about to swallow him. He's the only student who had move out of the group, even the students ranked below him were still there.

"I feel pity for him."

"Maybe he grouped up with some low-ranking trash."

Other students were saying different words as he moves back.

After grouping up with his group, the students were surprised that the student grouped with him were all rank H students, so why did they not have any beast core, did they not hunt at all.

These are the same set of people who had encountered the level 4 wolf with other low-ranking students.

"Alright, I think we are good to go." General Francis said as no one else had come out but some of them had their head downward. "Okolie Martha." He called out.

A short brown-haired girl with a soft doll like face had come out, she had a short bow by her side and arrows on her back, she moves to the right corner of the stage and come back with a bag which had her name written on it, dropping it besides one of the small clear bags, the bag lit up and a big number was displayed on it. The number started from zero and was increasing, till it stopped at number 20.

"40 points." Head general Francis shouted for everybody to hear.

One of the sergeants collected the bag from her and was asked to bring out her group members, they were taken to the large table where other head generals were sitting and point was awarded to them, they were all rank M and O students, so the rank M among them got higher points than others, Martha and a dark skin boy were the only rank M students. They were given back the beasts' core but 5% was taking out as it was said before.

It continues with the same process but apart from the first group that was called, none of the others had up to 20 beasts' core in the bag. They were all coming with 5 to 10 beasts' core.

"Apala Teri."

A fair-haired boy with a curvy face came out, moving to the right corner of the stage, he came back with the same bag the other students were bringing out with his name written on it. 

The bag has been changed, the bag given to them before the assessment was a tight elasticity bag which the quantity of the content inside can easily be guess by others, but the one they were bringing out now is a brown large baggy bag, and they were all the same size. This was because the tight elasticity which has the content inside was placed in the large baggy bag.

Placing the bag besides one of the clear bags, the number started rising up and stopped at 30.

"60 points." General Francis shouted.

"Wow, that's the highest number so far."

"I think his group will rank up to F."

"Maybe they're the one with the highest number."

"Hey, can't you see Blake's group is still there."

"Yes, they might be the second highest and Blake's group first."

"What about that short boy with those girls."

"Do you think they will be the highest, they have 2 rank S lower class in their group, so how do you want them to have the highest number."

"Yes, they have the lowest chance."

They were all having different opinions as which group will have the highest number, and the two rated groups were Blake's group and Teri's group. Teri's group already had 30, so they were wondering if Blake and is group will surpass them or not.

"Does this people think we have a chance against Blake's group." A blonde hair girl besides Teri asked.

"They are comparing us with those demons, it's not just possible to best them with 30 core.


"Look at this people." Jake said to the other three besides him, Blake was already at the front as their group leader.

"It's quite funny, they're comparing us to those trashes with just 30 beasts' core." The boy by his right side replied.

"It's really funny, I can't see who can best us here." Jake said.

Blake's group were the one who had wasted the least of their energy during the assessment, apart from Blake himself who had used his power to kill the beasts while others just extract the core.