
The Supreme Cultivator

Kai Chen, a pseudo cultivator meets his end while facing his only arch-enemy, the Immortal Asura dragon, and his three Divine Asura beasts. When he thought everything was over, he regained consciousness as an heir of the small commoner clan. Soon he realized that he gained many things which he didn't have in his previous life. Follow him on his adventures journey to becoming the world's strongest cultivator. My English is not that great so please do bear with me. ——————————— 1 chapter every day please show some support and leave a review! Picture cover is not mine credit goes to its maker.

Daoistgod · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

C18. Medicine Palace's Elders

The Medicine Palace has always welcomed new deals and ideas to expand their business, and could beat the hall of seven poison. The hall of seven poisons was just a branch of the main seven poisons that reside in the Wind-gaze Kingdom. The hall of seven poison had opened its branches in all four kingdoms for greater profit, the same goes for the medicine Palace.

All four kingdoms allowed them as they were getting profit from this too and there was also fair competition in the market, but the war between them for business just got more fierce with time.

So when the elders heard about this business deal they got excited, it's been so long since they do some profitable business.

"Sir, May we know what business this might be?" The female elder named Su Chang inquired noncommittally. She was the second elder in the medicine Palace and was not immature in business deals, she didn't reveal her excitement on her face. She wouldn't rashly agree to something before gaining a full understanding of this person's background.

"I have a pill recipe here, one that has been lost since ancient times." Kai Feng didn't bother with small talk and cut straight to the chase. He knew how far he could go with his act.

"I won't sell this recipe, I want you to only share the profits... Fifty percent! you will be in charge of the ingredients and selling, I'll also hold ownership." Kai Feng said his heart was beating like crazy. The negotiation was just too but that's how Kai Chen told him to negotiate. Holding ownership and asking for a fifty percent split, this was asking for a lot.

Even if it was an exclusive pill recipe, it wasn't as if the medicine palace had never seen it before. Kai Feng was really demanding far too much. A 50/50 split, this was a sheer robbery.

"Heh, the medicine Palace has seen our share of pill recipe trade before. We've always bought out the previous owner, and have no precedent for sharing profits. And not to mention the fact that we bear the costs of refining and selling. This fifty percent split is… it really is too unreasonable, Let's just end this deal..."

"Third elder please wait!" The second elder stopped him.

"Sir, May I take a look at the recipe first?" The second elder didn't shut down the negotiation, but it was obvious that she also wasn't too enthused. As for perusing the recipe, she did so out of a sense of professional curiosity as an alchemist.

"You can take a look, but I'm just afraid you won't be able to comprehend it. Here, you can have a look. I have the refining method anyway, and I've left out some of the most important steps to refine it. Feel free to go through it, but don't even think about stealing it." Kai Feng passed the note to the second elder.

The second elder felt somewhat irritated, she was in the 3rd layer of the spirit realm, was an 4th tier alchemist for over a decade, and saw countless of pill recipes how could she not comprehend this recipe.

The second elder took the recipe, glanced at it she slightly creased his brow. What the heck was this?

How was this a pill recipe that had been lost for ages? A regular piece of paper, ordinary handwriting… his first impression was that this was a scam.

If you wanted to counterfeit an ancient pill recipe, at least try to make it look like authentic paper. did he think everyone's a fool in the medicine palace?

This counterfeit seriously lacked effort. Did he intend to use the dragon medallion to swindle the Medicine palace?

The two elders also looked at the recipe with odd expressions on their faces. Their gazes met, and both could read "This is a scam" in each other's eyes.

The third elder took another glance at the recipe and scrutinized it again. Her brow furrowed, "The White sun pill. I've never heard of this pill."

"It's a pill recipe from ancient times. Isn't it normal that you haven't heard of it? If you have, would it still be a long-lost recipe?" Kai Feng calmly wet his lips with a sip of tea. But from inside he was totally shaken, the elders in the medicine palace were well-versed in alchemy if they don't recognize the recipe then how can he prove its authenticity. Did he make a mistake? Has his son fooled him?

He put the teacup and lid onto the table with one smooth movement.

"You've seen the recipe now but can't recognize its true value. There will be others who can. I know your thoughts. You're thinking that the handwriting on this paper looks newly written and that it's a fake. But I have the original paper put in a safe place. This recipe is from that piece of paper." Kai Feng managed the situation.

"If you understood, you wouldn't need any more words of explanation. If you didn't, then it would make no difference if I talked till morning. Hence, I won't bother you anymore. Good day." Although Kai Feng spoke with a free and easy attitude, his heart was pounding like a drum.

This was his final scheme, playing hard to get. Pretending to be a deep character, faking carefreeness.

If they didn't fall for it, then he was really out of ideas.

"Ai. If you are unwilling to believe me then I should go to the Hall of seven poisons. I hope that the hall of seven poisons recognizes the value of this recipe."

Kai Feng displayed flagging interest as he carelessly stood up and prepared to leave. The third elder felt Kai Feng was a bit mysterious to dare to say the hall of seven poisons is better than the medicine palace without caring about the outcome.

If their guest left empty-handed just like this, that meant the medicine palace had faced an invisible slap on their face. But seeing Kai Feng's confidence they didn't feel offended.

The elders looked at each other, for some reason they felt that if they let this guest go like this, the medicine would be losing out on something.

The third elder's curiosity peaked, and she called out, "Sir, please hold your steps! My Palace's lord is busy refining pills, he will come out from his room in just a few days. Although I do not know this pill, perhaps he would…"

"Ah! Just forget it. Chance and luck wait for no one. I came to the medicine palace on a whim today. I don't have the patience to wait a few days for you. Who would have thought that the great medicine palace would not have a single person who can recognize the value of this recipe. What a shame, what a pity. Sigh...." Kai Feng let out his faked sigh of disappointment. He progressed through retreating, and stepped up his game of playing hard to get.

The third elder and two elders had nothing to say in response and wanted to strangle this Kai Feng who was just insulting their medicine Palace, even big and wealthy families wouldn't dare to say anything against the medicine Palace. But this Kai Feng was treating them like a bunch of fools if it wasn't for the Golden medallion that they were giving face to him, they would have killed him the second he insulted the medicine palace.

They started to discuss how to deal with this matter, when a cold snort pierced the hallway. A haughty voice penetrated strongly through the air, "What is going on here? Why are all of you wasting time here?" It was the grandmaster of the medicine Palace.