

Kyle, an average anime enthusiast was struck by a lightning bolt and died. before he died however he heard a voice telling him that he can choose anything he wants to be. With a crazy gleam in his eyes he said "Finnaly!, I want to be the SUPREME BEING" A being that has all the power related things in the world multiplied by infinity. Watch the tale of this literall god as he enjoys the glorious wonders of the multi-verse.

uknown_entity · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Having fun.


"Shoot oh my god those planets keep on exploding, I have to do something and fast , oh wait.

"Systeme show me some abilities that can controll the amount of power I release.

Power controlling skills:

Ki controll.

The ability to controll you ki [Dragon ball]


Create a field that can block and contain anything at will.[Juijutsu kaisen]

The bald man's animosity.

Contain your power within you just like a certain bald man[One punch man]

Heavy clothing:

Clothing soo heavy, your power only focuses on actually supporting you.[Naruto]

[150 more]

"Mhm I think I will choose Limitless. I also want to be like Saturo Gojo who can slow down attacks to the point where they can not even touch him".



An invisible aura expanded from him cutting of the power that was exuded from him.

"Man now that I really look at the destruction of caused I can defiantly say I am the supreme being now. System show me one good ability that can helpe revert all of the damage I did."


An ability showcased by whis to Revert al damages done by a person [Dragon ball]

Specific tool; Angels staff.

"Summon angel staff"


A long and elegant staff apeatd in Kyle's hand.



With that all of the planets were restored.

"Now that I have done that what should I do? Yes i got it if there was one thing I hates about Eastern novels it's that they always had those annoying young masters, that were always determined to ruin the main characters path. Let's visit one of this first."

"Systeme can I have the ability of instant transmission"

Granted host.

"Perfect thank you"

Kyle then instant teleprted to a random Eastern novel world amd entered jt.

"OK now I am here. Now where can I find a young master?"

"Hey you there can't you see that you are in the presence of the third young master of the Zhou family and what are those clothes you are wearing, kneel!"

"Oh man this is going to look really awkward I am still wearing the burtn pyjams I was wearing when I was struck by lightning, and why is this occarance so cliche it almost seem like I attracted his attention."

"Well it is going to be really fun to embarrass him."